Libra Horoscope |Powerful Tarot December Week 4

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 4, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Libra thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and we’re just going to put your candle on I hope everybody is well we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and um we’re going to start off with some energies then go to the tarot then Len M and then we’re going to finish off with the moon deck um as a last message and the reason for that is that we’re still in 2023 and we’re still ruled by the moon until March so Libra I know I explained it last week but just be aware that 2024 is Saturn and Saturn amplifies a lot of what we put out so if we’re putting out a lot of negativity that’s exactly what will come back so be super super Vigilant in 2024 to always look at the positive side of things if possible I know there’s going to be challenging times where we can’t do that but um and you’re allowed to have your bad days yes but uh very quickly we need to turn that vibration over if possible okay let’s see what we have for Libra please for the next 7 to 14 days thank you first card gratitude Libra it is a time of gratitude a time to be grateful for everything we have there’s some changes coming in Libra that is going to bring you to your knees for some of you to say thank you for for everything that you’ve asked for thank you for the life that you have for the people you have in your life and it’s going to be a time of just plain gratitude being grateful for everyone and everything that’s touched your life what a beautiful energy to start with Libra what a beautiful energy to start with what else have we got Focus it’s going to ask you to focus focus on the change you want to make again another five look up 55 angel number on in Google and that’s going to have a message for you but it’s asking you to focus focus on what’s important focus on your dreams your goals and your transformation focus on how things are turning out and where they’re going and where they’re taking

you beautiful what else have we got please for Libra one more message thank

you Libra if there is not going to be change in your life then I don’t know what will be you’ve got remember number five is change here we’ve got change we’ve got number five there two and three is five and we’ve got number five there which is one and four there is no question that there is change coming into your life and I feel that this change is going to come in quickly you know it’s going to be like the wind it’s going to come in and going to bring you the changes you’ve been asking for the wishes you’ve been wanting what you’ve been asking your mentors your God your higher creator for is exactly what’s coming in Focus meditate and ask in glory because you know what the changes are there and they’re coming in quickly the change that you asked to happen may not have happened up until now but now it’s going to take a turn and you’re going to be so grateful for everything that comes into your life what a beautiful energy Libra what a beautiful energy it’s like this gust of wind comes in and says Libra you asked and we are here you may have lost faith and doubted that we were listening but here it is it may not be in your timing but this is the quickest we could have brought this forward let’s see what are we talking about what changes are taking place with Libra’s life that is amazing what changes are coming in for Libra what changes are coming in for Libra please thank you my beautiful mentors and guides please show me the changes coming in for

Libra justice justice is being served for all of you that worked extremely hard and wanted to achieve Something There It Is you’re either going to receive news or something that comes through to say to you everything that you did and everything that you put in was not a mistake it wasn’t unnoticed it is here and it is just you deserve to have what you’ve worked so hard to achieve and this is our card Libra this is the Justice card our scales are going to be very much balanced we’re going to feel at peace we’re going to feel in control and we’re going to be grateful for everything that comes through it’s like you’ve you’ve asked and we listened you may have lost faith in us but we never left you alone look at that the Queen of Wands the Queen of Wands is an energy of going forward making everything work it is time to take your projects your dreams your wants and your needs forward Libra it’s a time to make yourself known to take risks on things that you want to do but never have had the strength or the passion to do because you thought maybe maybe not it is now time for you to be true to who you are move forward with certainty and be strong in everything that you do you are amazing and here you may have Aries or Leo in your sign but Aries is strong here or you may be dealing with an aries as well but whatever it is that you’re doing it’s a it’s an energy of power of strength of moving forward with everything that you have look at that the Queen of Swords that’s our energy as well Libra it’s speaking your truth being true to who you are being true to what you want it’s standing up finally and saying enough of that look at that Libra look at at that power look at that power I can’t tell you this is a huge Powerhouse here the Queen of Wands and the Queen of Swords are the two most strongest Queens there are and you can be a male it’s the energy that counts here not the the gender it doesn’t have female or male here it’s you taking the bull by the horns and making things work it’s you saying enough is enough I need to take control of what I want and what I need in my life life and I understand that no one’s going to do it for me I’m so forever grateful for everything I have and it’s now time that I move forward the change is going to be great great the temperance patience you’ve required patience up until now and you may still have to be a little bit more patient when things come through but it will you will get exact L what it is that you’ve been asking for you will get everything that you’ve put in for those of you that haven’t put in anything well then you you don’t have anything coming back to to you at all and I’m sorry to say that but I I feel here that the majority of librans have worked extremely hard have dedicated themselves their souls their Spirit to a certain project a certain um situation or circumstance people in their life and now that gratitude that thank thank thankfulness comes back in spades you’re going to realize with this change Libra it brings a lot of strength a lot of strength a lot of power within you knowing who you are and no one’s going to stop you if you have got goals and dreams that you want to achieve then that’s what you’re going to do this one didn’t fall and I’m not going to take this one right now because didn’t fall down but that’s the high priestess you want to let go but something’s still holding you back you want your freedom you want to be able to just love live and get out of certain situations but something’s still holding you back what is it Libra what’s holding you back cuz that didn’t fall it wanted to you have this urge to want to get out there and put yourself out


