Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Psychic Forecast April

by | Jun 9, 2024 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 2 2024

FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For April Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of April and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-psychic-forecast-april/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-forecast-for-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and psychics live.com.au today we’re here to bring you your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with the angel messages energy that comes in then we’re going to go into the tarot and finish off with angels again as the final conclusion so let’s see what we have for Sagittarius please for the next 7 to 14 days thank you so much for being here everybody and I welcome in my guides my mentors and my angels to help me bring in the message that Sagittarius needs to hear right now for the best and highest God of themselves and also to bring me lots of protection thank you so much for the best and highest good of myself let’s go Sagittarius what is the energy Let’s Take Action first come is take action Sagittarius so if any of you here were contemplating whether you should take action in regards to something or with somebody then there’s your answer they want you to take action do what you need to do there’s something here that you want to do and it’s been on your mind for quite some time what they’re saying is now is the time to take that action okay that’s the first one First Energy we’re going to find out what that is with the tarot and the second one is Big Happy changes Sagittarius big happy changes so I feel here that there is movement there’s change there’s something going on that you want to do right now and you taking action is going to bring you those big happy changes so it’s something that you’ve been contemplating and you you haven’t been sure whether to action it or not something that you’ve been wanting to to do or to know or to put into action and you’ve questioned it and sometimes our mind plays gain Sagittarius so it’s important to go with your feeling your intuition let’s see what other messages we have here please for Sagittarius thank you

The Chariot move forward that’s what they’re saying Sagittarius jump on the carriage and go for it if you are in doubt if you had fear or if you’re listening to this reading today to get confirmation then you’ve got it because not only once but twice they’ve got Hors is moving in movement go for it don’t stop and let your mind trick you into thinking that it’s not going to happen that it shouldn’t happen that you shouldn’t do it the message here Sagittarius is go for it take action and get on that carriage and move forward move forward with those plans with that new relationship with that new job with that new business proposal I don’t know for everybody it’s going to be different but you will know what your circumstances are two of Swords this is you self- sabotaging the idea sometimes like I said to you I got that to begin with it’s like I had the feeling that in your mind whilst you think it can work and it’s a great idea sometimes your mind says to you m not really have you really thought about this what if it doesn’t work the self- sabotaging of the mind not being able to see clearly because you’re thinking too much about it you’re looking at the pros and cons and not just going for it if you make a mistake that’s okay we learn from our mistakes but if you learn your if you make a mistake you can always Rectify it no one starts a business no one starts a journey and has it all planned out to the dot as you go through that Journey you make adjustments you make

changes so for somebody here it’s like your your self- sabotaging your own idea Ace of Swords new idea it’s a new idea this is an idea that you’ve got and whilst you have this new idea and you really think that it can work sometimes you’re in doubt you’re in fear what if it doesn’t work what if I put all my my efforts into this and it doesn’t work it is a brand new idea that belongs to you this is something new that you’ve been thinking thinking about you’ve been wanting to

action the hangman upside down look at that the hangman upside down you know what it is that you want to do the hangman usually comes up like that and you can’t see things clearly you can’t see because you’re upside down you can only see from a different perspective now you came came up the right way which means you know that this idea is great you know that you’ve got everything you need to put this idea into practice whatever it is that you’re thinking look at that light it’s a great idea not only once have you got light coming from your mind you’ve got two cards with the same feel the feel of what a bril Brant idea it’s not just an idea it’s a brilliant

idea tell me if you can resonate with this SC uh Sagittarius I was going to call you Scorpio I don’t know why you may be dealing with a Scorpio

too this came across like that when it fell which is the lovers card there could be a partner or somebody and a husband a partner somebody who you’re involved with that is putting doubts in your mind or you are very indecisive about starting this there’s something here that’s in question either someone’s questioning your idea or you are questioning your idea you’re very indecisive about whether you should or you should shouldn’t let’s find out about the Chariot what is it that Sagittarius needs to do right now not only once twice listen to your intuition queen of Cups and nine of Cups listen to your intuition and go with your heart your heart is what’s going to make you happy so if you do something you love that’s going to bring you a huge amount of Joy abundance and this huge energy that you haven’t had in such a long time you know when you get out of bed and you’re excited to go and work towards that project you’ve got something of meaning and purpose something that you love that’s what this is follow your heart follow your dream here it can be also a new relationship for those of you that have if this is about a relationship then this is going to be a prosperous and happy relationship for those of you that it’s not a project that it’s an absolute relationship you’re self- sabotaging this relationship ship you’re putting things you’re coming up with things in your mind that’s self- sabotaging this relationship even before it begins you’re doubting whether that person feels the same you’re doubting whether this relationship can work you’re doubting whether this person is for you or are they going to stay the Long

