Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March Week 2 2024
FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March Week 2 2024. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of March and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hi beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and psychics today we’re still in another location so I’m just bringing you the message which I think is super important no matter where I am so let’s see what energy we have for Sagittarius please for the next one to two weeks what energy would do Sagittarius have the coffin Sagittarius and don’t stress it doesn’t mean death it means the end of a cycle for you to be begin a new cycle so the coffin is a sign of you getting empowerment you getting strength to start something new and on the bottom of it we’ve got the obstacles it’s like you’re leaving something behind that’s been an obstacle in your life you’re leaving a situation or a person or a or an area that’s presented obstacles in your life it could be also for a lot of people the end of obstacles that you’ve been facing so it is a good thing having the cough in there to get rid of all those obstacles that you’ve been going through so let’s see what else we have with the tarot here what else do we have with the cofin and the Sagittarius what are we putting an end to what are we finishing off this is going to bring you a huge empowerments Sagittarius it’s going to allow you to find answers solutions to anything that you’re going through the Page of Cups it’s like there’s an offering here you receive a message and that message cuz the pages are all message messages that bring messages and this one here is bringing a message that’s actually going to make you quite happy it could be an answer that you’re going to receive a message that brings an answer that you’ve been waiting on um a job that you’ve been waiting on a beautiful person that comes into your life to share that love that you’ve always wanted to give there is definitely a message here which is part of ending those obstacles two cards choices you’re going to have the opportunity to make choices on based on this message that you receive it’s going to open up new doors it’s going to open up new proposals new options for you to take you out of that that place of obstacles the five of cups look at that for many of you here you have given up to a certain ENT you’re exhausted you’re tired you’ve been disappointed quite a few times and here with the Five of Cups although you may have gone through some turbulent times or relationships that weren’t so um desirable you’re going to find that there’s two opportunities here with these two cups behind you at the moment you may not see the answer you may not see the solution you may not have that that thing that you can touch however I feel that many of you can feel that something is coming that something better is coming and it is what else do we have for Sagittarius Place coffin and obstacles look at that a new partnership a new relationship a new associate you’re going to meet somebody or someone comes your your way looking for you to be part of their project their career their their life it could be a relationship here but whatever it is it’s a new Bond it’s a new era for you this person is coming your way to form that bond with you they’re meant to cross your path you’re meant to be part of their life and they’re meant to be part of yours it’s not by mistake that it’s here
what else do we have for Sagittarius please so if you’re looking for a new job you’re going to find it not only that you’re going to have options on where you go to work there’s more than one option if it is a a partner this partner is going to bring you some choices in life give you that abundance and that love that you want you’ve always asked for and wanted there you go there’s a new job for those of you looking for a new job it’s a new opportunity this person is coming to offer you this new proposal this new project this new job this new career and it’s going to be prosperous here it’s something that’s abundant taking you out of the obstacles that you’ve been facing it’s the end of a cycle of sacrifice it’s the end of a cycle of worry of
so get ready Sagittarius look at that the Six of Swords you’ve been wanting this to happen and now that it’s here it’s taking you to clearer Waters to a place of Tranquility a more a place of of Peace you’re leaving that those turbulent times behind the worri is behind and you’re starting this new chapter it’s like you’ve closed a book with the coffin here you’ve closed a book of worry of of challenges and you’re opening up a new door a new place with someone
new what else do we have for Sagittarius please beautiful
Sagittarius look at that I love what I do the Chariot The Chariot is go forward it’s now not a time for you to sit and M over what you went through it’s not a time to look back in the review mirror it’s a time for you to take the strength that you have left and move forward with what you’ve wanted to do move forward with certainty move forward with a huge abundance of strength within you so you can get to where you’re meant to be it’s a time of movement Sagittarius say get ready for those of you that were in a real dull place some of you reaching to a point of anxiety to uh to border depression it’s time for you to dust yourself off pick yourself up because the opportunities are here and it’s time to go it’s time to make that move it’s time to take back the
reins one more please one more card for Sagittarius what’s this partnership look at that look at that Sagittarius for any of you any of you that were going through financial difficulty it is over over and I say that with certainty this new job this new offer this new person is going to bring you Prosperity into your life whether it be your relationships whether it be in your career it is there that person represents abundance happiness fulfillment Tranquility peace together you’re stronger together you’re better whatever this partnership is love relationship a career partnership a person that comes into your life is coming for a purpose to get you out of the obstacles and get you to a place of abundance in many ways not just financially but within you you’re going to feel amazing
look at that and I said you were going to have choices and here we have The Two of Wands you choose your path you choose your direction you choose what you want to do Sagittarius it’s up to you what a beautiful reading loved it loved it Sagittarius it’s amazing so any of you that were going through a hard time that that hard time is now over it’s going to be over in the next one to two weeks it’s going to be over taking you away from the obstacles that presented themselves and look at that underneath the obstacles was the the anchor which is bringing you stability so you’re moving away from the obstacles which we’re putting an end to and you’re finding your stability again in a prosperous more abundant location Sagittarius I hope this has made sense for somebody because it’s a beautiful reading lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)