Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Psychic Forecast May

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Horoscope Forecast May 2024

FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For May 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of May and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-may/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/capricorn-horoscopepowerful-tarot-yearly-2024-forecast/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re calling in all your guides and mentors with my guides and mentors to bring in today’s message remember Capricorn if it doesn’t resonate with you please release the energy and check your moon and your ascendant sign as there may be a message for you there we’re going to go through two oracles and the tarot to bring you the message that we have for you for May 2024 so let’s see what we have for Capricorn what energies do we have for Capricorn please oh no too many Capricorn please if you hear snoring in the background is just my little dog he’s sleeping beside me and brings beautiful energy into our readings so let’s see what energies we have love self love Capricorn in May selflove is going to be important understanding who you are the value you have within the value you bring to others and understanding your importance in your circle of friends in your family in your in your goals in your dreams how much you are capable of so self love is going to be super important in May and that may be anything that comes up in May for you knowing who you are your value your opinions your your determination is going to be valuable in

May blossoming anything that you believe in you will turn into gold it’s like when you’ve got selflove and you know who you are there is no stopping you Capricorn here that’s a master number 33 you’ve got gifts and knowledge an experience that you can help or do anything you want you can help others you can do whatever it is that you dream of you’ve just got to have the self-love self-belief and self-determination to know that you can blossom in any situation you know the energy that I get here Capricorn is someone who’s lost themselves a little bit who has doubted their capabilities of late look at that realization it’s you realizing that you make the world you live in and what I mean by that is you can choose to stay in the dark you can choose to stay where you are or you can make a huge decision to explore what’s there what’s out there for you you can make that choice of do I stay where I am or do I explore to bigger and better

platforms that I can achieve you giving yourself the self love and realizing your capabilities and that you’re not something small here Capricorn sometimes we limit our our our being because we think small we think we’re only capable of achieving small all things but when you expand your mind and you understand who you are as a person what you have to offer the growth that you’ve been through the experiences the knowledge you’ve gained you’ll understand that you are bigger than what you imagine and you’re going to realize that there’s a whole world out there for you to explore there’s a whole world out there that wants to know what you have to

offer the minute you think outside that little square that someone put you in or someone made you believe you belong there the minute you break out of that little box that you’ve been put in your world

expands pleasure it’s time Capricorn it’s time to find the pleasure and the beauty of what life has to offer it’s the end of a cycle of you believing you’re only capable of a certain amount of things you’re only allowed to have certain amount of things you’re only allowed to go to there and that’s it you’re only allowed to have that and that’s it this is you understanding how powerful you can be when you release when you release what you were made to believe when you release what you were taught for some of you here it’s like you’ve got a fear of not trying new things because you’ve got a fear of failure you have a fear of not being able to achieve certain things because you’re scared that it’s not going to work

out and here they’re saying to you Capricorn it’s time to get out of that fear it’s now time for you to let go of past the past that held you back the past that said you were not

capable people situations that made you lose yourself and doubt yourself into being being who you came here to be

it’s a wakeup call here Capricorn the universe wants you to realize realize realization how powerful and big you truly are the capabilities that you have to open any door you want for some of you you’re living in a sheltered life with so much to offer and so much to give give but you’re afraid to leave what you know to bring out into the world what you’ve got to

offer what did I just say the voice The Voice look at that number six your voice in May is going to bring you stability you your voice you expanding your voice to other people to situations to people that want to hear what you’ve got to say learn from you is going to be extraordinary Capricorn May is going to be the month that you need to voice your opinions voice your knowledge voice what you believe in Voice who you are through self-love knowing who you are your voice is going to be heard and it they give us a Sak in the voice because everyone knows the minute a Sak starts singing that everyone knows that’s a Sakara and I feel he Capricorn that you’ve got the capability to create something that everybody is going to know who you are you’ve got capabilities to expand your voice into the world with all the knowledge and experience that you’ve gained you just need to believe that you’re capable you need to believe that you’re powerful six and six look up angel 66 they’re both six cards there’s no it’s not a mistake here this is I needed to bring you this message so you can get out of that little box that someone put you in that your limitation you you may even put yourself in that box you’re limiting your capabilities through fear or

