Aquarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot December Week 4

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023

FREE Weekly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 4, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings and we’re here to do your horoscope for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to go through some energies then through the tarot Len mad and then the final message at the end so let’s see what we have for the next 7 to 14 days and these readings are coming out quite strong remember Aquarius that um in 2024 we’re ruled by the moon up until uh March 2024 but and then and then we take on Saturn which means to keep a Good Vibration and a good thought throughout 2024 and even in the darkest moments that we all have we need to ask ourselves why is this happening and understand it rather than uh Let Yourself Go because with Saturn it tests you it’s going to test you to see how real you are it’s a year of Justice what you put out is what you’re going to get back and it’s also a year of low vibrations and negativity is going to get more of that so keep positive as much as you can okay let’s see Aquarius please what energies do we have for Aquarius release Aquarius it’s time to release there’s something that you’re going through or something that you’re hanging on to that is it’s now time for you to release go into 2024 with a clean slate releasing any doubt any negativity anything that holds you back clearing the Slate of things or people or situations that are holding you back it’s the end nine 2 and seven is nine which is you’re reassessing everything that you need to let go

of a time of cleaning a time of transformation a time of release what else have we got for Aquarius please thank you self-reflection it’s you looking in the mirror and saying who am I what do I want where do I need to be where am I going and what do I who do I want to stay in my life who do I not want to stay in my life where do I I see myself going what is it that I want to do it’s someone here that’s releasing what doesn’t suit them but also asking themselves what is it that they want for themselves looking in the mirror and seeing the person that looks back at you understanding who is that person what does that person want out of

life self-reflection is a huge huge process of self-growth

realization for some of you you’re realizing that there’s a lot more out there that you want to do there’s a world out there that you want to explore it’s like someone is in a place

of stagnation you you feel stagnated you feel like I need more in my life I want want more in my life what does the universe in the world have to offer me what else is out there that you know this is a big Keyhole here and it’s like you’re you you want to see what’s through that Keyhole you want to see what’s on the other side of that

door and you’re looking up thinking what have you got to offer me what is it that you can off of me trying to get the light out of that

card so I have here an aquarius that is very much questioning where they are what they need to let go of and what they want for their life understanding that the world is a big place and has so much to offer I feel that this is an aquarius that hasn’t lived anywhere near how much they want to live someone that wants more someone that wants to explore let’s see what else we have for Aquarius please that’s the energy I have here Aquarius tell me if this is

you the release again look at the both energies here Aquarius it’s someone that wants to let go wants to go where the World wants to take them wants to go with the flow find your purpose find your reason look at different different cultures nationalities explore what the world has to offer transform into something different it’s someone wanting different here Aquarius someone here wants something entirely

different you want to find your stability you want to find your purpose your reason you want to find that that thing that that place that purpose that goal that dream that makes you want to get up every morning and be excited to get up you want to find that that ignite That Fire

Within it’s someone looking to ignite that fire and passion

within who am I what do I stand

for the empress it’s you wanting to release and find your creative self Aquarius the empress and the emperor this is you for some of you here it’s wanting to find the love of your life wanting to move away from things that block you from Customs that don’t allow you to be who you are from people that promise you the world world and don’t deliver anything from some of you here it’s you finding wanting to find that Prince at the end of the tunnel that princess that you’ve always dreamed of or asked for for others here it’s you creating something totally new you want to let go of the old you want to create a new world with a new vision and a new you in it

for those of you that want to have a baby very very big very big if you want to have a baby then the the proposition is there if you don’t please be super

careful I feel here for some of you at least for one couple here this is a couple you making decisions now to go to a a totally different world and live a totally different life it’s like your partner and you have discussed freeing yourself from all the chores freeing yourself from any responsibilities because I feel here I may have a couple that have had kids and they’ve moved on and now it’s your time it’s like you want to go to live in a new place travel the world and not have a concrete concrete place to call home for a while it’s like I want to sell my home or and Jet off with your partner and explore the world live work and live where you go or just live in different places but nothing expensive I I feel here that there’s a couple here that wants to just travel travel the world and get to know places and people for what they truly

