Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Forecast January 2024

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January 2024

FREE Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For January 2024. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/sagittarius-horoscope-powerful-tarot-forecast-for-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me today we’re going to do your January forecast and it’s going to be a quick one today not around table as I do all the time because I am quite um booked out with readings so for those of you that do want re I’ll explain first hold on so here let’s start again so here we’ve got uh a message from Archangel Michael which I love so much and then two tarot then the moon deck because we’re still in the moon until March as explained before for a final message Sagittarius um for those of you that want a reading I’ve only got a couple of Windows left for January and then I don’t have anything else until after the 15th of March so all booked out until after the 15th of March and even then on the 16th and 17th I know I’ve got bookings already so um if you want a booking go on to www.ar readings live.com and you can book there and pay via PayPal and do the whole thing there or you can um go on to psychics live.com.au for Australian clients there’s a landline and for overseas you can send me a message via WhatsApp and we can book you in so whichever you want to do okay whichever is easiest for you all right let’s see what energies we have here for Sagittarius let’s go what have we got for Sagittarius increase your knowledge Sagittarius in January it’s asking you to increase your knowledge you may be doing something or you’re currently working at the moment but if you increased your knowledge it would work out um so much more you being more more marketable so here it says education brings opportunities take a course pick up a book or find a mentor to teach you what your soul longs to know so those of you that are thinking about going back to study this year in January or you’re starting to pick up books and find out more watch YouTube channels on how you do something or get more involved into the field you’re in or a new field alog together Now’s the Time anuary is the time for you to pick up the books for you to really involve yourself in getting more information and knowledge to what you want to do because it’s going to increase your opportunities to get a new job I don’t know if many of you are looking for work but if you are the more you know the better you’ll be for those of you that are going for job interviews here make sure that too many cards too many cards thank you make sure that you find out more about the company that you’re going to apply for it’s important that when you go for a job interview you really get to know how you could be an asset for that particular company get your power back get your power back Sagittarius in January it’s about you Standing Tall evaluating everything that happened in 2023 and really understanding who you are what you want and the values and and your selfworth it’s it’s giving yourself the credit The credibility the motivation the determination to be your best in everything that you want to do you have forgotten who you are you are a child of the Divine so take back your power you have forgotten who you are for some sagittarians here or one Sagittarian whoever I’m connecting to has lost themselves and and doesn’t know where to start so what the universe is saying to you is find out more about find out first what you want to do then go into finding out more information what you of what you need to know and what you need to have to do that particular role to start that new business what is it that you need to know what is it that’s going to be vital for making that career for you getting that job or for you making that um business work and here get your power back with knowledge comes power you feel more confident you’re more motivated you um you’re more marketable which gives you a leap ahead of the rest so for those of you that are are out of work and looking for work or for those of you that want to change and want better that’s your your key in January yeah let’s see what we have for Sagittarius please what do we have for Sagittarius Aries thank

you the eight of fire look at you it’s about putting things into place that are going to work for you in January it’s all about planning Str strategies that are going to take you to that place of where you want to work what you want to do what you want to own and even what you want to earn because the more you know the more you’re marketable out there in the community to to get that better job to get that better pay so I feel here that we’ve got some sagittarians that are really looking at what can I do to self-improve and be more marketable in the um Marketplace when I look for a job what is it that I can do perception this is about changing your perception on who you are for some of you remember here it said some of of you have lost yourself it’s look at things from a different perspective look at you from a different perspective you’ve got so much to offer yet you allow yourself to minimize your worth minimize who you are and your strength Sagittarius this is someone that is questioning how good they are or do they deserve it here it’s saying take the power back to you if you think you’re amazing then that’s what people are going to think people treat us or respond to us the way we respond to ourselves and the way we allow ourselves to be treated by others so change the perception of who you are and everything else is going to

change it’s taking this is taking control control again of your internal power understanding your worth and how good you are giving yourself the

