Virgo Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast for April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 4 2024

FREE Weekly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for April Week 4 2024. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Virgo thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and psychics today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and we’re going to start off with some energy cards then we’re going to go into the reading Virgo if this res resonates with you leave comments in the in the comments below as I love to hear how you feel about the reading and if it resonates I’d love to hear that um as well and I always respond so please feel free to comment and let me know also if you have friends or family that need to hear this please pass it on to them okay energy for Virgo please what energy do we have for Virgo thank

you learn from from the past learn from your past

Virgo okay the elephant Spirit learning from the past you see clearly

now the owl using the ow to see clearly now what else have we got for Virgo Love is All Around that’s beautiful look at that the Nightingale

one more energy [Music]

please think on your

feet mhm and time for a deep dive perfect Virgo you know what I what energy is here now it’s it’s an energy of learning things that happen happened in the past not letting them come back into your realm but learning from those experiences it’s like now you have a clearer understanding of who you are what you want and what you’ll expect in your life you’ll expect no less than what you deserve and it’s someone that’s gone through some tough times made some tough decisions in their life and they’ve had to think on their feet as they went through it’s like like you had to think on your feet as you were going through it and you made some some decisions and you learned some lessons along the way but now you actually see clearly how and why things took place it was not by mistake you now understand that this past and and everything that you went through took you to a place where you either find love or you will find love and then you’ll know that you have what you deserve whatever you went through in the past with your relationships they weren’t a mistake they were learnings and here it’s so strong here that you’re going to use those learnings so one you don’t make the same mistakes but two you don’t accept any less than what you deserve and here it’s a time for you to Deep dive really deep dive into your soul and spirit and understand what makes you tick what sort of person do you want in your life what is it that you deserve who are you what are your wants what are your needs all these questions that are going to be that you’re going to ask yourself and life is speeding up you’re going to find that when you meet a new person or when there’s a new opportunity that comes into your life that things are going to start moving fast and you would have had the experience you would have had the knowledge that you gained in the past so what this is saying to me is use those learnings use what you know to get you through anything that comes up in your life let’s see what else do we have for Virgo please leaving things behind you know that’s what I got here leaving things behind leaving bad memories behind only taking the learnings you you’ll find that everything that you learned you’ll somewhere be able to use it to get yourself out of something think on your

feet the devil the devil card

there in the past it was like you know what what that devil card saying to me that in the past you stayed with someone for the sake of being with someone or having someone and there were bad days but you hung on to the good days even though there may not have been too many of those but you hung on to the special days or the special memories that you had you were addicted it was like there was an addiction here or or you were dealing with someone who was addicted addicted to substance addicted to alcohol and you hoped it was going to get better so you’ve learned from that past learning that that’s not what you want now that those attributes are not what you’re looking for page of Wands you’re ready to move forward you’re ready to move forward knowing what you know now and knowing what you’re looking for does this make sense to anybody

here Love is All Around and arguments look at that you may have in the past been in a a chaotic relationship that brought a lot of chaos into your life a lot of arguments a lot of egotistic attributes where now you want love you just want to be loved you want to share your love or you have found that love and if you haven’t you will so it’s going to be a totally different experience to what you’ve had in the past you’re going to know now what love is meant to be for someone here it’s it’s like you you now have the opportunity to find out what love is Knight of Swords if if you come across someone who is coming on strong you’ll know if that person’s for you or not and you will be very very cautious to make decisions based on what you’ve learned

indecision so here it’s like I I’m I’m debating whether I give someone a go whether this person’s for me it’s like you’ll be questioning you’ll be questioning and de digging deep into does this person suit me does this person have what I want is this person what I want for my life it’s like you’ll be questioning every relationship or every situation and questioning whether that’s what you want for your life even if it happens quickly you’re you’re going to be on your back

foot and and what’s prepared you for this is the pth that you’ve gone through okay Virgo what else have we got for Virgo the empress you’re ready to care for somebody to nurture somebody you want that perfect relationship that has creativity passion abundance the care Factor the nurturing Factor someone who’s going to love you for who you

are you want to plant the seed of this is who I want and no no one else or nothing else is going to be good enough because you’re going to be very clear about what’s good for you and what’s not the choices for some of you you’re going to have some choices to make and this could be that something happens or or you meet quite a few people and then you decide which one you want to be with which person suits your life and your expectations more for someone here you may get an opportunity to move into state to move to another country to move to another place or to move forward with somebody else but now you see clearly what people are about and what you want the four of

Swords here love is all around you for someone here you’ve just met somebody for others you’re yet to meet somebody but for someone here you’re you may have met someone who meets your expectations someone who gives you the peace of mind and Tranquility that you looking for that there’s no more

fights Queen of Swords you’re very you’re going to be very very quick to cut out anybody or any situation that doesn’t look promising in your life you now understand who you are you now know what you want and under no circumstances are you going to put up with people like you had in the past or anybody that doesn’t give you the stability any fly fly by love is not going to be good enough for you anyone that comes on strong will be gone as strong as what they came in and you know

that you’ll be able to think very clearly and very quickly nah this person’s not for me it’s like you’re in tune now for some of you here you’ve left a a chaotic situation or you are going to live a chaotic situation it’s like you are doing a lot of soul searching here and you know that you don’t want anything from that past you want to stay well aware from people or situations that brought you a lot of Chaos in your life now you want what is good for you look at that the King of Swords you may also be dealing with a Libra a gemini or Aquarius Virgo and you’re deciding whether this person is still for you or not you’ve learned a lot from the past and you’re not going to let anybody treat you like that again you know your worth you know who you are and under any circumstances you’re going to let someone treat you like that and this person here you may decide you’re not for me anymore you’re not for me at all

you’re making decisions Virgo you’re you’re deciding what’s good for you and good on you for that you’re questioning everything around you you’re questioning what you want who you are people around you Partners ex Partners you’re questioning everything around you how did these people fit into my world what do these people bring into my

life and if it’s chaos you’re not going to have a bar of

it breathe through the tension if there are arguments or there is disputes Virgo in your life be breathe through the tension if there is anything that’s going to cause you to feel uneasy with anxiety breathe through it breathe through it because you’re going to get through it you know you’ve been there

before full moon in Scorpio so there may be some jealousy around you there may be some some um someone not trusting you it’s like you’re being questioned and that for those of you that have just met someone if they are if they are too dominating if they question you if they you’re you’re going to be on your back foot straight away because you’re not going to have any of that rubbish and you know who you are today and you don’t have a problem leaving anybody

behind you’ve been there done that new moon and Aquarius open up to change allow yourself to open up to New Opportunities not everybody is the same not everybody is going to react the same not everybody is going to treat you the same no one is no one is the same everybody is different in their own way with their own qualities so open up to change allow yourself to love to find love again if it’s not a relationship allow yourself to to do what it is that you need to do just because you’ve gone through bad circumstances in the past or you’ve lived through bad circumstances and situations it doesn’t mean it’s going to follow you everywhere go deeper look this you really need to go deeper Virgo that’s two cards telling you the same thing there is something you’re not seeing there is something you’re not feeling and there’s something you’re definitely not understanding that’s within you there is something in you that you’re missing and you’re only going to know what it is is when you delve deep and find out where the situation arose why you are who you are today what got you to this place what got you to feel this way who made you feel this way who betrayed your trust who made you feel uneasy where did you lose

yourself when you go deeper you’re going to find those answers

Virgo I hope that makes sense to somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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