Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December Week 4

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023

FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 4, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/scorpio-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and today we’re here to bring you your horoscopes for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with some energies then go into the tarot then we’re going to do Leo Normand and then finally we’re going to have a message from the Moon card and the reason I’m doing the moon card again as a message is we’re still ruled by the moon in 2023 and that ends in March 2024 so until then we’re still ruled by the moon but Scorpio I know I mentioned it last week but just be super aware 2024 is very powerful ruled by Saturn who amplifies everything it justifies everything so if you’re in a negative mood or you you’re thinking negative your thoughts are not as desirable as they should be then Saturn amplifies that so make sure that even I know that we all have good days and bad days and that’s that’s life really for everybody but if you can at least try and minimize the negativity or the bad the bad um Vibes or vibrations that you put out the better it’s going to be and I know that we’re going to have some some ups and downs cuz that’s it that is life but um if we can minimize those that would be great because like I said Saturn in 2024 amplifies everything that we put out it brings it back in okay let’s see the messages for Scorpio please for this 74 7 to 14 days protection Scorpio you are being protected you have got protection someone is looking out for you for your stability for your care and I know for some of you here I’ve got the feeling now where you feel it sometimes you feel someone or a sense of an energy being around you they’re saying Scorpio You are not alone at times you may have gone through some tough times and you may question sometimes whether we’re behind you and whether we’re got you we do have you and we’re protecting you someone of importance is pro protecting you Scorpio someone of importance they’re helping you to see things hear

things the unexpected you know Scorpio you know what feeling I’ve got here that sometimes things happen that are unexpected around you and you question what is it why did this happen or why is that happening whatever is happening you are being

protected something May pop up and you may not have accept expected that to happen but you also have a sense of protection that it’s like it’s like something’s taken place but instead of you being angry about it you look at it like I was meant to see that and I was meant to be here in the right place at the right time for me to either one see it for myself or be in a place where someone would tell me it’s like there’s going to be some news that you didn’t expect but at the same time you’re going to feel protected like someone is looking out for

me what else have we got for Scorpio thank you the will where there’s a will there is always a way you have got the will to create anything you want they’re saying to you you may have for for some Scorpios here there’s going to be an event that happens and it’s going to be unexpected you didn’t expect to happen that way or you didn’t expect the solution to be what it what it came out to be or an answer to be what it was but it’s like you you have battled to do something or you’ve you’ve been in a battle to complete something but you never gave up and the unexpected happens exactly at the time that you didn’t expect something to happen do do you understand what I’m saying it’s like what’s an example of that how do I explain that to

them it’s like you’ve been working towards something and you go okay well I’m going to keep working towards this promotion or I’m going to work in this relationship to make it work or I’m going to um do something I’m doing something that I’m I can see something happening I feel it I know it’s going to work and then before you know it you get not you get news or someone offers you a large sum of money on something that you’ve been working on or you get a promotion when you didn’t expect one something is being noticed something is is happening that you didn’t expect to happen that way but it all be all because of your willpower to achieve and to find

out I hope that makes sense to somebody I know it’s confusing but that’s what they’re giving me it’s like you’ve you you’ve got this will to achieve but when you least expect it that’s when it happens and it comes because you’re being protected it comes because someone is looking out for

you it’s like you didn’t expect how do I explain that let’s see let’s headit to the tarot maybe they can explain it better than

me tell me what it is that you’re going through Scorpio cuz this is the king of Cups it’s like there’s an offering an offering when you least expected it you put everything into something and you didn’t think people were going to notice how valuable it was or or how much work you’ve put into it but all of a sudden you get the recognition you get the offering that you were waiting on you get the recognition that you needed for others it’s you have put yourself out there and you’ve asked to meet the most beautifullest person in the world and you’ve got this will to love and be loved and out of nowhere where you least expected you may have just gone to get a bottle of milk from the corner store but there is this person that takes you by surprise and before you know it they approach you because you you’ve taken them by surprise you know that moment where you just look at someone and you think wow like I feel like I’ve been here before I feel like I I know this

person it’s like it’s a gift a gift from that you can’t explain it’s a circumstance that you can’t

explain and that felt like that that’s the hangman upside down usually it comes out like that where you’re not seeing things clearly this felt this way you see things clearly now once this happens it’s like you’ve received this Vision this Insight this news this this message or you’ve had a dream or something comes towards you information is offered to you out of nowhere that makes you realize or see something for what it

is I hope I’m making some sense here Scorpio I know what I’m I’m trying to say it you know what it’s exactly that whatever this is it’s going to leave you speechless where you’re not going to be able to explain what happened look at that you’ve got everything it takes to be the best you can be in whatever you want you’ve got what it takes to have a beautiful relationship you’ve got what it takes to create your own magic you’re the magician this is you you’re going to have an answer or an offering or someone offers you something that allows you to create your magic or show your magic in some sort of of thing that you

do and you never expected this it’s the beginning of the movement forward the Knight of Wands it’s you knowing now where you’re going you having a clear understanding of what direction you need to go in the answer that you wanted the solution you were looking for it it’s now offered to you and you’re in amazement because you think I’ve been waiting for this answer and this solution and out of nowhere I receive it when I least expect it yes you’ve been in a place of not being able to see how you’re going to make something work or not being able to see the truth in something a solution in something but with this news that comes through this