are it’s not someone that wants to stay in hotels it’s someone that wants to explore the world of how the locals live in every

country there’s a there’s a there’s a certain thing here the nine of swords for too long you’ve dreamed of something for too long you’ve done something you don’t want to do for too long you’ve been in a relationship you don’t want to be in now it’s time to release yourself Aquarius it’s like you you’re Yearning For Change you’re yearning to release anything and anyone that hold you

back it’s like you know what it’s like Aquarius I I get the feeling here like a midlife crisis for someone here for someone else it’s just you wanting to expand and go and

do one more card

please there are decisions for some of you here there are going to be decisions that you need to make there’s going to be decisions that you need to make in regards to your finances and be very very creative on how you and invest your money there’s going to be um decisions on how you spend your money what you do with it how you make it grow how you’re going to invest that money so you can live on that for anyone that’s retired here for others it’s how you’re going to invest your money something that you’re going to buy something that you want to invest in if you’re traveling you may make a decision to at work and travel at the same same time because I do get that feeling here that someone wants to use their creativity to travel but work at the same time as long as you’re out out of here you’re you’re happy as long as you’re releasing yourself and allowing yourself to live that dream that there’s more that the world has to offer seeing the world in a different way to what others see the world experience the world

working but also exploring not in one place for for a long long

time the four of Pentacles there’s a dream here or something that someone’s doing and you’re not you’re not you’re not telling people how you feel or you’re keeping things to yourself for now it’s like you’re waiting you’re waiting waiting to be released you’re waiting for that blockage to happen for that blockage to dissolve itself it’s like you’re waiting for something to happen for you to be able to release yourself and deep within your heart you know what you want to do and you’re not you’re keeping that to

yourself for others here maybe for one person here if you’re in a relationship with someone that’s very dominating manipulative or narcissistic you are making a decision to leave this relationship but you haven’t discussed it yet with this person they have no idea that these are your

intentions the Queen of Pentacles remember I said about making decisions in regards to your money this is going to be a new investment a new purchase for

some a new way of you making decisions on how you make your money grow the eight of swords look at this make no mistake Aquarius for some of you here you’re starting a new job and using your create your creativity in a new place in a new location you’re fed up with with not being able to do what you want you’re fed up with feeling that you can’t step forward you feel blocked you feel stopped you feel like there’s chains keeping you down it’s like you you are at a stage where you’re going to scream if you can’t be

released you want to start something new and you don’t want to start it later you want to start something new now but there but I do feel that there’s something here Aquarius that is hel holding you back still there’s one thing still holding you back I’m getting Goosebumps here it’s like I’m waiting for the moment I’m waiting for the right time where I can release who I am where I can release where I want to go where I want to be who I want to be the transformation that you’re hoping for that’s why you’re questioning who am I for an Aquarius here you know the feeling I get that you have come to a stage in your life that you’ve outgrown your current lifestyle your current situation where you live who you who you are where who you’re with what you’re doing it’s like you’re transforming into something else and the life that you have or you’ve had no longer makes sense the group of people that you used to socialize with or you do socialize with is not making any

sense your career or your job or your project that you’re doing is no longer what you want to be doing look at this on the bottom of the deck we’ve got the two of Pentacles I need to make

decisions I I need to make decisions that are going to free myself from where I am who I’m with and what I’m doing and it may involve moving to another country another city another state I need to make the decision that’s right for me I need to release myself and you may decide to take a vacation Aquarius to get your self sorted cuz I do feel here that there’s an aquarius here just waiting to

scream let’s see what l m has for Aquarius

please cutting things out that no longer serve me I need to master who I am now it’s no mistake that the master himself the emperor is here and the empress like that itself Aquarius with the temperance that is a that is a powerful powerful

