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Pisces Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January Week 4 2024
Pisces FREE Weekly Psychic Horoscope Forecast For January Week 4 2024 . I have also be released other videos for Pisces Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Pisces Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello my beautiful Pisces how are we today thank you so much for being here my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and for those of you that it doesn’t resonate remember to release the energy let it go check your moon and your ascendant as there may be something there for you let’s see Pisces what have we got for you today thank you first card shedding shedding that old skin to let in the new letting go of things that no longer serve you letting go of old beliefs old mindsets old ideas if you think the same you get the same and I think there’s a lot of Pisces here or at least one that is thinking if I keep doing what I’m doing I’m always going to get the same result it’s now time for me to let go of of any thoughts that haven’t helped me in the past any ideas that I’ve had that haven’t worked it’s now time for me to strategize and change things around it’s time for me to let go of what no longer serves me and it’s time for me to be honest with myself about what’s going to work and what’s not it’s you reassessing where you come what you’ve done and what’s worth and what hasn’t it’s like there’s a bit of homework here in regards to where you’ve come from what you’ve done lifeblood this change is going to allow you to have some life blood back so I feel here Pisces that you’re at a stage where you’re looking at things and thinking if I don’t change it nothing’s going to change if I don’t move things around nothing will change I will keep getting the same old same old I’m always going to be stagnated here in the same spot in the same place with the same person doing the same thing and here there’s a an urge for Change and need to to move forward in a different way whether that’s in thoughts whether that’s in actions or whether that is just as an overall changing my whole perception of what I need to do to
change so let’s see what are we talking about here for Pisces please what are we talking about here for Pisces off Pisces what are we
changing the two of Earth which is you juggling all the different options all the different ideas all the different opportunities I do feel that there’s going to be some things that come your way and that’s going to require you to make decisions do I want to live in this place for the next 2 or 3 years do do I want to be doing this job for the next 2 or 3 years do I want to be in this relationship in a year’s time am I getting enough growth out of what I’m doing do I need to go out and study it’s you putting it all your thoughts up in the air thinking how am I going to change my circumstances it’s an analysis of where you are to where you want to
go the 10 of Earth it’s you looking at things in a different way see how she’s taking a mask there she’s taking her mask off so she sees things in a different way in a different light from a different perspective no longer do you want to look at things from a narrow point of view you’re you’re starting to broaden your horizon started to broaden your thoughts you you want to think outside the square you’re at the stage where what you’ve done hasn’t worked and you’re now looking for Options Solutions and ideas on how to move forward let’s what we got for Pisces the eight of water this is you getting really in touch emotionally with yourself this is you aligning your chakras and being real sometimes Pisces we think of things and we imagine things but this is not you right now this is you aligning your chakras to say I need to be real with what’s going on I need to look at things straight for what they are true for what they are because I may have been looking at things hoping that something else was going to come along hoping that this situation would change but in reality it’s never going to change if I don’t make that change if I don’t make that decision so you’re looking at things now Pisces in a more real manner having a really good think about about um how things have turned out and that if if there’s no change there’s no different outcome look at that the minute you change your perception and you get aligned with your truth of who you are what you want and where you want to go your Victory will follow it’s waiting for you to make that change to make that perception before making that change so anything that you’re all now thinking about changing is going to be only for the better it’s not going to be stagnated remember we talked about when we do the same old same old thing over and over again when we have the same thoughts when we do the same actions everything becomes stagnated to the point where it’s not ready to move forward to the point where you’re never going to know that next step if you don’t do it in a different way so here Pisces it’s saying the minute you align yourself with your truth with the real way of looking at what’s happened where you’re going and exactly what it is that you want the minute you see the truth and align yourself with that your Victory will follow because everything becomes clear then does that make sense to somebody here are you re-evaluating your life as it is now in order to make that change what else do we have for Pisces please stagnated cards were a little bit stagnated there we need some fluid it’s like you need to loosen up dust yourself off and start again there may be something that you’re doing that hasn’t had the movement that you’ve wanted and you’re feeling like nothing’s moving nothing’s happening no changes taking place you’re in a place of standstill what else do we have for p Pisces here please what else do we have for Pisces let me know if you feel this way