Haul when you start to see things for what they truly are you may even find that this person is your soulmate the person that’s meant for you giving someone a chance giving something a chance whether this is an idea or whether this is a relationship you will never know unless you show your true self and allow yourself to experience what it is that this

is you may just find that this relationship this job this career this project is exactly what you needed what’s the two of Swords why are we totally

confused the Two of Wands absolutely you’re indecision this could be for those of you that are in a relationship this person could be from another city another state another country and you’re just in doubt whether this person either one feels the way you do or two will it ever work being a distant relationship you’re worried to approach this person you’re worried to make the next move or make a step towards this person or this job because it may not work out and you’re leaving what you know to open yourself up to something you don’t know or someone you don’t

know that’s the doubt it’s this person may not be from where you are this this opportunity may not be where you are and it’s going to require you to take action and Follow that dream or that goal or that person that relationship there going it it’s like here it requires you to have to do something in order to have the pleasure of the new beginning it’s like it depends on your movement whether this happens or not that’s why they’re saying take take action what’s this new idea or what are you thinking about what’s this thought process that’s going on

here you want to find your new you want new you want to find your light you want to find your purpose your reason the missing peace in the puzzle it’s a new idea of being in love again or being in love it’s the new idea of being in in control of where you work where you don’t work what relationship you start who you started with where you

started this new idea this new purpose this new reason this new truth has come to you after a long time of wishing for something to come through and it’s never easy Sagittarius is it whilst you’ve got this opportunity now that you’ve been wishing for then there’s still

doubt there’s still something that’s not so straightforward that brings

doubt what’s the hangman what can you see now that you couldn’t see before what can you see now that you couldn’t see before tell

me how happy you can be what you now realize is that you create your own magic that you are in control of your own happiness no one can do that for you you’re going to need to make decisions and whether they work or they don’t you need to own them but I feel here that you now see there’s a huge opportunity that you could just be making the right move making the right decision having the right idea to create an Abundant Life Of Happiness Prosperity look how happy they are you now see that there is a huge possibility of things turning


what’s the lovers what’s the lovers

card thank

you this person makes me happy makes me want to dance makes me want to sing makes me feel alive this Choice makes me excited if it’s not a person it’s a situation this decision this person is going to make me happy and make me feel alive this adventure the

unknown it’s an adventure I’m willing to take it’s a risk I’m willing to take what have I got to lose what have I got to

lose it’s something I’ve always wanted I’ve always asked for and it’s here but it requires me to make a choice what are you going to do

Sagittarius you’re going to follow your light you’re going to follow the sun look at that walking towards the light walking towards the possibility walking towards the opportunity walking towards your happiness your happy place the possibility of Happiness makes you leave what you know today behind

wow there are some huge changes in these readings today huge changes it’s like people are starting to wake up and and something we’re ruled by Saturn in 2024 and Saturn makes you get up and go don’t don’t think about it just get up move make movement change Justice it’s a year of Justice it is only just that you’re happy that’s Justice that you do what you want to do what’s the last messages for S Sagittarius please with the angels what angels are the mentors and guides sending you angel of

Solitude for some people here you’ve isolated yourself in deep thought about what you want about who you are where your life is at the moment where you’d like it to be and where you see yourself going this is what you’re going through or someone here is going

through it’s you contemplating whether you should or you shouldn’t whether you create this new or you stay where you are and they’re sending you the angel of solitude to say you know what you needed this time to think about it or they are encouraging you to take the time to sit down down and think it all

through give it thought if you’re not thinking about or if you’re thinking about it but not really giving it some serious thought they’re saying isolate yourself from everything and everyone right now give it the thought it

deserves one more one more angel please Angel message thank you Angel of Tranquility it’s your time now Sagittarius to find your peace your Tranquility not everybody else’s it’s not time now to think about others it’s time now for you to take time to think about what would give you or bring you the peace what’s the missing piece of your puzzle what are you missing in your life that could make you

happy what’s important to

you let me know Sagittarius if this is hitting home if this is making sense to somebody here on the bottom angel of gratitude it’s important we take time to be grateful for everything we have everything we’ve been given the people that love us around

us it’s important to have gratitude every day and the minute we are grateful for for everything we have new doors open up new possibilities and New Opportunities present themselves so it’s important that whilst you take the time in solitude that you’re also very grateful for everything you’ve experienced everything you’ve had everything you’ve leared because all that has made you who you are

today big message there Sagittarius big message wow I hope this has helped somebody here Sagittarius lots of love and light your way and let me know in the comments if this resonates thank you bye-bye


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