Scorpio Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for November Week 4

by | Nov 23, 2023 | Free SCORPIO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 4

FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for November Week 4. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Scorpio thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days it may be a bit more it may be a bit less um it’s just a rough estimate for someone here that’s going to get their message remember if it doesn’t resonate let it go and check your moon and your ascendant okay Scorpio what have we got for Scorpio please

creation Scorpio a time of rekindling of refocusing on a new creation for some of you here it’s starting something new creating another world that you imagined creating something amazing in your life that you’ve always dreamt of for some of you it’s creation of this is what I’ve achieved and this is what I want for my life you really uh obs observing what you have and where you want to go next for some of you it may be a creation of a new job a new career it could be a creation of you um getting a new home getting a new a new purpose in your life creating that abundance that you’ve always dreamt of or going towards that process it’s you creating a new for you to reach your abundance

the masculine for some of you here you’re going to be very direct this week you’re going to take very certain amount very um you’re going to take actions but with with a very Stern thought with very Stern Thoughts with very Stern actions you’re going to use the masculine in yourself whether you’re female or male we all have masculine and feminine in us and here you’re taking the masculine approach this week making decisions with with a firmness making choices um in a very rational way not emotional you’re going to be very little um in emotions this week everything is is going to be a thought process and you’re going to be quite strong about what you think how you feel and what you want this creation is something that you’ve been wanting for quite some time on the bottom is resistance you’re going to resist anything that stands in your way you know what you want and your resistance is going to be Paramount this week for you to achieve exactly what you want and achieve it with determination that’s what I get here it’s a Scorpio that is determined to achieve something they’ve always wanted don’t give up number two and five is seven which is don’t give up go with that resistance and go all that

way whatever it is that you’re creating you’re creating with a certain amount of determination and that’s why I got the Feeling straight away that you’re not going to let anything or anyone get in your way you’re very sure about what you want and I don’t know what department that’s in it could be in career it could be in building your own home creating your own environment starting a new career I don’t know what that is Scorpio please what are we talking about creation what are they creating what are they creating thank you the four of cups for some of you here you’ve tried something similar in the past or you’ve tried being part of something however it didn’t work out how you planned in the past through those experiences you’ve leared what you want and what you don’t want and that could be in in your relationships it can be in your career it’s something that you have tried in the past and that hasn’t worked like you planned there’s a new opportunity coming here whether it’s a new partner a new opportunity that presents itself for you to be able to create what you really

want working hard you’re working extremely hard Scorpio you’re working extremely hard and now you get this opportunity that you didn’t have before you’ve had other opportunities but like I said they didn’t work out you’ve tried different things and it never sort of worked the way you wanted it to you’ve working you’ve been working extremely hard to create what you want now and now the universe is saying we’ve seen how hard you worked Scorpio there is a new opportunity that’s going to be all the difference for you and with this I think that you’re going to have to make some Stern decisions Stern um thought yeah look at that the change the Wheel of Fortune comes in and says Scorpio are you ready I’m about to turn this wheel and make that change happen are you ready for what’s to come are you going to go with the flow or are you going to fight that

flow I do feel that there’s a lot lot of scorpios here that have asked for this change that have been waiting for change to happen and the change is

here oh too many cards too much energy please that was tight yeah too many

cards mix it don’t want me to mix it Scorpio one sec okay let flow through the cards yeah that was a bit tight before what is it are you stressed are you stressed Scorpio about a particular issue to do with with your career with what you’re trying to create are you stressed cuz I’m getting a lot of stress here and the universe is saying don’t worry the it’s coming look at that it’s you standing your ground on a particular issue on a particular thing that you’re doing it’s like it’s like you need an approval to keep going and you’re worried that that approval won’t take place but guess what with the changes the approval is going to take place and you’re going to know where you stand for some of you here you’ve been working extremely hard and not either one not getting the um not getting the reassurance that you need or you’re waiting on someone’s answer to come through you’re waiting on some approval for you to be able to do what you do or want to do you’re going to see things very very clearly soon with this change brings Solutions and brings answers there’s the calling what did I say look at that I felt that very strongly there’s a calling now there’s an opportunity that comes through that you needed an answer a solution to a particular problem that you are waiting on or you waiting to resolve look at that King of Swords you’ve been working extremely hard and now is the time that the rationality comes out you you now see things very very clearly and not emotional anymore you’re looking at things in a real way you’re being very real to how you think about things and how you work through things you’re not imagining or dreaming you’re very very grounded and very true in what you want and what you’ve been working hard

for The Hermit for some of you here you may go into a time right now where you need time out to think the process through whatever it is that this change brings it may shake you a little bit and you reconsider what you’ve been doing in the past and see things a different way now for some of you you’ve been forced to think about something that’s that wasn’t working and why it didn’t work today you see why it didn’t work today you’re grateful that something didn’t take place otherwise this change wouldn’t have happened it’s like it’s like you’ve taken the time out and now realize and see things in a different way there was a calling for you to be true about a certain situation and now Scorpio you see it clearly you see why things are the way they were or they were the way they were and there was a lot of aru arguing for some of you here you felt like you were in a battle you felt like you were in a battle with others and about the their opinions their judgment their thoughts they didn’t you didn’t see eye to eye with either someone or about something here there was constant battles there was constant arguments but today you stand firm and know what you


