Sagittarius Horoscope |Powerful Tarot December Week 2

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 2, 2023

FREE Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast For December Week 2, 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of December and the NEW Monthly & Yearly Forecast for 2024. We highly recommend that you visit both December Forecast and Weekly Horoscopes as it may make more sense along the month, but also download the 2024 Horoscope Forecast, so that you can re -visit this during 2024. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days we’re going to start off by um getting you some energies then going into the lad deck then we’re doing the tarot finished off by messages from the Angels so let’s go I’ve mixed all the decks and everything’s ready to go Sagittarius in case you don’t know there’s um 2024 predictions and December predictions on our Channel already so feel free to go there and have a look at that and thank you so much to all our beautiful subscribers everyone that comments shares it’s so important for our channel so thank you okay messages for Sagittarius please messages for

Sagittarius thank you stay the course the the first one is stay the course Sagittarius don’t give up on what you’re doing don’t lose sight of your goals of your dreams stay the course and see it through for some sagittarians here you’re getting frustrated with what you’re doing or you’re not seeing the results quick enough and you’re getting a bit impatient but what they’re saying is just stay the course don’t give up now’s not the time to give up what else have we got for Sagittarius please

regain your focus yeah sustain the course and regain your focus these two cards don’t come out for no reason they come out for someone that is starting to lose focus or give up on their purpose or their reason and giving up on the hard work that they’ve put in stay the course in what you started what your dreams and your goals are and regain that Focus it’s great to have some time off when things get too tough or when things be become too mundane we lose our Focus we use we lose our creativity they’re just saying stay the cause for those that I’m connecting to and regain that Focus again because it’s worth your your time stay grounded Metatron is saying Archangel Metatron is saying stay grounded increase your knowledge there may be something that you’re missing or you’re not doing that M that may be through increasing your knowledge on how to change it or how to make it better is going to be an invigorating step for you it’s going to allow you to see it a different way or do it a different way so increase your knowledge to see if there’s anything else that you can do to change the situation or increase the frequency of it and last be a light to others be a light to others sometimes we go through a hard time but others are going through a hard time too and what they’re saying is be a light to others you’ve experienced a lot you’ve gained a lot of knowledge you’ve gained a lot of experience through your um through your learnings through your dealings with others through your dealings through experiences and situations and be a light to others help others see the light or help others in their in their quest to find themselves there’s some sagittarians here that could help others by just what they’ve been through sometimes it’s important for us to look at others and think okay well they need a helping hand or I’ve been through this let me help them and see um and see what happens but let me guide them okay what have we got with the l m please a man for some of you here it’s a man it’s a relationship for some of you it’s stay the course in a relationship regain the focus give it some time in increase your knowledge by asking yourself why things are taking the way the sorry why things are taking the the steps that they’re taking weight why someone near you is feeling the way that they’re feeling put in their shoes and see if there’s something that you can do to help them and be the light to that person that meant so much to you for someone it is a relationship you’re you’re you you’ve been working on a relationship and you’re starting to give up you’re starting to think that there’s no way forward or there’s nothing you can do to improve it and they’re saying they’re saying put yourself in their shoes for a few days and ask yourself can you see everything that they’re going through or can you see something that you weren’t seen

before and it could be a relationship it could be a parent it could be any friendship at all there’s some news coming through here Sagittarius for some of you you’re going to get some news which may be a help for you to regain your focus it’s like you’re going to find out something or someone says something in your dealings with others and you’re going to realize that you need to get back in focus with what’s

important a woman there you go there’s the energy there’s a couple here there’s going to be news about this couple it’s it’s like it’s like you I don’t know how many here but someone here is is working with their partner at at getting their relationship to another level is working maybe you’re getting um some counseling marriage counseling here to see if it can work maybe um for others it’s you dealing with someone that can help you with this situation but there is some news here about a partner or there is some news here about someone that you love it could be a partner it could be a mother figure could be a daughter could be a sister but there’s news here about a woman that um you will increase your knowledge in regards to this news that comes through and you’ll be the light to this person you there’s learnings there’s definitely news and learnings coming here Sagittarius I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate with but it’s it’s something that you learn about someone in your life something that you learn about someone that you’ve been dating or someone you’re in a relationship with there’s news here about that

person okay let’s find out what this is it could be a boss as well but here it’s it’s love I feel here that it’s someone that you love and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic partner but it’s something that you find out Sagittarius about someone that you love okay what do we got for Sagittarius please Sagittarius I don’t know how many people this yet that it could be a mother figure it could be a mother figure or a wife or or a

partner stay the course for others it stay the course on something creative that you that you started creating and now you’re losing focus on that if it’s to do with work focus on that creativity that get more creative in regards to what you’re doing stay the the cause but introduce something else to that introduce something else that may change that path for others it’s a mother figure you may have to deal with something to do with a mother figure or a a wife that mothers your children the queen of cups I feel here that there’s there’s going to be a reason why you need to regain that Focus it’s like you find out something and that makes you realize that you need to regain the focus on what you’re doing or who you’re dealing with but there’s definitely a refocus of of energy here what else do we have you’ll be able to tell me tell me in the comments what this is for some of you here you’ll be traveling or you’ll be going elsewhere in order to increase your knowledge you’re going to increase that knowledge and you may have to take a partner or a wife or a mother overseas for treatment or something of that nature for those of you with a female that’s not well you’re probably going to take them to another country another city another state to get more tests done or find out more about the news that’s come

through for the ones to do with work you may find your information through a woman that is in another state another country or another city someone helps you see something here or teaches you something that’s going to help you with your business or with your project and look at that the Queen of Wands you’ll be able to move forward the minute you understand for those of you that are going that this relates to work you’ll be able to understand how to move forward once you’ve learned everything that you needed that last piece of that puzzle it’s like you get a last piece of a puzzle and and you make it work you get that enthusiasm again to to get it through to the Finish Line it’s like there was there was information that was making you store which was making you lose interest for others here it’s the the people that are dealing with some someone that is sick in their life or someone that needs your attention is you’re going to be a light to others and you’re going to learn and guide this this person through the hardship you’re going to move forward with this person together hand in end and you’re not going to give up I don’t know which which one of you Sagittarius there’s two cases here there’s one to do with work and there’s one here that’s definitely uh a partner or someone that you love that’s not that’s not well or you get news about this person and you’ll do everything in your your power to find a result to find a reason to find a solution last message for Sagittarius please two messages please for Sagittarius thank you trust whatever it is trust that you’re on the right path Trust that you have what it takes to work this out trust in yourself and Trust in the processes believe and it will happen you’ll find your solution and the answer that you were looking for trust that everything has a purpose and a reason and that you’re you will find what you’re looking

for just don’t lose the dedication and the focus recovery look at that that remember that remember what I said about someone sick in your family that’s the recovery you’re going to help this person through to the point of recovery so trust that everything’s going to be okay trust that what you’re doing is right trust that the recovery process is going to take place you’re going to learn something or get an answer that helps this person and this answer may be overseas in another city or another state like I said before but you’re going to be the light to this person in the findings that you have you’re going to be able to move forward with the solution peaceful resolution look at that so if any of you are worried about somebody a project or someone in your life that you dearly love there’s a peaceful resolution to what you’re going through to that problem to that question to that solution there’s a solution to that problem there’s an answer to that question it’s a matter of you broadening your horizons to find out more and it might not be where you are you may have to delve somewhere else a far to find the answer that you’re looking for Sagittarius I hope that makes sense to somebody here lots of love and light and thank you so much for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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