Capricorn Horoscope| Powerful Forecast January Week 3

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 3 2024

FREE Weekly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January Week 3 2024. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of January and the Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both January Forecast with the link below, and take note of the Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month. Download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here::


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name’s Mur Rose from tarot readings live and we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some energies here then going to tarot then last but not least a message from the Moon signs Moon cards Capricorn I just wanted to let you know that this is a general reading and obviously it’s not going to resonate with everybody please be patient as I only pass on the message that I’m receiving at the time so if this message doesn’t res resonate with your timing your message that you want to hear go and um check your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun and check over there there may be messages for you that you need to hear thank you to all our beautiful subscribers I am so excited thank you for all the comments all the shares and all the likes everything that you do helps their Channel and helps get to other people that may need to hear this so in advance I’d like to say thank you okay Capricorn let’s see what we’ve got for Capricorn o little bit of confusion here Capricorn you’re feeling a bit agitated diversity diversity and that’s number seven so don’t give up here in the forest it’s about you looking at things in a different way it’s about finding your light in places that you hadn’t thought before or it’s about finding your answers and your Solutions in places

that uh not only you hadn’t thought of before but where you least expect it it’s like sometimes you you know sometimes we think oh no that’s not going to work it can’t work but what have we done have we even given it a go have we thought about a different way of doing something it’s looking at a a project or a solution or an answer that you need in a different way with different eyes in in with different different thoughts looking at things from a different perspective you may find your answer to what you need by changing your look your thought or your vision let’s see what else we have don’t give up whatever it is that you’re doing just because you’re not finding the answer right now don’t give up on it let’s see oop Archangel Michael angels of healing are with you a time of healing is about to bless your life accept Archangel Raphael’s emerald green light while I enhance your strength so it’s like you’re looking for a solution there’s a lot of green here a lot of green here Capricorn connect yourself with nature with green with forests with Parks go for a walk let yourself go into nature you find Healing where you least expect it you find an answer or solution just by going for a walk in Greenery feeling the green energy the Earth take your shoes off go and walk on grass walk on things that are going to energize you to see things differently feel things differently think outside the square and here Archangel Raphael is saying emerald green light while I enhance your strength so you’ve got help here from Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael the blue sword is Archangel Michael Raphael is green so here mend your heart mend your healing men get the answers and solutions you need with a lot of greens and blues so water trees grass Parks forests nature Rivers anywhere there’s there’s nature with blue or green is going to be very very important for you

very much don’t give up you’ll get you you’ll get the answer that you

need reconnect yourself with Earth Capricorn reconnect yourself with with

Earth Earth is your element Earth is your element you need to reconnect with your strongest element

ground yourself

again you know Earth Earth signs are very very grounded and like Taurus Virgo and and you Capricorn you’re very very grounded so the minute that you lose that grounding and you go too much into your head with all the thoughts and you’re using the air signs then you you get out of balance because you’ve lost lost your grounding so here they’re saying to you Capricorn whatever it is that you’re looking for whatever answer or those feelings that you’ve lost or the knowing of who you are ground yourself it’s so important and don’t give up don’t give up thinking that what you’re thinking is not right don’t give up thinking that what you’re doing is not right it’s just you’ve got to see it from a different light look at that for some of you here Capricorn it’s like you’re taking off a mask you may have been wearing a mask to to to make everyone else around you happy you may have been putting on this face of I need to do this to make everyone happy to fit in to bring Unity to bring peace into this family into this relationship into this career into this project but the minute you ground yourself you’re going to realize that all all that you were doing was not being true to who you were you were actually putting on a mask or making yourself feel that you had to be a certain way be a certain person or see things someone else’s way to keep the peace this is making you now get in touch with the real

you the queen of fire finding that inner passion again you need to take back what is yours your internal power that either people or situations broke down You’ve Lost That inner passion that inner power within you to be okay with who you are you don’t have to fit into other people’s circles or other people’s opinions or do things to satisfy others when in reality you’re not satisfying who you are and at the end of the day the only person that comes out of this feeling like you’ve been run by run over by a track is you because when we’re not being real with what we want and who we are we feel like we’ve had to work twice as hard to please others it’s you having to find your inner passion again that passion that you’ve got within

you does this make sense to anyone here king of air you may have been dealing with a Gemini Aquarius or Libra and this person here you see here we’ve got the queen of fire and the king of air they’re clashes here we’ve got mind and fire like that is that is uncontrollable this is something that’s rocked your emotions that’s rocked you your thoughts your emotions for someone here you’re feeling like you’re in a mess because Capricorn you are an earth sign you are green you are an earth sign that needs to be grounded needs to be okay with who you are at peace with who you are and here I feel like you’re you’re in a place of this is not me I need to let go of this I need to let go of these feelings I need to stop doing this I need to stop letting other people damage how I feel damage giving me these bad thoughts my emotions and my head feel like they’re going to explode that’s what I’m getting here the minute you ground yourself and you take off that mask that doesn’t belong to you you’ll find yourself in a lighter more beautiful

