Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Forecast For January 2024

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January 2024

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for January 2024. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio how are we today thank you so much for being here my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your horoscope for January we’re going to start off with an energy from my beautiful Archangel Michael then we’re going to go into two tarot and finish it off with the moon deck as I explained to everyone it’s still around until March so we’re going to continue with that okay Sagittarius just want to let everyone know that if you want a personal reading um I’ve only got a couple of spots left for January and then I’m totally booked out up until after the 15th of March and I know that I’ve already got some bookings for the 16th and 17th of March but um so a couple more left in January and then and not I’m totally booked out until the end sorry until the 15th of March um if you you want a book you can use our website which is www.ar readings live.com and um you can book directly on there and it’s got you can pay via Paypal do everything on there or you can go on to our psychics live.com.au and there’s some phone numbers there uh for Australian clients there’s a landline number there and for international there’s a WhatsApp in case you don’t know how to book on the other site so we’ve got two sites tarot readings live.com and we’ve also got psychics live.com.au okay let’s go what have we got for Scorpio please thank you pray from the heart Scorpio it’s now time for you to pray deep from the heart it says prayer really can move mountains reach out to the Divine with your heart’s concerns and watch Miracles unfold for someone here Scorpio you may be wishing or hoping that something happens in January and they’re saying take yourself to prayer you can pray to whoever it is that you want and if you’re not religious that’s okay you can speak to your guides and your mentors just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not there they guide you every day they Veer you away from things that could hurt you people that are not meant to cross your path here if there is something that you’re wishing for or hoping for really pray to whoever it is that you want to from the heart and that means really meaning what you you

say changes changes can only be brought forward if you ask and you ask in a heartfelt manner so I feel that someone here may want to know something or may need to have an answer or a wish that they’re hoping for something that they want so much to

happen it’s all most over look at that whatever it is that you’re hoping for waiting for asking for it is almost over any hard time any hard situation any difficult relationship it’s almost over your current challenges will soon be resolved and you will be able to look to the future with a smile number one and six is seven which is don’t give up now’s not the time to give up Scorpio now is the time to pray or speak with whoever it is that you need to speak to and ask for guidance for strength and for your hope and your dreams to come true and and then also say thank you like it’s here thank you for helping me in this situation thank you for guiding me and making things great talk like it’s here in you need to work it that you are thanking them for already helping

you you’re drawing that energy in the energy of conclusion illusion Scorpio please what have we got for Scorpio thank you we’re cutting for

Scorpio thank

you the counselor you may need to speak to somebody or you may be dealing with some law or some justice system or something that you’re dealing with Scorpio here the counselor is someone that that advises you that helps you that guides you if you’re not in a situation right now or if you’re not getting help from somebody right now then maybe the counselor would be a good idea to you know the helplines there’s helplines that you can call if you don’t want to go in and look for someone or you can get a tarot reading or you can get a healing reading or a healing of some sort you can go and see your doctor you can go and see an advisor a counselor there’s someone there that can help you Scorpio if you are doubting look for

answers your heart is you want beautiful things to come your way that’s the nine of fire that’s you saying I’ve really had enough it’s a burden it is time for this thing to leave I want this situation resolved I want this situation gone it’s something here that someone’s going through in January that is going to be the end of this burden because you’ve got it’s almost over so whatever it is Scorpio that you’re facing there’s someone here that’s going to help you it could be a solicitor like I said before it could be a legal a justice system it could be somebody that helps you through what you’re going through you just want your you just want peace and Tranquility you just want to be nurtured right

now there’s your victory card there is the can you see that he’s holding a cup of Victory there is the victory there Scorpio you are going to get what it is that you’re so hoping and praying for you’re going to get the answer whatever you’re going through right now January it finishes done it is almost over and that is your victory card make no mistake whatever it is that you’re waiting to resolve answers you’re waiting to receive something that you you’re waiting to happen it comes in January and it’s

resolved king of air Speak Your Truth stand your truth it’s like you’re ready to cut anything out once this this thing is resolved it’s like it’s releasing you it’s releasing you from what’s holding you back it’s releasing you from being stuck in a situation or with a certain person that’s making life hard at the moment you’re going to stand firm and you’re going to stand in your truth

Scorpio you’re going to see your Victory here

knowledge there’s a lot that you’re going to learn or there’s a lot you have already learned and you’re going to use this knowledge to the best of your ability to

encourage your situation your knowledge is going to be Paramount to solving this issue what you’ve gained and what you’ve learned in the past is going to be Paramount in solving this issue you’ve leared a lot and you’ve learned that your truth is what

counts king of fire Scorpio king of fire you may be dealing with with someone that’s a fire sign or these is your emotions on fire it’s you excited and

uncontrollably excited and determined to move forward it’s a passion it’s like you you once this is over whatever it is that you’re going through this Victory is going to bring you the passion deter mination that you need to Free

Yourself you may also be dealing you’ve got a couple of fire signs there you may also be dealing with an aries a Leo or a