Pisces the Queen of Swords it’s time to think about things rationally see them for what they are see the truth in everything and see how that affects you personally emotionally physically and mentally it’s now you getting an understanding that the emotions that you had the Wishes the dreams can only come true if you put plans in practice and those plans now need to be
different what else do we have what else do we have for Pisces please Pisces you couldn’t see a way out at one stage it very not long ago a few weeks ago a few days ago you were at a standstill thinking I don’t know how to get out of this situation I don’t know what I need to do to accomplish this everything I try everything everywhere I go I seem to be hitting brick walls or closed doors the different way of thinking the different way of seeing things the different way of approaching it even the attitude changing the attitude to I I am I am worthy of getting the best in my life I am worthy I deserve to have abundance I deserve to get that job I deserve to have a better life I deserve to put things into place and that’s exactly what I’m going to do changing that mindset and perception and attitude is going to make the difference for some of you here you were just beyond your your your frustration is really showing here it’s like go away leave me alone when am I going to find that path when am I going to find that answer that solution for me to be able to get out of here it’s like you’re in a turmoil you you want to get out of a situation but you just don’t have the answers or you don’t have the Kno how to you want choices you will find choices the minute you align yourself and you look at things truly for what they present themselves to be so for example I’ve I’ve got here someone that is in the same same job or with the same person and they’re not happy but you doing different
things is going to change that you thinking about that relationship or that job in a different way will change that when you start to see the truth so you may need to look at it and think I’ve done everything in this job and I’m still not appreciated the only way is for me to get my regime ready and get out of this place it no longer fits who I am it no longer makes me happy the same with a relationship it’s looking at that relationship in true eyes not what you want it to be not what you’re hoping it is but what is the real truth about that job about that person about that relationship looking at it in a true form does that make sense Pisces for someone
here you’re taking the leap of faith for some for someone here you’re going to say you know what I’ve got nothing to lose where I am right now is not making me happy what I’ve got right now is not not what I want to be living who I have in my life is not the person I imagined them to be so I’m going to take this leap of faith and I’m going to make a move I’m going to change I’m going to leave I’m going to do something totally different and I don’t know what’s on the other side but I’m willing to take that risk I’m willing to leave this situation leave these people leave this person or this relationship and find out what else is out there for me because where I am right now is not where I want to
be Pisces look at that look at that remember I said the minute you change that mindset that vibration that thought process the words coming out of your mouth change there’s your victory card what we said before and here the 10 of Pentacles which is you receiving the abundance you deserve the happiness you’ve wanted being in the right place at the right time with everything beautifully happening for you so the minute you change and you give yourself value for who you are and understand that you don’t deserve less than the best that’s when you’re going to get the best in the meantime if you’re just staying with something or staying with someone or in a place because it’s comfortable but you’re unhappy then if you stay there that’s what you’re going to keep getting the minute you change and you really deep down in your heart and soul want to change everything else changes for you so really at the end of the day Pisces what the universe is saying this is you that needs to make this move we’re ready we’re here to help you how much do you want to
change let’s see what my last message we have for Pisces [Music]
please you and your loved ones are safe and for someone here it could be that you’re worried about making moves or actions or or having new ideas is in the in the possibility that it could hurt those that you love or it could hurt the stability that you’ve got right now in your family but you and your loved ones are safe the universe is saying don’t worry about that don’t don’t worry about your loved ones they are safe they are well you don’t make the decision make that move based on what you need to do at the moment don’t worry about the loved ones cuz your loved on is safe A New Start is coming a new start’s coming Pisces so I feel here that all that me mental chaos that you’ve had that worry that that not being able to see where to go not being able to see a way out of a situation A you start is coming to get you out of there but you need to look at things for what they are and real adjustments are required absolutely we said that the adjustment is that you need to change what you’re doing what you’re saying and how you’re thinking because the minute the minute those adjustments are made the rest will all fall into
place being okay with less is always going to keep you in less if you change and you’re no longer okay with less no matter what it is that you have to do the the big starts to come in because you’re shaking the less out does that make sense I hope this makes sense for somebody lots of love and light Pisces all the best
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)