Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for December 2023

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For the Month of December 2023

FREE Monthly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that is only happening now, which you can evaluate to see if it has happened or is currently happening, as some readings may happen straight away or can take time to take place, depending on each persons journey. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio we’re here to do your December horoscope for 2023 today we’re going to start off with an energy first for beginning mid and end of December then we’re going to do the tarot for each house in the astrology chart and then we’re going to finish off with the last message for Scorpio so let’s go and do this and get ready to give you the forecast remember it’s a general reading Scorpio it’s not going to resonate with everybody but it’ll give you an idea of different parts of your life and how that looks for December in 2023 okay let’s see what we have First Energy for Scorpio please for the beginning of December beginning of December please for Scorpio thank you discernment Scorpio there’s going you’re going to start the month of December with starting to um understand why things didn’t weren’t so clear before if for some reason you couldn’t see a solution or an answer to something and that’s now going to end at the beginning of December this cloud cloud moves that’s the end of a cycle number 10 means it’s the end of a cycle of not being able to see things clearly you’re going to start to see things a lot clearer at the beginning of December things will be start to make sense answers will come to you Solutions will take place mid December what have we got for mid December self-reflection Scorpio you’re going to reflect on what who you are what you want and how important you are to you your internal power your intuition and everything about you you’re going to start to put yourself first by mid of December you’re going to realize that if I’m not well how can I make everyone well around me or if I’m not well how can I help those around me you’re going to reflect on what’s important to you and what makes sense to you your opinions and how they’re taken by others and also how other people react to you it’s more going to be like who am I and who do I want to be am I being my true self and am I doing what I truly love a real um a real view on who you are and what’s important to you end of December festive season and holiday season how’s Scorpio going to be end of December Beauty you’re just going to enjoy the beautiful things around the festive season holiday season you’re going to enjoy looking after who you are going looking after your things looking after yourself um making things beautiful around the home spending time at really um being quite just you’re you’re going to be very grateful for the beautiful things and Beautiful People you have in your life so that’s going to be the end of December and obviously it’s this it’s the holiday season so that all makes sense yeah okay let’s see for each house what we’re going to do each house of the zodiac for Scorpio please each house of the zodiac just let me cut that out cut that one sec that’s it and let’s get started

