Libra Horoscope |Powerful Tarot December Week 2, 2023

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 2, 2023

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December Week 2, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Libra thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to do um the energies then Len M Gypsy cards then we’re going to go into the tarot followed by your last message from the angel Oracle okay let’s see what we have for beautiful Libra I don’t know if you know but a lot uh I I do share this thing with you this reading because I’m a lib as well so we are amazing Libras we are amazing if we don’t think we’re amazing who’s going to think that eh let’s go what have we got for Libra what’s the energy we have for Libra today thank you Archangel Michael is with you now so for those of you that have lost a little bit of Hope or you’re feeling like you can’t get ahead or that there’s something wrong in your life that you can’t find the answer to or the solution to Archangel Michael is saying he is with you now even though you can’t see it I am actively working on this situation I am here helping you so that is Archangel Michael is my absolute favorite for those of you that don’t know and I have him here on my desk and I always have him there and I do talk to him all the time when I need to and I connect with him and he helps me through the readings and when I’m passing on information to people that’s super important so let’s see what else we’ve got so talk to him even though you can’t see him tell him what you need tell him what you’re feeling take control of your thoughts Libra it’s time to let your emotion take more control than what your thoughts are taking for example well you’re too much in the mind and that’s a Libra for you where we’re an air sign Libra Gemini and Aquarius we all um think way too much overthink sometimes and it’s saying take control of your thoughts your thoughts are creating your reality so in other words sometimes you’re thinking of things and believing that that’s going to happen when in reality it’s not you’re drawing situations to you that would never have been part of your your your path or your destiny it’s important to control how we think because that that that works on our vibration Libra and in 2024 Saturn is taking control so Saturn is in charge if you like in 2024 and with Saturn if you go on a low vibration that’s exactly what you’re going to keep getting again and again and again so it’s not going to improve it’s important that even though you’re down look at the positive if you can find one one little tiny thing even look at the positive of something look at look at things in a different light in a more positive way change that vibration change that perspective don’t allow your mind to play games with you and tell you how bad it is and how bad it’s going to get don’t give up on love for those of you that had given up on love and finding your soulmate finding that M or Mrs Right finding that person to share your life with and be with don’t give up on that it is going to come Libra it’s going to come and Archangel Michael can hear those of you that are asking for a beautiful person to come into your life when you say to yourself that you don’t deserve love or there’s no no one out there for you that’s exactly what’s happening they’re not being able to find you because you’re closed to any of

that no it’s not yet time look at that so for those of you that were giving up on something or finding someone it’s because it’s not the time yet the universe time is not ours unfortunately us as humans want everything yesterday we don’t understand that things take time and sometimes patience is not our

Forte but what it’s saying is Libra it is going to come just be patient if it hasn’t come yet that’s because one you need to work on your vibration and your mind allow yourself to think think that it’s going to arrive and bring it in invite it in and don’t give up on love let’s see let’s see what else we have here and things that don’t happen it’s it’s not because they’re they’re not going to happen it’s because it’s not the right timing right now you’ll know when it’s the right timing the bear for many of you for many of you you’re in a state of I’ve given up I’ve given up and I’m going to be as grumpy as I can and I don’t have stability in my life I’m looking for things to happen I’m looking for situations to present themselves I’m looking for the love of my life and I don’t seem to find them and that’s rocking your stability a little bit it’s you taking on the bear approach in a different manner saying I know I’m going to find my Mis or mrss right I know I’m going to get that beautiful job I know things are going to turn for me and really believe it there you go look at that there’s the figure the love figure where that’s a man but that doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s a gender it’s an energy it’s a love energy take control of those thoughts so you allow this person to come into your life so you allow yourself to find the love that you

deserve and the other thing too is when we’re so closed up and we don’t believe in love anymore you might you might you might meet that Mr or mrss right but because your vibration is so negative who wants to go out with a negative person who wants to share that negative vibration who wants to be part of someone that’s always complaining or coming across in a negative way and I’m not saying that you’re negative Libra but sometimes we can be when our scales are out of whack that’s exactly what we can be the dog we don’t know how to react when our scales are out of balance we like everything being balanced we like to be in control of everything we like to see everything perfect the way we want to see it we love the beauty the caring the N the nurture the love we’re ruled by Venus Venus rules us when a Libra is in love and is happy everything else is perfect even if it’s not look at that don’t give up on love for some of you here you not only want love you want a special friend that you can share everything with be part of you nurture care have your back you can speak to about anything watch that girly movie watch that that action-packed movie someone that’s going to compliment who you are so don’t give up on love because you’re not only going to get love you’re going to get a Best friend you might even be introduced to that beautiful someone by a friend or you could have a friend that will be the partner that you’ve been asking for the tree the changes changes take time to happen cha changes happen in good time and although you want stability Libra I get it I get it you just want to meet that special somebody or meet or do that special thing have that wish and that dream come true but it will happen just give it time be patient as everything that’s good takes takes