the lovers card for many of you here you are going to make some concrete decisions and they’re not going to be decisions that are going to be made lightly you’re going to know exactly what you want and you’re not going to stop until you get and receive what you actually want for some of you here it’s you moving forward with a beautiful relationship and making amends with something that may not have gone so well in the past but now you take control of that situation you make yourself heard and if it’s someone that you want you’re going to go out and get it there is no McKing around here with Libra for some couples as well there may be some standing strong on a Libra part and that may be that they know what they want and they know what they deserve so for anyone that’s married to a Libra you may find yourself in a bit of a standstill in shock because this Libra that you’re going to have now in the next 7 to 14 days is not one of making um promises that they can’t keep and they’re going to be very true in their word and know what they

want you take the Reigns and you speak your truth whether it hurts anybody or not it’s now the time where you say what is it that I want to keep in my life what is it that I don’t want to keep in my life anymore what don’t I want in my life anymore

for some of you it’s you reading the right act to your partner to say that it’s you moving forward saying you’re either in or you’re out which one is it I am no longer going to be second fiddle or second best I want your commitment or if you don’t want to commit then I need to move forward the um the hermit you’ve taken a a while to think about all of this it hasn’t been something that you’ve just decided overnight you’ve been secluded in the last couple of weeks or months deciding and looking at your life of what you’ve got and what you want and knowing that you deserve better knowing that you need better you need to speak your truth and nothing will stop you from there on

in the page of Swords you beginning with new ideas new thoughts new decisions new attributes New Attitudes new way of seeing things it’s a new you Libra it’s like this change that’s coming in this wind that’s coming in is saying wake up Libra wake up because you’re not where you want to be it’s now time to look at things truthfully for what they are what is it that’s holding you back where where do you want to go what do you want to do look at this the Queen of Pentacles you got three queens here Libra the Queen of Pentacles comes to say to you you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to you are in control of your finances your decisions it’s now time for you to stand strong it’s now time for you to make some real concrete


you’ve had enough of carrying everybody else’s burdens and now you these burdens you’re tired you’re exhausted you’ve taken the time out and with that came truth you decided now that no longer am I going to carry these burdens no longer am I going to carry other people everyone needs to stand on their own two feet I am tired I am exhausted and I’m going to speak my truth and people either like it or they don’t but at the moment I really don’t care because here I need to stick up for who I am I need to be true to who I am it’s like a clean slate Libra the energy here is like you come in like a hurricane and you start to sort things out sort things between what do I want and what don’t I want your ideal situations to have happy family and anything and anyone that gets in between that is going to have to deal with the force of the Libra change that’s coming through you know what you want and you know where you need to get to being happy in Harmony in peace and Tranquility we’re ruled by Venus Libra so here you’re going to be very much in touch with your feelings but you’re going to be very rational about how achieving what you want to achieve you’re not putting up with anybody’s attitudes you’re not putting up with anybody’s um opinions judgments it’s very clean and very simple you’re very focused on where you need to go you’re very grateful for everything you have but you’re very focused on making this change on getting what it is that out of the way that needs to

go the book you’ve leared a lot of lessons in life you’ve experienced many things and that has all taught you something that’s important and with that learning with these insights with these uh teachings that you’ve had you’ve gained a lot of knowledge a lot of power within and I’m not saying power over other people no it’s not an ego thing here this is about internal power of understanding Who You Are of what you want the

focus the Loyalty you want loyalty you want change you want people beside you that are going to be good for you and loyal to you you don’t want people anymore that just pretend you you’re not in the mood to put up with small chat you don’t want people that only come and go whenever they please you want truth and you want protection and you want your great for the great friends that you have many of you will even change the circle of friends that you’re