credit on target look at that Sagittarius for someone here in January you’re going to be pretty much on target with where you want to go you know what you want you know that you need to do something to to get there it’s getting up dusting yourself off after 2023 closing that chapter that’s a year gone past don’t look back it’s now All or Nothing straight ahead it’s going forward with determination with fire with with Will and power to get what you want aim at what you want have a goal in sight dream have a goal or a dream that you’re working towards sometimes when we don’t know what we’re working towards we we lose ourselves and then and then that leads to depression and question questioning ourselves about how good we are and what what we what we deserve but what we give is what we get back so this is someone that’s going to take control of their life in January and say no I’ve realized that unless I de V time to myself and take back the power to me and not allow others opinions or others um others judgments affect me and who I am then no one can stand in my way I know who I am I know what I want put it on paper Sagittarius make a commitment to it but also Sagittarius put on paper what’s achievable put it in steps and as you as you accomplish those steps tick that

off the father for some of you here you may have been W with a father that was very manipulative or very narcissistic that controlled you or had this control over you it’s like like for the person I’m connecting with it’s like your father figure was either someone you did not like or someone that controlled you and made you feel like you weren’t worthy of anything and anything you did Never Satisfied your father so with that you lost power and what I mean by that is you lost motivation you lost self-confidence you lost who you were were it could have been that you grew up in a home with a toxic father or a father that was in into the drugs in the alcohol something like that and every time that that happened you felt that they took more and more power off you the way he spoke to you the way he made you feel the way he um didn’t recognize your your ambition didn’t recognize your achievements it’s like you’re forever being try you’re for you in the past with your father you may or a father figure it could be a brother you have forever tried to please them and show them what your capable of however the feedback was not that the feedback that you got was that you were never good enough and you could do better and what you did was never ever good enough for them or you felt that way if they didn’t tell you that you felt that way king of fire for some of you you may have cuz there’s a lot of fire here Sagittarius A lot of fire which is your sign yeah so you being a fire sign with Aries Leo and Sagittarius you carry a lot of fire a lot of determination a lot of passion inside you it’s now allowing yourself to develop more of your knowledge so you can be in control of who you are where you work and what you do and how much you earn the king of fire is you taking back that power away from the person that you looked up to in many cases it’s a father it could be a brother it could be a stepfather but it’s someone who made you or it could could be even a boss who you had as a father figure but it’s somebody that never gave you the value that you were craving never gave you the positive feedback that you needed and now you’re turning into the king of fire you’re saying I’m done with having with wanting to please others with having to fit into other people’s uh tick tick ticks you know like you’re waiting for a tick from someone yes tick you’ve done well yes tick you’ve achieved you’re now taking control back to you no longer are you allowing this Father Figure or this person and and that that don’t necessarily have to be a bad person it’s just they didn’t know how to encourage you or they encourage you in the opposite way to what you

understood you know sometimes sometimes there are people that think that they can motivate people by putting them down hoping that they get this motivation to prove them wrong but not everybody works that way sometimes when someone puts you down even if it’s one little word that you’ve heard that sticks with with you look at that that’s you concentrating on your new you know what you want Sagittarius you know your nest egg you know what your dream and your goal is Now’s the Time for you to put yourself first expand that mind with as much knowledge as you can get and get that power back to you in January start the year off with a power the power of knowledge determination and go forward go forward have a goal that you work towards because here you’re going to change the perception here it’s you perceiving that other people’s opinions and what they think of you or what they think is successful is not necessarily


let’s see what else we have for Sagittarius please tell me if this resonates with you if you grew up in a household with a very dominating

father your Victory darling your Victory it’s here make no mistake you are no one to push over look at that fire look at that Brilliance look at that Elegance not only are you going to turn the page from 2023 you’re going to open 2024 with huge determination Elegance Beauty and spontaneous that’s going to bring you Victory Sagittarius January is going to be Victorious and step by step

you’re going to understand how worthy how amazing you are you have fought battles in your life you’ve had to do it tough in some cases but now that you change your perception and you know who you are there are no more battles for you there will be there’s always battles in life but what I’m saying here is there’s no more battles of you questioning yourself this is a Sagittarius that’s turning the page and saying enough enough is enough of me being how can how can others respect me if I don’t respect myself this came across this card here you’ve had to fight in the past to be recognized to be