okay okay so here we go so the first um the first house that we’re going to do today is going to be um is going to be about your yourself how do you see yourself in December oops got turned cards here let me just make sure yeah how do you see yourself in December and house number one is about how what makes about how you will feel in in December how are you going to fill in December with everything um so house one is about self and what that means for you so let’s see what have we got for Scorpio house one for self December Scorpio house one beautiful you’re going to be very true to who you are you’re going to feel empowered you’re going to feel like you’re ready for the festive season you’re going to feel ready to complete another year and you’re going to have very good ideas on what you’ve um achieved from what you’ve achieved and have a lot of knowledge of what’s happened in 2023 for many of you you’re ready to go into 2024 you can’t wait to turn this page over of 2023 for some of you it was very very challenging and within yourself you grew and you became stronger but now you’re ready to implement new things in your life and be true to who you are and what you want okay the second house is of income let’s see what you’ve got in your second house of income Scorpio what do we have for Scorpio for second house place income Scorpio second house income for December a completion of in in your income and your finances there’s going to be a completed cycle where you’re either going to have completed something that you needed to complete or bought something that you wanted to buy you’re going to complete a cycle and move on to new wishes goals and dreams now it’s like you’ve achieved something in 20123 and in December you’re going to put an end to wanting that particular thing because you’ve achieved it or the other thing is too that in in in December you may feel that it’s time to finish off what you’ve done and now start to look into the future about where you want your processes to go this also could be completing a cycle of paying off your house paying off your car paying off something that was bothering you and worrying you for quite some time there it’s like that’s the end of that cycle that used to worry me so much about finances for others of you here you may end a cycle of um what what you’re doing for work you may choose to leave your job and start the new year on a new foot but you also May um want to invest your money into something and do something with that or buy something something that you’ve been working extremely hard towards okay your third house is communication so let’s see what Scorpio is going to be like with communication in December what’s your communication going to be like festive celebration Scorpio you’re going to have a great time communicating with others socializing being the party person that you can be when you want to be and you’re going to have a lot of fun socializing and communicating with people all over all over the world even you may even have communication with people overseas people around you people in other states in other cities but it’s going to be a month full of communication for you and it’s going to be a very celebrative month a month where you enjoy the month of December it’s a time for holidays it’s a time for festive season for most and for those that don’t have the festive season it’s a season of you just taking time out and having time to catch up with friends that you haven’t seen in a long long time and and maybe taking a trip to go and see family or people that you haven’t seen in a while okay okay home number four home there you go look at that the 10 of Cups the house is going to be extremely happy you’re going to be happy at home you’re going to have a lot of love in the home in December there’s going to be a lot of sharing and giving and taking but there is also going to be a lot of harmonious energy around your home Scorpio you’re going to enjoy being at home in December so that’s going to be very very good for you okay fifth house romance and self-expression romance and self-expression house five house five for Scorpio December thank you Scorpio for some of you here you’re either going to express how disappointed you are in a romance that you’ve got at the moment or a romance that you’ve been working on for quite some time there also may be a breakup in December where you realize that you no longer want to be part of that relationship you no longer want to put your effort and time into something that’s not going to work later on so for some Scorpios unfortunately you know I’ll always tell you the truth I’ll always tell you what comes up and I’m not going to hide things I’ll tell you the way it is but for some Scorpios here you may feel that December is a month of breaking old and starting the new in 2024 that’s why we had the Knight of Swords it’s like you’re ready to close this chapter you’re ready to close this year off with ready to look forward and not look back anymore so there may be some Scorpios here that are either going to be disappointed or go through a breakup in December but you’ll know because those of you that are going to break up it’s it’s not that it’s just happened now it’s something that’s been going on and on for a little while and now comes to the Forefront and sometimes when it’s festive season when you’re not happy and you and you look around and you see a lot of happy people you decide there and then that this is no longer for you so sometimes around the festive season is when a lot of things happen because people then realize this is supposed to be a happy time and I’m not happy why is that I need to change this okay Health six sixth house of Health how does Health look like for Scorpio please in December what is wellness and taking care of yourself how does that look if it doesn’t fall okay for some of you Scorpio you’re going to feel like you’ve come out of a battle you’re going to feel like 2023 was a challenge it tested your patience it tested your strength your will your determination and it’s like this is the end of that I’m putting an end to things that no longer serve me I’m putting an end to relationships that no longer make me happy I’m putting an end to situations I don’t want to be part of anymore I’ve fought the Battle and I’m I’ve won and I’m about to leave I’m about to leave to the new and to something that’s going to be amazing in 2024 I’m not taking baggage from 2023 into the new year and you’re going to start to feel that in December so in your health you’re going to find that your health has taken a toll with all the worry that you’ve had in 2023 and you’re going to really understand that the only way to improve your health and feel better about yourself is to lead baggage that no longer serves you okay the seventh house what which is partnership and friendships let’s see what the seventh house has for Scorpio Partnerships and friendships beautiful you’re going to have a fantastic time Scorpio with people around you friends Partnerships and for some of you that want to meet someone there is a new love coming into your life in December so for those those single ones out there be open to people that you meet because you may just meet the right person that’s for you be in the right place at the right time I really feel here that some someone here is going to meet someone beautiful in December for others you’re just going to have a good time with your friends you’re going to get away from things that didn’t work out so well like you planned in 2023 and you’re going to allow yourself to go and enjoy the festive season and holiday season like you want to escape the chaotic feelings that you’ve had escape the the everyday today uh monotonous tasks that you’ve