in you just want Prosperity you want to be loved you want to give love you’re reassessing everything that’s important everything that’s a gift in your life is being very M very clear here you’re making that very clear you’re knowing exactly who you want and who you don’t want what what you want and what you don’t want it’s a change of cleaning cleaning the Slate Libra that’s what I get I get a feeling of cleaning the Slate you know who you need to watch out for you know the changes that need to be made for all of those people that thought that you were just an indecisive liban that couldn’t make a decision to save yourself or that you were you were so generous that you would put up with all their right well then guess what I’ve learned a lot and that’s the end this is where I draw the last line no longer do I want to be with people that are conniving manipulative and narcissistic no longer do I want to be with people that are only there for a good time and not a long time I’ve learned a lot in my life and this is where things

change there’s the cat there’s the the cut you’re going to whep out and that’s a master number number 11 you’re going to whep out anybody that is not true if you’re not a true friend I don’t want it if the situation isn’t real I don’t want to be a part of

it if it doesn’t make me happy I don’t want it if it’s negative I don’t want to hear it only truth will have a space in your life and your

world only

truth you have changed this is a Libra that has had some dark days some fearful days some a days of anxiety some days of questioning some days of Doubt looking on the the the side of of what have I done where have I gone wrong why have I let people treat me this way people taking advantage of me why is that well guess what the change is

here love that love that you’re going to receive a message and that message may come to you as a big surprise it may come to you from someone that’s a far or someone that’s going to talk to you about either something that they’re learning a contract paperwork that needs to be solved it’s it’s documentation there’s going to be um a message for you in the next 7 to 14 days of maybe a documentation that you need to look at and it’s going to be a documentation that’s going to require you to really open your eyes with this because there may be information in that documentation that may bring you some unsettled changes so when signing documents contracts or anything like that please double check that the information that you’re receiving is correct that all the information you have and that there’s nothing that’s hidden or nothing that’s been hidden from you so if you receive some information or news in the next 7 to 14 days check the information check the valid validation of the information don’t sign up to anyone or any on the Internet or by telephone saying that they’re your bank and they have to um re redo your passwords none of that validate it do not believe in anything that comes forward any documentation any um smss any messages validate everything that comes through before you do anything with it so there’s a warning there for Libra to open up open your eyes and be very aware that there there may be a couple there may be someone trying to take advantage of you in regards to some

documentation it’s you changing your skin look at that don’t give up on your beliefs and who you are it’s time and for transformation you’re changing your skin a snake usually goes into into a period of um hiding or Solitude and they take their time to come out of their old skin to to start new and whilst they’re changing their skin and waiting for the new one to come they may be fragile but this is where you you’ll know who your friends were or who your friends are the difference between who’s real and who’s not this transformation that’s happening to you Libra is a transformation that’s brought to you by being taken for granted in the past by being taken as a fool for your

generosity very aware of who and what you want to deal

with and the fox look at the change again number 14 that’s five again look at this you’ve got number 14 there you’ve got 32 there which is five five a five is Chang and then you’ve got the bouquet which is number nine you’re reassessing everything in this change you’re reassessing all the beautiful gifts all the beautiful people and situations that you want to keep but everything else is moving out with the change no longer am I going to question who I have or what I have I’m going to be sure and I’m going to be very smart in the way I look at things from here on in and I’m going to be be very smart about the friends that I choose to keep the people and situations I choose to keep in my

life and you’re going to make some solid decisions decisions that are going to be very make a big impact in your life Libra decisions that are going to count that’s what you’re going to be

doing okay last message for Libra please beautiful message what a strong message Libra this is a strong message a message of standing up being

true wow and that flew exactly like that change like I told you with the wind release your blocks release anything that is blocking you and not allowing you to be who you are release that energy everyone and anything that stands in your way needs to move aside and you’ll do it tactfully with diplomacy and in a very beautiful and elegant manner but everything that needs to go will go because you’re going to release all the blocks that kept you back from being who you are who you want to be to where you want to

go and honor your feelings honor the way you feel doesn’t matter what other people think and some are going to think how mad you’ve gone and what happened to you Libra what why all this change you know why all this change because no longer am I going to put up with rubbish no longer am I going to let you or anybody else manipulate me for a long long time I’ve been generous and I’ve given it my all but what I got in return was not what I gave say Here I Am honoring my feelings I am protecting myself from people and situations that don’t bring any positive into my

life Libra I hope that this has made sense to somebody here cuz it’s a powerful reading let me know in the comments lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here all the best

bye-bye now

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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