Aries Horoscope | Powerful Tarot for November Week 4

by | Nov 23, 2023 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for November Week 4

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for November Week 4. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 10 to 14 days anything can come in between or just a little bit after a little bit before so let’s see what we have for Aries please what energies do we have for Aries thank you gratitude Aries time to say thanks and accept time to be grateful for what you have in your life and time to thank people around you that have helped you changes that are going to come through that you’re going to be grateful for two and three is five which is changes there may be some areas here that are going to go through some changes and those changes you’ve been waiting for for quite some time you’re going to be very grateful and a big things are going to be said to either people or to the universe something that you’ve wished for that comes through this

week realization for some of you here you’re realizing that everything that you’ve been through has brought you realization that there’s more to life than what you’ve been living what you’ve been experiencing and there’s a whole world out there that you still need to explore there are people here growing through different circumstances in different places and here you’re being grateful for not only what you have but what you’ve been given and a realization that sometimes we focus on the little things and yet there’s bigger things to be so grateful for there’s a new world out there with the changes that you’re going to make Aries these changes that you’ve been wanting to come your way are going to come your way you’ve grown a lot in the past with experiences with knowledge that you’ve gained through all your occurrences and now you see that there’s a brand new world out there for you okay and on the bottom of the deck release there’s things that you need to release to make this change happen it’s time to release all the negative energy that once was it’s time to release people or situations that no longer serve you for you to move to your new place your new life your new beginning it’s time to release anything that kept you back or held you back in some sort of way all right let’s do the tarot Aries I want to take this beautiful um time to thank you for being here thank you to all our beautiful subscribers everyone that liked the video commented I absolutely read every comment and thank you so much for all your gratitude for what I do cuz I absolutely love what I do and if I can reach one person I’ve done my job I also want to tell everybody that if you’re not subscribed now would be a good time as I’m going to release the December horoscopes in the next week and shortly after that we’re going to do what your forecast looks like for 2024 they’re both going to be round taes so it’s going to be a full-on reading and it’s worth your while it’s not there to be missed um these ones are more simple on the week toe basis but your monthly one and your yearly one are actually going to be quite informative quite um quite full on so you’ll get to know um and you’ll keep you can keep the 2024 so you can visit every month all right what have we got for Aries please

Aries family look at that the four of Wands for some of you you’re so grateful to have the family that you have for others you’re going to get a message this week or in the coming days of a beautiful message that comes through that you’ve been waiting on and that’s going to have you saying thank you your realization has been granted your wish has been granted a realization of a dream that you

had the sun there you go it brings light back into your life Aries something that you hoped for something that you wished that comes through now and brings that warmth that realization of how lucky you are and not only that but also uh Now You See Clearly what you need to do or what has happened and why it’s happened for some of you it’s an understanding of the I understand now why things took place like they

did what else have we got for Aries thank you the Queen of Swords for some of you you may be dealing with a Libra gemini or Aquarius or you may have this in your your sign quite strongly but this is here to say you will stand strong in what you believe in and how you want to say things now you’re more confident now than what you were before and with this change that you’re making and releasing anything that no longer makes sense you’re going to have a sense of Truth within yourself you’re going to understand that now this is the life I want to live or this is the truth I need to live by I need to do what’s right for me for once I need to be true to who I am and despite what others think or despite what others do or say I need to really understand that I need to be true to who I

am the four of Wands oh sorry the page of Wands and this is you looking forward to what’s new to what’s coming up you looking forward and seeing life in a different light in a different perspective and knowing having more of a certainty of where you’re going the there there’s a light at the end of that wand and it’s now I see where I need to go now I know what I need to do it’s an understanding with this change and gratitude comes an understanding of now I know I don’t know what it is that you know Aries let me know in the comments if it’s personal I understand that you don’t put it on but just tell me that you resonate with it the world a completion of a cycle that no longer serves you some of you here are completing a cycle to do with something with family some of you here may be dealing with your children and completing a cycle with them maybe that they’re getting married maybe they’ve graduated maybe they’re doing something that’s very very important to you for some of you you prayed for this to happen you you prayed or you asked your mentors and your guides and your angels to help you through this this stage or this process only you will understand what that is it may only be for one person but it’s there it’s a completion of a cycle that now you see that you can move forward something that look at that and victory oh Aries there’s no mistake here that something came out true there is no mistake that something you asked for is here it’s now you can see the changes you’ve asked for that and it is here there’s Victory to be had and you believe deep down in your heart that this would have happened you may have met somebody or asked for someone new and this person brings a lot of light into your life it’s the end of a cycle of you being on your own and finally finding that beautiful person but I do feel here it’s a situation it’s more a situation than a relationship for most it’s something that was bothering you and now you feel strong you feel like you can conquer the world with this change look at that a new love for some of you it is you’re speaking your truth in a new relationship that you someone you’ve met of new and You Begin this relationship with truth with honor with absolute going forward but with honesty with realness it’s a new relationship that brings you exactly what you’ve been looking for the posture of being true of being real and standing your ground when you need to being honest about everything sharing the honesty in a relationship that’s beginning a new a new relationship that’s put an end to your loneliness a new relationship that’s come through at the right

