Virgo Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December Week 3

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 3, 2023

FREE Weekly Virgo Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 3, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Virgo Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@tarotreadingslive

We would also encourage you to view the Virgo Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here: https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-december-2023/

and https://psychicslive.com.au/virgo-horoscope-powerful-tarot-for-the-year-of-2024/

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello my beautiful Virgo how are you today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live.com and we’re here to bring you your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off with two energies then go straight into two tarot and at the end I’m going to use the moon deck to give you your final um message things that you can it concretes the reading basically okay let’s see what we have for Virgo for the next 7 to 14 days Virgo I’m not sure if you know but the 2024 predictions are out and the December forecast so if you’re interested go on there as um it’ll appear here on the video as well okay what would you like me to tell Virgo today remember Virgo it’s a general reading not everyone will resonate but there’ll be a message here that’s meant to come out for somebody the Sun how brilliant the sun Things become a lot brighter for you now Virgo Things become a lot more focused you see things a lot more clearer answers that you waiting for come through solutions to issues that you’ve been waiting to solve come through it’s a time of seeing things clearly and feeling the warm of the universe giving you this big hug saying Virgo it’s going to be okay you may be finishing off a cycle one and N is 10 which is finishing off a cycle ready to start a new cycle and how appropriate we’re in December going into 2024 for many of you you might you may be planning new things for next year or really having a really good think about where you want to focus your energy next year

that’s a good start Virgo the sun is is a good start seeing things a lot more clearer now than what you ever did before what other energy do we have for Virgo please one more energy for beautiful Virgo centered becoming centered Virgo it’s like you have aligned all your chakras and you’re standing still and looking at everything that happened around you in 2023 everything that took place you’re reassessing everything that you did everything that happened people that came in and out of your life people that you met people that left your life for a reason and a purpose where you see yourself now to to where you see yourself in future it’s it’s about centering yourself and taking the time out to really understand where you how far you have come and where you’ve come

from what were you like in 2023 at the beginning of 2023 and what are you like now going into 2024 are you the same person let me know in the comments have you learned things that have changed you have you experienced different things that have given you new A New Perspective have you met new people got out of old

relationships what is it that you have done and where are you today what are your belief system is that the same let’s see what the tarot has for the sun please explain the sun to me what is it that becomes clear for Virgo thank you the star look at that the star the star is all about you seeing things clearly now everything makes sense now I understand why that relationship didn’t work why I’m I left that job why I I moved away from those people everything starts to make sense when you stop and look back at where you’ve been and where you are today

what else have we got for Virgo please everything becomes clear there were certain decisions that you made that you felt you needed to make however you still questioned whether those decisions that you made were the right ones at times you think they may be but at times you still doubt could I have done it in a different

way it’s all part of the reassessing but I do feel that oh look at that for some of you here it’s you made decisions on a relationship and you now see very very clearly that that decision was the best one for you you now understand that although it was very very hard to make that decision although you went through a lot and and then decided a certain way you still questioned part of you questioned if you’d done the right thing but the other part was glad that you got yourself out of there and now it becomes very very clear that what you did was perfectly perfectly fine that relationship no longer had legs to go on let’s see what we’re centered what are you asking Virgo to be centered

about the five of Pentacles it’s a time to understand why you’ve gone through what you went through if you were short in finances if you were struggling at any time in your finances you will now Center yourself and understand why you went through that what that made you do who that made you for many of you you may have felt lonely you may have felt abandoned you may have felt

betrayed it’s about now centering yourself after feeling all of that it’s about resting part of centering yourself Virgo is about resting you need to take time out you need this is a time that you take time out to understand everything that’s happen happened and take time out to unwind meditate reenter yourself ready to take on 2024 it’s a reassessment of everything that’s happened but now it’s time to Center yourself and rest so that you can take on the New Year in a totally different vibe the vibration is going to be super important this year Virgo we’re going to be ruled by Saturn which is if you’re in a bad vibration he’ll dish out he or she will dish out more of what you’re feeling so it’s important that you’re rested you’re centered and you take it slow The Hermit it’s okay for you to withdraw it’s okay for you to take time out away from people from situations from the Social Circle from social media it’s okay for you to separate yourself from everything and anyone else in order for you to clear your mind and recenter the importance of who you are and where you want to go tell me if you’re feeling this Virgo tell me if you’re feeling that it’s time for you to reconnect with who you are reconnect with your soul