time okay let’s go what else have we got for Libra please what else have we got for Libra Libra this is very very in the way of Love here the dreams and the the goals finding someone that you can spend the rest of your life with go on holidays with go dancing with go to the movies what else have we got Libra for Libra please what else have we got for Libra it’s Justice look at that although your scales are out of whack right now you’re going going to find the balance in those scales again look at that there’s the scales that’s our card it’s just that we deserve love it’s Justice that we get the person to love us and we can love them it is only just that a Libra who’s ruled by Venus is in a passionate beautiful relationship as it should

be Libra you know where the most romantic sign in the zodiac and without that romance we’re a little bit lost for some of you here you’ve been through some hard relationships in the past you’ve been through relationships where you gave it your all and you didn’t receive half of what you gave you looked after people you cared for people you loved them with all your heart but what you got back was not that and that is the thought that you need to get out of your mind those bad experiences are in the past and so is that so are those people they’re in the past because they don’t belong in your path now and the reason they may have come into your life is to teach you what you want and what you don’t want in a relationship everything has a purpose and a reason and as much as it’s hard hard to go through you will know when you meet the right person you will know and I know people are going to say yeah sure how will I ever know and that was me Libra that was me 25 years ago until I met the man of my life and I came out of that state

exactly battered bruised given up and my thoughts were negative as so there will be a light at the end of the tunnel for you there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you you just need to believe and be patient I know that you’re impatient at times like I said to you been there done that and I’m speaking from experience so I’m not judging you in any way shape or form because I know exactly the person I’m connecting to here I I know and why do I know because I’ve gone down that path

too you’re you’re very unsure whether you you can be loved again whether you will find the right love you’re not sure that that can

happen Libra you may meet someone who is a Pisces a Scorpio or a cancer as that’s quite strong

there look at look at that you’re going to find that love you’re going to have that Happy Ever After Story you may be here in this little garden here just pondering and wondering when it’s going to happen but through that door is another life is a dream that you’ve asked for and a new beginning is here you will build a future with this person but you’ll be very prosperous whoever I’m connecting to will is very financially secure already is not looking for someone with a a ton of money yeah you know what sometimes and I can tell you now sometimes money doesn’t make you happy and with Libra being ruled by by Venus love conquers all love builds

all Libra you’re going to find your person within the next 7 to 14 days you may be introduced to somebody that takes your breath away and if you’re not it’s going to be shortly after that around the holiday season there festive season somewhere you go and you could be with a friend when you meet this person but you’re not going to be sure that that that you want to go out with that person again open your heart and open yourself up to possibilities because sometimes we’re drawn to someone and they’re not right for us but the people sometimes we might meet someone who is not normally who we would go for but the minute you start spending time with them you’ll see that you both share a lot of good qualities together a lot of the same traits a lot of what you want is the same oops that needs to be said wait look at that Libra I I I was mixing and that flew out the answer is wait although you won it yesterday they’re saying wait the timing’s not right you might be ready but that other person needs a little bit more time wait Libra wait patience live for them now go out and have fun when they’re meant to cross their your path they will don’t look for it and don’t worry about it let it happen

naturally one more message thank you we nearly went through the whole pack ask for help from others ask others for help help like go out with other people go out with friends enjoy being in a Social Circle and don’t worry too much about when how who because that’s just making you one more anxious two giving up and getting into that negative energy that Saturn loves because Saturn that rules 2024 is going to come in and say really really is that how you’re going to behave well guess what I’m going to give you more of that I’m going to delay all the processes because you’re not grateful for what you have you’re not vibrating with with hope and

happiness Libra I hope that this has helped somebody here the answer is wait it is going to happen happen when and how and who only the universe will know that but they have plans for you and Archangel Michael is there he knows what you want he’s got you talk to him lots of love and light Libra thank you so much all the best

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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