look what this is bringing you Scorpio you’re not on the wrong path that thought that process that idea you’ve got that’s where it’s taking you to the abundance you’ve always wanted and you’re wanting to create this creation that you’ve got is going to be very very prosperous in many ways many ways you’re creating something that’s going to bring you a lot of collection in financial success in um personal personal success you’re going to see how this thing really changes your

life look at that that the abundance and the creation for some of you here you’re dealing with something that’s very very creative for others it’s you finding your your peace and finding what you want creating your abundance but doing it in a way that’s quite creative that no one else does it’s something that you’re working and you’ve been working extremely hard to make it different to make it true to make it real it’s like I’ve taken my time and I may not have had that opportunity to do that in the past but now I see things differently I’m real with myself and I’m real with what I’m doing I feel truth in what I’m

doing you’re working with honesty and

truth and that this is going to bring you a huge amount of abundance Scorpio whatever you’re doing whatever you’re creating it’s going to bring you a lot look at this for some of you you may have been disappointed with the way things worked out in the past with a career a career Prospect with someone that you joined forces with and disappointed you with a project that you had and you invested money into and it didn’t work out that way for some of you here there’s change in a relationship there’s change that’s coming through from your broken heart it’s like you’ve gone through some hard times in the past in your relationships but now you see things clearly this change brings a lot of um clear clear Visions in what you’re doing and what you

want for one person here and they they’re point in it out to me Scorpio is that there may be one person here that was fighting uh that was going either through a divorce or arguing or there was argument about money and you had to stand up for yourself to get what it was that you deserve to get what it is that you’re doing you’ve had heartbreak in the past but now you found a creative way to approach this someone has given you an idea or a creative path that you’re you’re going to get what you deserve after that broken heart someone tore your world apart but you with your creative self and creative advice you are going to get what you deserve so don’t fret there if you’re in that position that may just be for one person here but it’s

there one more card please Scorpio one more card what’s this five of wands and seven of Wands doing here your truth look at that you are always true Scorpio you stayed true to yourself through all this arguing you stayed true to who you were and you stayed in truth people either couldn’t accept what you were telling them or couldn’t accept that you had to be true with who you are you had to speak your truth and that may that may have caused a lot of Chaos in your family or with a partner but today you want your peace through your truth you stand in

truth you now see things the way they

are okay and on the bottom of the deck is a new beginning it’s the Knight of Pentacles which means that wherever you’re going to Scorpio you’re going to find your place of where you belong your purpose to get up every morning and the reason why you always believed you believed in a certain process you believed that you you deserved a certain thing and here this is part of your creation you heading in the right direction you heading to find your abundance your stability again to stand on your own two feet and to be true true to who you are above all beautiful all right two cards please for Scorpio two cards thank you two cards for Scorpio please it’s a heavy reading I I you know I really feel Scorpio and I don’t know if you resonate with this but I feel like you’ve been through a process of a huge weight on your shoulders that you’ve been disappointed in the past you’ve been disillusioned you’ve been backstabbed by many people in the past people that you trusted and they were not trustworthy people that you came across and all they wanted to do was take your money I I just feel a heavy reading here Scorpio it’s like I’ve tried to do the best I can do but it’s never worked out the way I wanted it well the change is here my love the change is here the key you’re going to find your reason your purpose and you the key to your success number 33 is you mastering what you want to achieve you’re going to be the master Scorpio believe and go with those changes don’t fight them as the process is going to be long go with the changes have faith that all the changes that The Wheel of Fortune brings you there is a purpose and a reason for each one of them the bond for some of you here don’t give up on a bond that you’ve formed on a bond that you’ve created on a project that you’ve put together it’s all going to work out nicely just don’t give up don’t give up on what it is that you’re working so hard for pardon me and on the bottom of the Moon the changes you may doubt some of these changes that are coming through you may doubt that there’ll ever be change don’t doubt accept and go with the flow because everything points in the right direction for you here Scorpio don’t give up don’t be scared and don’t

question one last card for Scorpio please one last card for Scorpio thank you one last card for Scorpio thank you

be brave and

honest Scorpio be brave and honest we spoke about that remember we spoke about you being true speaking your truth be brave face what you have to face stand up for who you are and what you believe in don’t let others get in between what you want to achieve and yourself you make your mark and you be true and don’t give up don’t give up Scorpio that’s going to be for someone that really needs to hear this on the bottom look at these moving new direction that change is going to allow you to move in a new direction to get a new perspective to get new into your life that you’ve so been created you’ve been created that and you’ve been wanting that your creation is not in vain the masculine energy that you’re going to put behind it is through belief move in a New Direction and know your truth be brave lots of love and life Scorpio oh by the way also I’m going to do um the 2024 reading and the December reading round table so subscribe if you’re not subscribed thank you to all those beautiful people people that have subscribed lots of love and light your way thank you

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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