purpose what is it that you want to do what is it that look at that you’re thinking about things a lot more calculated a lot more rational you’ve let go of the feelings you’ve put your feelings aside the emotional side aside and now you’re concentrating on seeing things for what they truly stand for seeing people for who they truly are

thinking more in a calculated manner rather than an emotional manner you’re starting to understand that when you get emotional you make some some decisions that sometimes isn’t necessarily good for you the Knight of Cups you may meet someone Virgo in the next couple of weeks and we’re going into the festive season and the holiday season and you may just meet a beautiful person in the next couple of weeks if you haven’t done so already there’s going to be some some things that you will look at this person and think should I should I not I like them but I’m I’m scared I want to get involved with someone new but I’m worried that things will change that I’ll be going through exactly what I went through in my past relationships the universe is saying saying no Virgo it’s time for you to give this person a chance a new person comes into your life and you’re you’re in very much doubt whether you want to be part of that look at that protection and seven of cups look at that it’s not it’s not a mistake that the these two cards came under the two of Cups which is a couple a relationship you’ve got choices to make and you feel like you’ve got to protect yourself you know you need to make choices you know you need to move on you know that there’s still some choices and decisions to make but you’ll do it with huge thought on protection you want to protect yourself from the hurt and the pain that you’ve been through in the

past they told me to take both so there you go I had to take those two tell me about the five of Pentacles what is that when you felt abandoned some of you felt

isolated make no huge decisions right now you don’t need to make rash decisions in the past you may have rushed into things and here it’s saying to you Virgo whatever it is that you want to change take your time use the hermit here it’s important that you isolate yourself and Center yourself do what’s right for you despite what other people want you to do or despite external pressures it’s okay to take time out it’s okay to take your time in what it is that you need to do or you want to do even if you meet someone else Virgo in the next couple of weeks you don’t need to rush into that relationship you don’t need to rush into making decisions take your time because when you take your time you make informative decisions Two of Wands some of you want to travel some of you imagine what it would be like to be able to travel and do beautiful things that you want to do but at the moment you need to Center yourself first you need to feel like you can conquer the world and some of you want to do that right now what the universe is saying is rest your mind get yourself centered and on top of how you feel and traveling the world would be an absolute benefit to you for some of you you’re wondering is there what else has life got to offer me what else is there for me I want more out of life I want to do more I want to see more

I want to be part of more the Knight of Swords for some I don’t know how many but you walked away from a relation a relationship or a situation that was very toxic I I had someone here that left a relationship or a situation it could be a career family whatever it may be it was a situation or a relationship that was toxic and you had to get out of there there was no more ifs or

butts and on the bottom of the deck you’ve got dreams and goals that you still want to achieve you’ve got a wish to meet someone that’s going to be beautiful and treat you with respect and dignity and how how a woman or a man should be treated you’ve still got the hope that you’re going to meet that special somebody you’re going to make something out of your life that’s going to excite you you feel a little bit lost right now and that’s okay take your time at finding your path and your way don’t make any Rush decisions Now’s the Time for you to to stand still and appreciate what you have and how far you’ve come make no mistake you are going to move forward in 2024 that’s the bottom of the last deck which I forgot to say the bottom of the card but I just turned it over and there it is there is no question that you’re going to move forward this year with a more positive approach and a more prosperous approach than what 2023 gave you you’ve got the the sun you’ve got the centered once you’re centered and you’re enlight enlightened enlightened you’re going to find your way your path your purpose and your reason let’s see what message we have for Virgo please what’s the last messages we have for Virgo so I can close it off call your emotions absolutely remember I said to you here your thinking quite rational call your emotions as much as you want to be part of another relationship as much as you want to be loved and give love call your emotions and let things just work out you don’t need to rush and if anybody here cuz this a full moon in Aries if any if you come head tohe head with anybody or into an argument just cool your emotions think think about think about it in a rational manner it’s not worth getting upset and all worked up life is too short to allow ourselves to get emotionally fired up about things talk less feel more it’s time to talk less show more feel more be present more take your

time you know actions speak louder than words that that’s exactly what this card is show people your actions or show this new person your actions rather than tell them work through your feelings there’s some feelings here that need to be worked through the hermit says that you left for one person here you left a situation like I said that was toxic it’s not overnight that you get over this work through those feelings and understand how that M made you feel it’s important that you release those feelings before starting anything new don’t jump into a new relationship with unresolved issues because that means you’re just taking that energy into the new Virgo I hope this has helped somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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