unexpected information that is brought to you it brings you the answer and the solution that you want and you realize how protected you are that there is a higher force that you can’t explain how that happened let me know what this is Scorpio cuz I’m intrigued there you go the change you wanted exactly the change that you needed to create your magic the change comes through The Wheel of Fortune you you’re given a hand or you’re given an opportunity that came out of nowhere and that you can’t

explain in the right place at the right time that sort of

thing the right relationship the meeting of someone amazing where you l least expected it look at that and new love a ace of cups for someone here for all you singles that were looking for love this is going to take you by surprise when you least expect it it’ll be

there you may have been asking for this and they’re saying we’re listening we’ve


oops that decision that you now have to make or the decision that you were wanting to make but couldn’t the solution the answer you were looking for the many of you here you were in debt with something that you were doing you didn’t know if it was going to work you didn’t know if you’re going to be able to travel you don’t know you didn’t know whether this was going to be accepted this idea that you have this imagination this project this

career or there was a puzzle a piece of the puzzle missing which now you get and it comes out of nowhere it may be just a conversation that you’re having with someone and all of a sudden they say something and there you go there’s your

answer look at that you now know what you want and what you don’t want you now know that how to create your magic you now know the answer and the solution that you were looking for it comes to you out of

nowhere after all the search and looking for a particular answer or a or a solution to a problem that you are having that person that you were looking

for it’s coming Scorpio when you least expect it where you least expect it for many of you here you’re in solitude for quite some time looking for answers wanting to find Solutions wanting to find that love to complete your life you find it now where you least expect

it and it’s going to give you this willpower to just believe and have faith that people are looking out for you you’re going to realize that although I questioned my faith I question my belief it is now very clear that someone is protecting

me that someone is listening what else do we have for Scorpio please let me know in the comments if you can resonate with this please a man the man the love that you’ve been looking for out of nowhere out of nowhere where you least expected it is where it came out is where you found them in a place that you would never dream that you would meet someone at a time that you didn’t think you would meet

someone but it’s there Scorpio it’s

there for many of you here you’d given up you’d given up and now you’re putting away all the doubts all the questioning that you had you have found this internal power within that’s made you realize that things that didn’t happen weren’t meant to happen because now you understand why they weren’t meant to happen it’s you getting a very clear understanding of why things didn’t take place the decisions you

made they were all for a reason or the decisions that you were made to make weren’t by mistake there was always a purpose and a reason for

those a house for some of you here you may buy a house and when you least expect it you will find the house and you may even find the agent of the house at the same time you know it’s one of those bizarre things that you can’t explain and if you to if you to tell when you tell people they’ll think how did that happen how could that have happened you couldn’t have written it any better

yourself for too long you went through mountains looking for answers looking for that someone looking for

Solutions you grew along the way you you learn learned a lot of things you experienced things that were good and things that were not so good but now with everything that you went through that’s in your past you now find your light at the end of the tunnel you now leave behind things that no longer suit you people that no longer fit into your life ideas pain hurt you bury all those

it’s like it’s a new beginning a new vision a new occurrence that changes everything look at that two and two look up 22 as an angel number there’s a message there for you what you couldn’t see clearly before now becomes very clear all the questions all the all the solution

there may still be some decisions you need to make Scorpio but that they will be decisions that you make with certainty and with the information you need no longer are you going to put up with changes or sorry you’re going to change but no longer are you going to put up with people that brought you very little when you expected to be treated like you treated them with respect with dignity and with a lot of love and caring and nurture the change is here you’re no longer going to settle for little bits see how he’s eating a little bit there no longer are you going to with this change that’s coming through no longer will you accept less than what you deserve

new home new partner there’s something new here and it’s heavy like it’s it’s like it was unexpected look at that the key you find your key you find the light at the end of the tunnel you find your answer your solution and you’ve got what it takes now to move forward number 33 is a master number look up 33 angel number it’s exactly you being protected and

guided and that’s a three as well so

333 it didn’t happen by mistake Scorpio whatever happens in the next 7 to 14 days is going to take you by surprise and it’s going to open up the door that you didn’t think would ever open this flew out look at that it flew this is you changing your skin making decisions that now are going to be right for you not everybody else understanding and seeing things for what they are and changing what you want to change not giving up on your dreams having that will power to go all the way with a belief with an opportunity that’s been given to you with a partner that you’ve just

met it’s the beginning of a new life a new a new vision the clouds are moving look at that and here comes the sun the clouds for for quite a while there Scorpio you you may have been in the clouds not knowing which way to go not knowing what to do not knowing what was right and what was wrong not seeing things clearly not knowing what path to take but your stability is coming through your answer your opportunity your proposal your new person everything becomes clear now the dark times are over you see things clearly now for what they

are and that may come to you as a dream it that answer may come to you as a dream it may be when you least expected the you know like I said before you being in in a place that you never imagine meeting someone or meeting someone of importance but this opportunity or this person finds you crosses their path crosses your path when you least expect it focus on the positive don’t question it focus on the positive remember I said to you 2024 is ruled by Saturn what we put out is what we’re going to get back don’t lose Faith don’t lose vision and keep focused on what you


reveal what needs to be seen there’s something that you’re not showing there’s something that you’re not saying there’s something that you’ve been holding back now is the time to reveal what needs to be seen it’s now time to reveal what your expectations are what you want where you want to go

it’s a time of discovery of knowing that things happen for a

reason Scorpio I hope this has made sense to somebody here cuz at the beginning it was really mindboggling how this was all going to take place but as the reading went on it was very very clear that when you least expect it that’s when it’s going to happen lots of love and light your way Scorpio thank you so much

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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