um it’s like you’ve had this urge to be recognized to be acknowledged that’s exactly what I was looking for acknowledgement you’ve had to fight to be noticed you’ve you’ve tried so hard you’ve had to battle every

time but the minute you change your perception here it all changes what are we aiming for

here look at that you just want a happy home peaceful tranquility and finding your peace within you want your ultimate Target is to have a beautiful family you call your own or if you have a beautiful family you want peace Tranquility health and well-being you want to celebrate your success with your family you want to be part of a beautiful family you want to be acknowledged and some of you still want to be acknowledged by your mom and dad others it’s that’s your ultimate goal to provide a home a loving home for your family for some of you something that you didn’t

have it’s quite touching Sagittarius look at that the king of Cups Sagittarius there is no doubt that this man your father your brother Uncle whoever it is your boss is a person with a huge amount of AD administ sorry sry let me say that again they’re talking really quick this person has a huge admiration for you huge admiration and loves you dearly but the way that you were brought up or the way they made you feel has carried on into your adulthood into who you are today always feeling that you’ve got to prove yourself always feeling that what you do is never good enough always feeling the doubt what if am I that good maybe I’m not that

good there was no doubt that the love was there it’s sometimes people Express their love in different

ways your creation your determination your spontaneity

spontaneous your drive and your will to win is going to be next to none you’re going to create nurture care for a project that is deep within your heart for a career that you want for Prosperity that you deserve this is someone here that takes takes this project this this business this thing that you’re working on as a mother figure you’re going to nurture it like a mother does with a child you’re going to care for it you’re going to feed it you’re going to be creative with it and you’re going to bring the prosperity that you deserve you’ve got a lot coming through that starts in January Sagittarius and this Sagittarius here is my going to be anyone to be reckoned

with look at that you’ve carried a broken heart for too long a heart of despair of questioning of being of being felt um you have felt like you’re you haven’t been given the Courage the you haven’t been given the how would I say that the encouragement to be better the encouragement on your achievements for some of you here it’s you’re Reinventing Your Life recreating who you are it’s you moving from a place of hurt of pain of not being accepted not being valued to now taking control of your D Destiny your future because someone here changed their perception and realized that it’s not about what others think of you it’s not about what others want it’s about what you do with your truth and your being to how successful you can be you know now that you don’t need other people’s approval you know now that you don’t need other people’s

um manipulation you don’t need to deal with that anymore you’ve got your Clear Vision on where you want to

go and look at that you’re going to control your emotions for some of you you may have been coming out of a relationship that has torn you apart from a a home that has never given you that stability or that encouragement to be the best you can be that encouragement or endorsement to keep going you’re going to balance your emotions and with that you’re going to create your new life you’ve taken time to think about this hasn’t been something that happened overnight this is something that you’ve been thinking about for quite some time and you’ve all of a sudden realized that I need to do this for myself

what else have we got here for Sagittarius please what are the last messages we have for Sagittarius Unleash Your kindest self this is coming out a lot in these readings this card unleash your kindness self it’s being kind to who you are it’s time now to draw the line in the sand from 2023 to 2024 and start new Don’t Look Back the review mirror is so much smaller than the wind screen on your car and there’s a purpose and a reason for that because forward is the way looking back doesn’t bring you anything unleash the kindest self to

yourself what else have we got for Sagittarius please thank you two they want me to give you two Sagittarius clear your mind absolutely clear your mind before you go and study you determine what you want to do clear your mind and with that will come inspiration will come clear thoughts a direction a very clear Direction meditate allow yourself in nature and just sit in

quiet it’ll do wonders focus on the positive Sagittarius this is the new moon in you we’re going through the new moon right now this is saying Sagittarius it is time for you to focus on the positive in January nothing negative means anything to you if there’s a negative situation look for a positive in that as much as it’s hard and we all go through those times of negative situations happening but it’s the way we look at it it’s the way we understand it that makes all the difference so stay focused focus on the positives in every situation no matter how big or small it is chunk it down and look for the positives in that Sagittarius thank you so much lots of love and light your way my beautiful ones and I’ll talk to you soon thank you [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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