insecurities amen look at that release release the inner power and Inner Strength determination knowledge experience that you have within when you release Who You Are what you know and what you are capable of your life begins to Blossom you’re a volcano ready to erupt Capricorn I have the energy here that I’ve got a Capricorn who is about to bust through this little box that someone put you in you may have done that yourself through self- sabotage not believing in your yourself not believing you’re capable not believing that you have things to share with

others you’re a volcano ready to erupt the minute you release what’s inside you through your knowledge your experience your thoughts your voice your world begins to Blossom some of you may be a singer some of you may be a teacher some of you may be a podcast have a be great to do a podcast some of you may create a YouTube channel teaching people how to do certain things but there’s going to be a huge need for what you

know what’s the realization what have we got here here for Capricorn adaptability look at this it’s like your stability will come to you and you will see the light shine through when you realize there’s a huge world out there that you haven’t explored there is something here that you need to do Capricorn and may is going to be the month that you need to explore that you need to explore what it is that you know or can do that you’re not sharing with others it’s going to invol involve your voice it’s you expanding into the world with what you have that’s what’s going to bring you success when you adapt adapt to What You Know Who You Are

people are going to want more you’re going when you adapt to what you have to offer that’s what makes the difference here it’s you realizing that you’ve got so much more to offer than what you imagine or let yourself to believe you do does that make sense to anybody here are you holding back on a gift that you have are you holding back on knowled know that you can share are you holding back on how powerful you can be because you were always taught that you stay within your limits you stay within your ground you stay in this little place that doesn’t allow you to be more

this card says it all Capricorn your vision needs to be higher don’t limit yourself to small don’t allow yourself or others to put you in this little box that you don’t belong in you need to take the Eagle Vision of thinking big

looking at things in a different perspective looking at the world and what it has to offer you the minute you take a different vision of where you want to be how you can get there and having pleasure along the way you’re allowed to have fun you’re allowed to conquer in anything you dreamt of look at this and this card is showing itself look it’s like you’re in this cave the dark look and the realization you’re going to realize that you’ve limited yourself or you’ve let other people limit you from being who you came here to be you’re limited by not doing what you want not sharing your

gift you’ve got so much more to offer Capricorn believe and

release believe and release take a different look on life take a different Outlook and allow your yourself to Fly Fly Like an

Eagle Fly Like an Eagle

Capricorn pleasure will

follow I’m speaking to a Capricorn that has either L that has not grown to their full potential not gained as much as they could have due to limitations due to fear due to [Music]

self-doubt what else have we got for Capricorn

please the youth A New Beginning a new way of seeing things let your inner child out that child that’s inside you that had dreams that had aspirations that didn’t have any limits that wanted to conquer everything that wanted to have fun that had this huge dream let that inner child out connect with what you truly want

look at things from a from a a child’s point of view they’re Never Scared they don’t think about consequences they want if they want to create if they want to sing they do it if they want to dance they do it and they’re not afraid of what other people are going to think other people’s opinions they just do what they came here to do they came they just do what they feel their heart and soul wants to

do the

journey it’s now time to change the path of your journey you’ve done it a certain way all this time and that hasn’t allowed you to be who you want to be who you are or hasn’t allowed you to share what you know experiences you want to

experience Now’s the Time to change the path of your journey May is going to give you this urge to be someone new have someone new experience someone something new be the person you dreamt of being and along the way you lost yourself you lost your dreams you lost your

drive the king of water the king of water is about love about sharing about nurturing someone who’s very in touch with their feelings with their with their quality with what they’re worth they know they worth they know they can love they know they deserve love they know they deserve more go with your heart go with your heart and listen to your Soul and Spirit it wants more go and do what you came here to do go and have fun go and see the world from a different

perspective go and do things that you haven’t done before Capricorn May is going to urge you to look at life in a different way

I hope that makes sense to somebody here this card wants to pop through knowledge look at that it’s not a mistake teach what you know teach what you’ve learned teach and use your voice to teach

others your secret to Pro Prosperity here Capricorn is going to be about you giving the love feeling the love and being the love and sharing what you

know hope this makes sense to somebody here lots of love and light Capricorn thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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