Sagittarius just ask Sagittarius ask if you’re religious pray if you’re not religious ask your guides for the change look at that 23 there’s definitely definitely change here in January so I don’t know what you’re going through everyone is going through a different path a different Journey but let me know in the comments if this resonates if it’s too personal don’t put it on there look at that I told you someone here is dealing with the justice system you’re waiting for a case to finish an answer to conclude something that you want to finish some of you here are dealing with getting something out of the justice system and it could be your right to something your it could be a divorce you’re going through and you’re waiting for that to be finalized you it could be buying a new home and you’re waiting for that to be finalized but I really feel here that whether you’re looking for something or whether you’re going through something Justice will be served in

January the nine of fire it may have been a hard path A Hard Road but it brings you a lot of prosperity a lot of success and through your determination you got there you for someone here you may be getting an inheritance or getting a promotion or getting something that was meant to be

yours but it’s something that you can’t wait till it’s over something that’s dragged on and on for some time

the Knight of

Pentacles the nine of Pentacles is going to bring you that victory that message the message that you’ve been waiting on it’s like you’re waiting for something to conclude here it you’re waiting for that answer that solution so you can move on

in January there’s a conclusion to this

story this came across the victory card and it fell that way and I’m going to leave it that way that’s the moon you have doubted yourself you have feared you’re scared what if you’re questioning your ability to see this through you’re questioning whether you could have done something better this is a time that you’re reflecting on everything that’s taken

place but don’t self sabotage don’t let the negativity come in don’t let that negativity create things in your mind the king of air is all about the mind it’s an air sign so sag sorry it’s an air sign which is Libra Gemini Aquarius don’t allow your mind to take you to places that don’t happen or that don’t

belong our mind is the most positive tool we have look at that contracts paperwork there is some signing here when you sign the paperwork that you’re going to sign when this thing concludes there will be paperwork that you need to sign and when it does make sure that you look at the fine print that everything is understood you’re going to be very rational when doing this when making this agreement when concluding something it’s asking for your attention to contracts and all paperwork

involved now that was

me knowledge what do we have to learn is this something we’ve learned or we going to learn what do we what is Scorpio what’s the knowledge card for

Scorpio you may have had false promises in the past or been dealing with people that lied to you manipulated you and did wrong by you but now you have got the knowledge going through those experiences gave you knowledge of what you want in your life and what you don’t you’re very aware now of what you want and what you put up within your life and that all all came from all the empty promises see the empty cups here empty promises but now there it is you’re going to learn you’re going to go into a new relationship a new situation a new position knowing more today than ever before look at that there’s a tower for those of you that thought that it was never going to work make no mistake for those of you that did wrong by you for those of you that questioned you for those of you that rubbished you for those of you that were taken for granted now is your time to move forward and with with huge determination to finish this once and for all you’re going to cause a tower the tower comes to really shake things up up and the Scorpio I’m connecting to is going to bring on that Tower because they’ve leared everything that they know today from all their past experiences and you’re not going to stand for no rubbish anymore you finish off January I can tell you that now you finish off January with a bang and that bang is after many times of you sacrificing

worried and not knowing when this is going to end it ends now Scorpio I don’t know if I said Sagittarius before but if I did I’m sorry and you may be dealing with a Sagittarius you may be dealing with a Sagittarius through your

battle you have

battled but you will win you stand there firm now saying I have battled I have come along way but I didn’t give

up wow it’s almost over Scorpio it is almost over there’s a huge energy here of Sagittarius please tell me if you’re dealing with a Sagittarius because I’m getting a huge feeling here of Sagittarius who is also a fire sign look at that fire fire

fire okay let’s see what message we

have oh

no that wanted to give me the whole deck I want one card please thank

you reveal what needs to be seen I feel here that someone here has learned something about this situation something has been leared or or someone has told you something about this situation or evidence information that you were waiting on to conclude this case to conclude this situation or this relationship comes forward you need to reveal now what needs to be seen it’s like there’s a reveal and that reveal is what brings Victory to this

situation it’s the last quarter moon you’re on you’re on the home stretch now Scorpio remember it’s nearly

over Unleash Your Kinder self this card I think has come out for every sign it’s like it the universe is asking everyone right now to be kind with yourself be kind to others even if they’ve done wrong by you don’t go onto the Revenge side it’s about leaving situations that no longer Ser serve you on a peaceful note allowing yourself peace within your heart and Tranquility if people have done the wrong thing by you that’s their baggage to carry not yours you live with peace with tranquility and with understanding of who you


look at that take time for self-love when this is over in January Scorpio I was going to say Sagittarius again I don’t know why I’m dealing with Sagittarius here someone is dealing with the Sagittarius here and I don’t know who it is so please let me know in the in the comments um but make time for self-love Scorpio now the time for you to allow yourself to be at peace with yourself and find the stability the balance of what life has for you and where you where you’re

going it’s now time to love who you are be proud of who you are and don’t doubt yourself you’re more capable than what you imagine Scorpio lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here all the best

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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