time and you’re going to be grateful for this person this person’s going to bring you a lot of truth and you may be dealing with a Libra Aquarius or Gemini in this instance strength for some of you you had to be strong in some area of your life but now you see very clearly what the answer is what the solution is and where you need to go so there’s a there’s a strength card there of saying your strength brought you to this situation you needed strength to get through what you went through but now you see things a lot more

clearer the nine of Swords it takes you out of a position of Lo losing sleep of not believing the end of a cycle that really tested your patience tested who you were and tested your faith in some cases some of you were really at your wit’s end until this change happened this so awaited change happens you’ve been praying for this you’ve been asking for this so was six of Wands and the Sun what are we talking about what’s this Victory that’s coming through moving forward for some someone here it’s a job it’s a project it’s a new career it’s something new that you’re beginning something new that you’re starting it in this relationship it’s someone new that comes into your life it’s not someone from the past it’s not someone current it’s someone new that walks into your life and makes those changes for some of you it’s you have asked for the opportunity to have a job and that comes through for others it’s you may have hoped that something happened in your family with one of your children and here it happens you see it children grandchildren whatever it may

be you realize the power of

Faith yeah for some of you here in past relationships this is how you were you were at a point in your lowest for your past for someone your past relationship really took a lot of a lot out of you took that it’s toll there was mistrust there was taking advantage of you there was a lot that you just didn’t like about it and as much as you love that person or you’re with that person for quite some time it drained you to the point of no return you knew that that past relationship had to go unless you let go of a past relationship you cannot welcome a new one in and if you do it’s never right it needs to be fully in truth and

protection this new relationship takes you out of that darkness that you are in that place of Despair strength please describe the strength mhm absolutely someone comes to offer you an opportunity love or whatever it is that you were craving in your life you have that opportunity now Aries whatever your journey is and whatever it was that you are hoping for there is an offering here it could be an offer of a job it could be an offer of a new project a career or a new relationship here it’s something that you’ve been waiting

for and on the bottom of the deck this situation coming to the Forefront is going to make you feel so abundant Make You Feel Complete make you feel that you’re ready to take on the world there’s a new world out there remember we said the realization of there is more to life than what I imagined there is more to life than living in this Darkness here you finally see the the key to the light at the end of the tunnel the new world that awaits you the new realization the new relationship the new new job the new light Aries that’s it there and I’m going to do Len no mod we’re just going to ask for two cards remember to subscribe so you get the December forecast Round Table and the 2024 forecast that will be out shortly and that’s going to be a double Round Table two cards on every house okay the new beginning the child for some of you it does have to S there is a new beginning of a child or there is a new beginning with your child something new that’s happened that was amazing to your child but for everyone else it’s something new that takes place it’s a rebirth of a life that you imagined a rebirth of life as you know it today it’s a change that you are waiting

on one more card please one more card thank you the bear number six it’s you f find ing your stability again you are now feeling a lot more secure a lot more in depth to who you are you know yourself more than you have before and you know what you want out of life now you are now in the bare um the bare feel of I know what I want I know how to get it and I’m going to give it my all but I’m going to make this work I’m strong I’ve got got a lot of knowledge and I gained a lot of strength through my past experiences you’re in search of stability here and look at that the anchor stability your self your self-preservation with your soul power Soul power not EGO power but Soul power within finding your stability and your reason and your purpose again someone here is finding their purpose and their reason again one last card place for Aries thank you one last card for

Aries thank you stag trust and Thrive what a beautiful card Aries I couldn’t have said it better myself trust in the process you’re going through trust in the choices you’re making and Thrive through them do not let anybody get in your way or stop you from doing what you need to AR what a beautiful reading with that I want to close off and say thank you so much look forward to seeing you in the December forecast and 2024 forecast lots of love


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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