done okay what else have we got for Scorpio Eighth House is intimacy how’s your intimacy with others going to be and Joint resources things that you share with others what’s your eighth house 8th house in for Scorpio please in December what does the Eighth House look like intimacy and Joint resources the nine of Swords there’s not going to be much intimacy for those of you that are breaking up from a relationship you may lose a few nights sleep thinking about what happened thinking about how you had to pull the pin or thinking about if the other person pulled that pin on that relationship what happened and a lot of you will lose a lot of nights sleep in December but just know this Scorpio that this relationship ask yourself was this relationship real and do you think it was ever going to work the way it was and I feel that some of you being true to yourselves you’ll find that probably that was the best outcome that could have happened because I do feel that there was a lot of arguing and fighting already and things weren’t as great as what you imagined or hoped that they would be so for someone here it’s going to be a time of re realizing what’s happened and realizing that although you miss the company you miss the love you miss the sometimes good that overall when you really evaluate the situation that it wasn’t always good just be careful there as well for anything that you’ve got joint that you get what you deserve it’s important that you um just be strong enough to get through through the time of making sure that you get what was yours okay ninth House of Adventure and High Learning what’s the nth house got in store for you of Adventure are you going to be adventurous in December Scorpio yeah some of you are going to have a great time some of you are going to do things that you haven’t done before you’re going to celebrate things that you haven’t done before and you’re going to do things that are new things that are going to make you feel good for some of you like I said there is a new Love and new you’ll be happy with that for others you meet new people and you put yourself out there you’re getting out of that heaviness and the burdens and the baggage that you’ve had to leave behind and in December you start to really shake yourself off and start to go out slowly even if you’re not the party animal that you you um would like to be or Envision yourself to be you’re going to be very subdued but you’re going to have a good time along the way are there going to be times sadness sure there is there’s going to be nights that you’re there’s going to be nights where you don’t sleep well there’s going to be nights where you spend a lot of time thinking but in reality when you look at things in reality you’re going to find that that was always a Destin not that sooner or later that relationship was never going to um give you what you wanted there was a lot of arguing a lot of fighting a lot of disagreements so you have learned a lot in the past and what you’ve learned is that you need to go out now and and try and um spend time getting to know yourself again spend time um just evaluating who’s around you how much they’ve played a part in your life and appreciating them and just appreciate you being who you are um and at the right time and at the right place you’ll meet someone else and you’ll understand why this relationship didn’t work for those of you that are breaking up or those of you that are no longer going out with this relationship okay house 10 this is career what does your career look like Scorpio what does career look like for house 10 in December house 10 whoops perfect you’re in control of what you want you know what you want you know how to get it you’re you’re you’re moving fast and for those of you that are getting out of relationships you’re going to um evolve yourselves by getting really involved in your career making something of it and really focusing on how good you can be and what you want out of it so for someone here you’re very in control of your career you know what you want you know how to get it and there’s only one way and that’s moving forward so you’ve invest quite a lot of time in your career here okay the 11th house is networking and long-term wishes what are your wishes what is Scorpio’s long-term wishes house 11 place December a long-term wishes and networking with people New Beginnings you want to start things that are new you want to have new experiences you want to have new adventures you want to be able to do new things that you haven’t done before you want to create memories and you want to be and experience things that like I said that you haven’t done before but are going to create that Milestone you know like the The Bucket List you’re going to KCK off some of those items in the bucket list by doing things that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the opportunity to do them so in December you either going to start to do that or you’re going to put a plan in place for you to do that in the new year but I do feel that some of you here are going to start to tick off some boxes in December okay 12th House of unconscious what’s in your unconscious mind Scorpio that sometimes we bury the unconscious cuz we don’t want to deal with it or we don’t uh or we’re scared to deal with it sometimes we don’t have the time to deal with things that really bother us so we put them aside and we keep going but sometimes when we stop to think about certain things and when life gets serious they’re the first things we think of so what’s the unconscious mind of Scorpio going to say for 12th house in December please 12th house oh two really yeah Scorpio for someone here it’s you looking at all the love that you’ve had that hasn’t worked all the beautiful relationships that you thought were going to work and they didn’t but you know what they gave you some lessons which can’t be bought you’ve gone through some things and you’ve learned a lot what you’re not saying is that there’s two other opportunities behind you and the minute you’re ready to dust yourself off and take get up and look around you’ll find that although things didn’t work out the way you had planned in past relationships or with certain people people that now when you look around you’re going to see that things happen for a reason and there are two opportunities there for you if you want them we’ve also got the empress which is time for you to be creative time in the back of your mind you want to do something that’s creative you want to do something that’s going to mean a lot to you for some of you it could be that you want to be a mom and you haven’t had that opportunity to you’ve tried so many times but there are going to be two behind you so don’t be surprised if some scorp here that have been trying to have babies that you end up with twins or you have two opportunities to be pregnant so be very aware of that because in your unconscious mind you may have given up but don’t give up keep trying because there are two possibilities behind you the minute you give yourself a chance look after your health and your mental health you’ll find out that you’re pregnant and it might not only be with one it might be with two but for others and as a general rule it’s you being creative and looking at things in a more creative way you wanting to do more creative things for yourself and for for your family if you’ve got one and for some of you here it’s about you changing your career into being more creative doing something a lot more

creative so that’s it there Scorpio so let’s see what our final message is for you what’s our our final message for Scorpio here please final message for Scorpio please for December 2023 what’s the final message let me know in the comments Scorpio if you like this type of reading it’s a monthly reading and I’ll continue to do it if you like it but if I don’t get much feedback I’ll just go to a plain simple quick one to do Hunter track down your fears and desire desires so in December it’s about you being honest with yourself and tracking down what scares you what worries you and what your desires are what what do you want to achieve it’s about you being true and going out and getting what you want and also facing your fears head on doing things that you are scared to do do them because you want to get rid of that fear and also doing things that all have always been a desire of yours so it’s you enjoying the holiday season and the festive season but it’s also you enjoying doing things that are different Scorpio that’s going to be a big thing here well Scorpio I hope this has helped somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you once again for being here

[Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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