Leo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast For April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free LEO Horoscopes | 0 comments

Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 4 2024

FREE Monthly Leo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Leo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Leo Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/leo-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-for-april-2024/

and horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Leo thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring you your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days and let uh let me know in the comments um Leo if this makes sense to you communicate with me in the comments as I respond to all comments let me know if this is you in this reading also if you know of anybody that needs to hear this Reading Please pass it to them share to your family and friends so they get to hear the video as well okay Leo please Leo energies for Leo please energies for

Leo be fearless and bold be fearless and bold lose the fear goe on head on Leo what what are we going reclaim your power wow you’re on a mission

Leo know your worth look at that oh the energy is huge here

huge you’re not pulling any embrace the in between

slow and steady wins the race look at that Leo do you know what I have here the energy that is here and the reason I was saying it’s so big is because you’re going to put someone in their place very quickly and what I mean by that is you need to know who you you are your worth you’re going to reclaim your power and it’s saying go head to head if you have to but don’t let anybody take advantage of you don’t let anybody make you feel uneasy knowing your worth is above all else and when you know how valuable you are nobody crosses that line it’s like you’re going to to you may encounter some someone in your family a partner a child I don’t know who you’re dealing with here but it’s going to be someone that tests your patience that tries to manipulate you or tries to behave in a very conniving way and you’re not going to have any of that you’re going to go head-to-head with your who you are with your opinion and how it makes you feel you’re not going to allow people to treat you in the way that they feel they should or could you know who you are so you’re not going to put up with anybody’s rubbish you’re not going to deal with people or situations that make you feel uneasy and question question who you

are you are very aware of who you are and reclaiming your power is putting your foot down and saying no no more will I allow you to treat me that way or speak to me that way or behave in that

manner know your

worth embrace the in between and slow and steady wins the race this and be peace look at that it’s like your you’re you might be doing something right now Leo and it’s say whatever you’re doing it’s okay to not have hit your target yet or your goal or your dream yet don’t worry about how long it’s taking just keep doing what you’re doing because everything comes comes to victory at the end it does it’s not how fast you get there it’s enjoying the ride to the end so it’s not about speed it’s not about conquering something overnight there’s no learning in that there’s no satisfaction in that there’s no gratification in that usually the things we really need to work hard for and we go through some ups and downs is are the things that we appreciate more at the end when everything’s easy nothing’s enjoyable and unfortunately we it’s not that we’re asking for things to be hard but it’s enjoying the ride it’s being present it’s it’s conquering every obstacle that the presents itself and put no pressure on having to conquer something quickly don’t put pressure on yourself about wanting to be somewhere at a certain time because like it says slow and steady wins the race the other thing here you’re going to find your peace your

Tranquility just be patient with

yourself just be

patient okay let’s see what else we have does that resonate with anybody

here okay let’s see what else have we got for Leo please

Leo your abundance is coming Leo your abundance is coming and you know something else this also this also could be that you’re competing with someone or about something or you’re trying to achieve a certain Target and they’re saying keep going don’t give up be fearless and bold think outside the square do what you need to do don’t be afraid to speak up don’t be afraid to show who you are because of other people around you do it in a do it and be true to who you are don’t be afraid don’t be afraid to show your abundance don’t be afraid to show your presence your worth Your vitality your your passion

you’re you’re very abundant you’ve got a lot of knowledge n a lot to share with others Ace of Wands there is no stopping you it’s not time to stop now look at that reclaim your power which is 44 which is a master number and here the Ace of Wands it’s time to go Leo don’t be scared don’t be scared to approach people put people in their place achieve what you want it’s time now to go for

it fearless and bold that’s what we

need you have a lot of prosperity and abundance with you you just need to share it look at that know your worth for someone here you’re going to leave a situation A group of people or even a partner that doesn’t treat you the way that they should treat you you knowing your worth will make you walk away because you’re going to say to yourself I deserve better than this I deserve more than this in this

situation look at that you’re going to start something new something that you’ve always wanted to and although it’s a slow start it’s going to be a great start because you’ve got it you’re putting action into it you’re moving forward with something you’re beginning something that you love and you know you’ve got this and don’t worry about how fast it’s going to move or don’t worry if it takes you time to establish it and get it right the point is that you’re actioning something that is important to you you’re beginning something new something prosperous something amazing [Music] results may not come overnight but they’re going to

come Justice you will find your balance you will find your place your purpose your reason it’s by no mistake look at the Chariot there there is no which way to go except forward Leo whatever you’re thinking of whatever you’re doing move away from people that are negative in your life go and Chase those dreams those goals know your worth and know that you can conquer anything you put your mind

to you are capable of achieving anything you

want Leo please

ace of cups look at that give yourself the love that you deserve along the way share the prosperity with others you’ve got a lot a lot to give others for someone here as well it’s you finding your abundance not only financially but in your love as well for some of you you may be in a beautiful job and you meet the most beautiful person in this place or or during your business contacts or interactions allow yourself to be fearless and be bold be make a presence own your space and don’t be afraid don’t be afraid that’s what they want you to know here

Leo look at the emperor my Lord Leo reclaim your power look at that whatever you do you are going to conquer whatever you do you are going to be in control you’re going to master it you’re going to own

it there is no question here if you were questioning here about should I start this new project is it going to work am I going to be good enough absolutely those of you in a relationship that you’re leaving a relationship because they obviously don’t know your worth you’re leaving and you’re leaving there is no two ways about it you are leaving murky Waters a murky relationship a toxic relationship h a place that doesn’t bring you happiness a group of people that no longer deserve to be part of your life because you are worth more than that what they’ve put you through you are better than that what this person has put you through you will not put up with

anymore what else have we

got the hangman just plan right now plan your life out where you want to be in 2 years time 3 years Time 5 years time what’s important to you what excites you when you want to be who you are really who you are and what your expectations are Now’s the Time to plan to put yourself in the mindset of I need to plan where I want to be I want to plan what’s going to excite me I want to plan where I want to go what I want to do it’s about you it’s about you planning for

you and underneath protect yourself if you have to protect yourself from outside forces that no longer bring you any positivity protect yourself from those around you who are only sucking out your energy and and being a a burden rather than help protect yourself from negative energies negative circumstances situations move away from anything that doesn’t Prosper or bring bring you positive positivity into your life it’s you protecting yourself from outside forces outside people outside energies and here you’re going to find your peace in your energy you’re going to find your paace and your

meaning look at that new moon in your sign shine that’s what you stand for Leo shine shine just shine your time to shine that’s what the heading is going to be it’s your time to shine see the bigger picture keep focused on where you you want to get to and it doesn’t matter how long you take to get there remember enjoy the journey understand the purposes and the reasons for things that happen along the way but when you get there you’re going to appreciate it and have all this gratitude that you wouldn’t have had had it been quicker so see the bigger picture every obstacle that presents itself you’ve got it you’re you’re the emperor you are the emperor you’re capable you’re knowledgeable you’ve got the experience you’re

centered and on the bottom take a reality check remember we said that it’s time for you to plan distance yourself from others and everything set boundaries and protect yourself and really delve deep into what is it that I truly want who am I

truly what excites me look at that the Queen of Wands taking control of who you are this is you Leo it’s a fire card it’s passion it’s excitement it’s control it’s power taking your power back don’t let anybody never tell you you’re not strong enough you’re not strong enough you’re not worthy you’re not

valuable you are amazing remember

that Leo I hope that this can reach to somebody that really needs to hear this because you are powerful and you need to know that lots of love and light your way thank you so much for being here bye-bye


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