reading you’ve got sorry the high priestess here you’ve got the high priestess

with you are making decisions and if you’re not you’re yearning to make decisions you’re going to make some Cuts in your life you’re going to move away from certain people certain certain

places even move from where you’re living now to find yourself to find the new you you know it’s like you’re in in your current body saying I no longer belong in this body this body now is transformed the house moving houses I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you sell your houses or just move move locations live in another place for many of you you are questioning and you want change you are Yearning For Change Aquarius change change change in every aspect of your life for some of you for others it may just be a relocation or a new project a new career a new relationship but for this person that I’m connecting to here there is no question you’re ready to bury the old you and find the new

you you are going and there’s no mistake look at this eight and eight 1 and seven is eight and then you’ve got eight as well I need to find who I am who I who I was no longer belongs I’m a new person now with new determination new goals and new dreams and for many of you here you may be going through a huge amount of uncertainty anxiety annoyed being

annoyed because you’re trying to find

yourself a male may be able to help you through this for some of you here you’re moving homes or moving in with

somebody you’re moving to a new location with a partner starting a new life in a new place in a new home for others you may get a new

job you’re realizing that there’s more to life than what you’ve been living you’re realizing that you don’t want to do what you’ve always done you you’re no longer the person you were

before Aquarius there is no mistake look at this the moon and the rats look at the the numbers five and five I want change I want change and I want it now I don’t care what others will think I don’t care how others will feel I’m at the point now where I need this change I need to make decisions that are going to allow me to be who I am

today and if if that involves moving that’s exactly what I need to do if that involves leaving things behind then that’s what I will

do no longer do I want to live feeling like I owe people things I want to go in search of my stability look at that number again if you’re unsure look up 555 angel number number 555 Angel Number there’ll be a message for you Aquarius the person I’m connecting to that wants all these change there’s going to be a message there for you 555 55 angel number and five Angel Number you’re looking for your stability you want new you’re going to cut things out that no longer serve you you’re going to bury the old you the old ways the old thoughts and you’re going to find your new build a new life somewhere else with someone else a new job a new career a new

project the foundations are going to be changed here Aquarius you want change and you want it now

look at that number

again tell me that this Aquarius does not want change five is change Aquarius there is a message for you here listen to your guides your mentors they are talking to

you go with your in ition follow your heart follow your dream follow what you want to

do be the person you want to be there may be a female here that tries to manipulate you tries to change your mind tries to tell you that you’re not going to be able to do this sort of thing that thinks that you’ve gone mad there may be a female that’s keeping you blocked there may be a female that’s holding you back and not because they’re holding you back but the sentiments that you hold for this person may be the thing that’s stopping you and that’s eating you on the

inside feeling like you want to make this change but for someone here there’s a female of importance

here and for this reason they’re finding it hard to release and let go but you’re going to you know Aquarius you’re going to get to a stage where you think you know what I do love this person and I care for them and I understand this doesn’t have to be a relationship uh this doesn’t have to be a love relationship this could be a mother could be a daughter could be a grandmother could be somebody of importance a sister and you feel that if you go you’re going to leave them on their own that you’re going to leave this person it’s like there’s a a tide to this person that’s holding you back not allowing you to move forward to make the changes that you so want to make you’re going to make decisions you’re going to make decisions

you have decisions to

make big decisions important decisions here Aquarius but just know this follow your heart follow your

intuition Aquarius there’s think it through look at that think it through think how it can be possible although you feel that you want to leave tomorrow but this person or this thing or this situation hold you back think it through there’s got to be a way for you to have the best of both

worlds think through anything before going through with anything and here lien up lighten up for someone here you’re so adamant about making the change that it’s driving you insane you want the change so much but this tie this instability this uncertainty this how how how do I get out of here how do I do this when I’ve got Family

Ties how do I do

this a lot to think about Aquarius you need to make those decisions and think it through cuz there may just be a way that you can have the best of both worlds lots of love and light Aquarius thank you so much for being here


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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