Libra Horoscope |Powerful Forecast For March 2024

by | Feb 22, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For March 2024

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for March 2024. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of February and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both Forecasts with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Libra thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your horoscope for March 2024 so this is a monthly horoscope um and let’s see what energies come through for you Libra Libra March please 2024 thank you thank you from angels and ancestors You Are Not Alone you may see feathers in your path you may be see feathers while you’re sitting down in the sun you may see feathers that’s just your mentors and your guides and your ancestors letting you know that you’re not alone so every feather that you see that comes out of nowhere is just a sign to let you know that you’re not alone and for some of you here you may be feeling lonely you may be in a place of question of decision of not being sure about something something and they’re with you they’re wanting to let you know that they are with you whatever is bothering you they

know protection Guardian drop your

Shields and what they’re saying here is Libra we’re with you and we know what goes on we see your tears we see your anguish we feel the anxiety we know you’re not happy but drop your Shield means be true to what’s going on it’s okay to mourn it’s okay to cry it’s okay to hurt it’s okay that you’re going through a bad time right now you just need time to pick yourself up again because a Libra never gives up the scales may be tipped over one day but but they never fall they might balance either way but they never

fall Libra sometimes and what this card comes and says to me is drop your Shield it’s like you put a brave face you put a brave face on when you walk out the front door so that nobody knows what you’re going through no one knows what you’re feeling no one knows how much you’re hurting but deep down is another story and so what they’re saying is you’re not alone we see you we’re with you when you you when you’re lonely and you you think you’re alone you’re actually not and we’re going to send feathers to prove to you that you’re not so look out for those feathers Libra in March New Beginnings New Beginnings

Libra decision another major Arcana card you’ve got two major Arcana

cards four of Ariel I’ll put all the cards down and we’ll go through it nine of [Music]

Gabriel seven of

Raphael two of Ariel wow okay and on the bottom oh leap of faith Libra Libra Libra you’re about to make some major decision decisions here you may pretend Libra sometimes and we all do that and why can I say this to you because I’m a Libra as well so I know how we work I know how we feel we are loving people we love we love to love we care for everybody we have all the right intentions we want the best for us and for everyone around us and there’s nothing that someone wouldn’t ask us to do that we wouldn’t drop everything and do so I’m with you in here but I can tell you this that now is a time for you to be able to move forward and I feel here that someone here may be scared to make a certain decision about moving homes location jobs relationships because you’re worried that that decision is going to have an impact on you or others that may or may not be positive and what Libra here they’re saying is you need to get to a point where in March you’re going to get to a point where you’re going to be so determined and my throat went Libra one sec chakra you’re not speaking your

truth the throat chakra you’re finding it hard to speak your truth you want to start new things and you’re determined to make this happen but part of you inside is hurting just thinking about how you’re going to break the news to people around you or leave a situation that may not be good for someone else and here they’re saying you need to drop your Shields you need to speak your truth you need to do what’s right for you these new beginnings are here for you Libra you may get an opportunity in March that changes your path changes your your direction but that’s going to mean this this new beginning or this new offer that comes your way may be given to you but requires Sacrifice from you so it requires you to make some major decisions that are going to impact either you or those around you and here here we have two cards of decision two so this is releasing yourself from things that hold you back this decision card is about Release Yourself from things that hold you back from reaching your dreams and your goals from living the life you want from living the life you imagined you need to make a decision here to leave people situations a place behind that doesn’t allow you to move forward and here it’s take time to make a decision be clear about what you want so they’re going to give you an opportunity Libra in March of a new start a new opportunity a new proposal a new job offer a new place to go to and you’re going to have to make a decision whether you take that offer or you don’t are you going to make a decision to leave people behind and not let anybody stop you or block you from reaching your goal are you going to make decisions and be very clear about what you

want when the time comes because I feel that in March Libra you’re going to have to make a decision in regards to something of huge importance to you and then we have here the four of Ariel and the two of Ariel here it’s when you give to somebody Libra and I had another sign like this you want people to treat you the same way but I feel that here in March you may have given a lot to somebody either your attention your care your nurturing your love and you’re not getting that in return in March and that throws you off balance it throws you off balance because you’re used to having balance in your life and this person behaving this way or not giving you what you gave them is going to take you back and make you realize that I need to now make a decision that’s right for me if I’m not getting what I’ve given to this person in ways of love and care and nurture understanding and being a shoulder for them when it comes for me to make this decision that may impact them their be their behavior and their attitude is something that I didn’t expect so you need to make a decision on what’s going to be right for you in March and with that is you taking the leap of faith and the universe and your guides and mentors that’s why you’ve got here you’re not alone you’re not alone even if you take this path alone because someone doesn’t want to go with you or someone doesn’t agree with this move that you’re going to make then follow your passion and do what you need to is what the universe is telling you because here you are you are never going to be alone you’re always going to have your guides and your mentors beside you and I do feel that this offer has been an offer that’s been been brought to you for a purpose and a reason it’s not something just plucked out of the air and you’re the lucky one and you get the ticket no this is something that is ridden in your destiny this is something that you’ve wanted for quite some time let me know Libra what it is in March that happens because I do feel that whilst people groups or someone doesn’t agree with what you do or how you want to do things it’s not going to matter because in the end you’re going to say you know what I’ve given everyone everything and the the minute you should be happy for me getting this huge opportunity of new beginnings of something that I’ve always wanted to do my dream and my goal and you’re not supporting me or you’re not you’re not showing me the encouragement the support and the love then I need to make this journey on my

own and I do feel here that’s why you got the You are not alone because I feel here Libra that you may make a decision in March that you’re going to have to go it

alone let me know in the comments if this is you if you know about this decision already or this move or this or has this opportunity happened to you know your worth don’t question your worth Libra is what they’re saying never question your worth whether people agree with you or not your worth is your worth what you want and what you need how much you value yourself because no one’s going to Value you if you don’t value yourself and you owe it to your spirit and your soul to give yourself that acknowledgement that care that nurture that you give everybody

else that was quite emotional there know your

worth oh feeling stuck Libra feeling stuck CS are feeling

stuck me just bring these out me claim them they’re asking for cleaning detoxifying look at that they gave me the card and I didn’t see it I mixed this whole deck and the cards didn’t want to come out and on top was one with one detoxify detoxify from all the negative energies detoxify from wanting to please others worrying about what others think detoxify from negativity that people send your way from the negative words or actions detoxify from what’s not good for you let go of things that stop you from being the best version of

you wow wow that’s huge Libra I’m going to cry now look look at

that shine Libra we are here to

shine don’t let anybody anybody put out your shine don’t let anybody’s doubts be yours don’t let anybody’s negativity negativity be yours don’t let anybody tell you you’re not worth it you’re not good enough you’ll never make

it just shine

shine and make them realize how wrong they got it but don’t do it for them go about your path doing what’s right for you and they’ll see it anyway but don’t worry about looking back

with that I say amen and thank you Libra thank you lots of love and light your way

[Music] bye-bye


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