place tell me if you resonate with this Capricorn tell me if you’re resonating with this the king of fire oh come on you’re dealing with someone here Capricorn that is either an Aries Leo or Sagittarius or someone who is a Gemini a Libra or an Aquarius and they are they are no joke bringing chaos into your life

here there’s a lot of a lot of hate a lot of arguments a lot of uncomfortableness a lot of it’s like your life is not at peace your life right now is not at peace the person I’m connecting with here is not at peace with themselves you’re battling with people with hard hands big egos argumentative

the knowledge you know you know you know that in order for you to find your peace you’re going to have to move away from this situation or move away from these people or this person you’ve learned so much Capricorn that you are wise in so many ways you know that the minute you take off this mask you’re going to find your peace again where you don’t have to fit in other people’s lives you don’t have to do things for others because they make you feel guilty if you don’t you don’t have to be a certain way you need to be you and take it or leave it to everybody else you need to be you you need need to find your peace these these this here is taking you to another level it’s like your emotions are out of control your your mind feels like it’s going to explode and it’s all to do with some big egos like I said before fiery people Aries Leo Sagittarius in the mind someone is in the mind you could be dealing with a Libra gemini or Aquarius you’re more grounded than that you may have these signs very strong in your in your element but you’re dealing with with two people here that are very very strong and in between you just don’t know what to

think that’s the B best thing you will do take time out walk away take time out distance yourself from these people this place this relationship this Family Circle that’s making you feel this way it’s time for you to take time out it’s time for you to walk away from someone or something or somewhere that is causing you the pain and anguish that you’re feeling the emotions the mindblowing thoughts take time

out Capricorn your your I don’t know if I said Aquarius there because Aquarius is very strong here as well but you need to find your peace look at these cards in comparison to what we have here on the table look at that look at those cards the color the passion the strength of those cards compared to the tranquility and peace that you have here this is you not

that now you’re finding yourself now you’re finding yourself you number 10 of Earth this is you my love this is you finding who you truly are walking away from something and someone or people that have made you feel so uncomfortable and when you’re in your element where you belong this mask this wrap around your eyes this is you now you find yourself in your element in the Earth element of peace tranquility and

calm someone here has really rocked you Capricorn someone here is taking your peace away from

you your emotions were on a huge high for some reason look at this you’re finding yourself Capricorn look now you’re going to plant your own seeds now you’re going to do it your way you’re going to see things your way it’s going to be okay to be you whether others like it or not you’re planting your new seeds of the new person that you are it’s like you’ve turned a page and you’re saying no more am I going to let other people situations problems family a partner destroy me it’s now time for me to go back to where I belong to ground myself understand who I


wow and rebalance who you are you’re going to realign your chakras from your base to your heart to your mind every everything about you is going to be back in Balance the minute you take time out to ground yourself and go back to your element of Earth of nature of walking barefoot and enjoying the soil the sand the the grass the animals the birds the plants your plants your

animals that’s your Paradise Capricorn go back there get away from this fire from these emotions that are just destroying you and you know that you know that look at that on the bottom of the card you’ve learned a lot but you’re now not going to let other people dictate who you can and who you can’t be you know who you are no one will dictate to you who you need to be no one’s going to dictate to you what you need to

do you have found yourself Capricorn and you know who you


wow a lot of turbulence a lot of stress and a lot of worry has come through here ground yourself Capricorn get out of there get out of there get out of that situation even if it’s for a week a few days just to help you ground yourself again and find yourself

again a time to give rather than than [Music] take you know what this is look at the color of it it’s green Capricorn it’s you it’s Virgo your fellow sign this is saying it’s a time to give to yourself rather than take rather than give to others you’ve been taking a lot of out of who you are you’ve been ignoring your needs your your wants

now it’s time for you to give that back to yourself in peace and

Harmony look at the color this is your fellow sign too your fellow signs are right behind you full moon in Taurus your dreams need a practical plan you forgot what your dreams were Capricorn in some of you you forgot who you were you forgot what was important and it’s not that you forgot for a long time it’s been for a while now giving to others being what they want doing what they want trying to keep the peace your dreams now need a practical plan you now need to plant what’s important for you you need you now need to take your time to chase your dreams be your

person a personal issue reaches resolution something that that’s in cancer sub water sign something that was really really emotionally draining you you’ll find a solution now there was a lot of emotion here with a lot of egos a lot of thoughts of not comprehending one another not comprehending why you were in this place in this situation what got you there now you’re in touch the minute you get in touch with who you are how you feel you’ll find the answers that you need and there’ll be Solutions come through Capricorn I hope this reaches somebody that needs to hear lots of love and light your way and keep positive and ground yourself go back to your element you deserve it lots of love


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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