Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November Week 1
FREE Weekly Scorpio Horoscope Psychic Forecast for November Week 1. I have also be released other videos for Scorpio Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Scorpio Horoscope for the Month of November and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Scorpio how are you today thank you so much for being here my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and if at any time this doesn’t resonate right at the end then I would suggest that you go and see your ascendant and your Rising Sun thank you so much for being here and can I ask you beautiful Scorpios that if you’re not subscribed yet we’d love you to be part of our special group here um that brings lots of love and light and messages that you may need to hear so if you’re not subscribed yet we and you feel in your heart that you’d like to be part of our Channel we’re nearly at a thousand and that would allow us to reach more millions of people that may need to hear this message so I thank you very much in advance okay Scorpio what have we got for Scorpio energies for Scorpio please thank you energies for Scorpio breathe is the first one Scorpio breathe what else have we got for Scorpio please Never Ending
Story what else have we got for Scorpio one more and clean it up and on the bottom we’ve got by the book that’s it there okay Scorpio what I see here is that someone here is going through a hard time right now and you’re forever going it’s like you’re on a treadmill and it just doesn’t end this story this situation this person that you’re dealing with keeps coming back and back and back the situation keeps coming back for you to deal with it you need to breathe through this in order to get through this and I feel that this is giving you a bit of um a bit of tension so to speak it’s giving you a bit of uneasiness and you just want it gone and I feel here that if you clean it up because what I feel here Scorpio is that someone here is dealing with something to keep the peace or dealing with someone someone or something because they feel they owe this person or this situ ation time but it doesn’t get any better it just keeps going round and round in circles and you don’t see an end to a story you’re hoping that things change and you’re hoping that things get better but from what you can see it’s it’s not coming to an end there’s no solution to this thing and I don’t know what it is that you’re going through right now CU everyone’s going to be different as you’re all on different Journeys but it’s like something keeps repeating itself there’s a situation or someone in your life that keeps repeating the same things and affecting you in some way whatever they’re doing or whatever the situation is it’s affecting you and it keeps happening over and over again and you just want to put an end to it you know you 3 and seven is 10 it’s the end of this you need to now clean it up although you may feel like you don’t want to clean it up right now it’s the best thing that you can possibly do for this situation and Scorpio what it’s saying is breathe through the situation it’s never going to end if you don’t change things or put a stop to something for you to be able to move forward from this situation it’s going to require strength and you need to clean something up you need to clean something that you’ve been allowing to happen for some time hoping that it would go away but as you’re realizing it’s it’s not going away and whatever it is that that that this is that’s happening around you you cleaning this up is going to bring you a lot of growth more mentally and physically than anything else because at the moment this is weighing you down it’s a situation that because it doesn’t go away and it’s repeating itself time and time again it’s it’s it’s like you’re drowning in it and you just don’t know how to get out of it and what they’re saying is the minute you clean something up and you say to yourself I’m not going to deal with this anymore and I’m going to put a stop to this situation or put a stop to how this person is treating me then that’s not going to go away that’s going to bring you a lot of growth Scorpio so it’s important that here you look after you bu the book it’s either someone or something that’s not following the rules or what you’ve set for someone to do so for example if you this is only an example if you took someone into your home um but you are waiting you said to them you can stay with me until you find somewhere to live for example you’re finding that they’re not even trying to look for somewhere to live that you you’ve been uh this person has taken over your home and they’re not making a move to get better or they’re not finding a job or a home to to get on with their lives they’re relying on you and so here you need to you need to tell them how you feel in all honesty and by the book is is tell them that the agreement was that or this situation needs to end because it’s Weighing on you it’s it’s got to stop so as much as you’d love to help them and you have helped them it’s now come to a time where you need to be truthful to them how it makes you feel you need to be true about how this thing um has impacted you and more than anything else it’s impact Ed your life and it’s impacted the way you live right now so it’s important that they understand that and I think that once you do that things will become real and then they’ll become a that’s the only way you’re going to put an end to this situation is you speaking your truth and as hard as that can be it’s all part of the cleanup you need to clean up a situation and not allow it to go on and on and on forever because if you don’t say anything that’s exactly what you’re going to get you’re going to get a situation where it keeps going the same way for a long long time and that’s not what you want from what I understand here let’s see with the tarot tarot we’re doing Scorpio for the next one to two weeks please what are the energies for Scorpio for the next one to two weeks please thank you let’s show us what we have for Scorpio what’s breathe what do you mean by Breathe show me what you mean by oh two and they can’t ah look at that scorpio I’ve got the Tower and the nine of cups I feel here that this has got to do with someone that you love it’s got to do with either a child a parent or um a partner something that’s going on with someone that you love and it’s someone that you want to help or you’ve tried to help but the situation is not improving and this now the tower the the universe is saying Scorpio this situation needs to come to an end it’s weighing too much on you and your health and your mental health is important you need to sort this out now not you actually needed to sort it out yesterday but we’re going to give you an opportunity to sort it out now if you don’t want to sort it out we’re going to sort it out for you because when the tower comes it comes to destroy it comes to bring things to the Forefront and that could be through an argument where things are said and done that later on there’s going to be regrets so whilst you’ve got the opportunity to fix it now is the time Scorpio I don’t know what it is that you’re going through but just breathing through it it’s never going to end what’s the story what’s the NeverEnding Story what are we talking about here for Scorpio Universe what are we talking about here please tell me what oh okay the devil and the devil is someone that is dependent on something and that could be alcohol it could be gambling it could be illicit drugs it could be um dependency someone is depending on you materialistic material wise and what I mean by that is that they can’t they aren’t able to um support themselves so that that you’re you’re paying for their support so it could be a whole heap of things but it’s it’s a a lot of dependencies and what I mean by that is that someone here that you love is depending too much on you and you’re finding that it’s never ending like when’s it going to end when are you going to be able to stand on your own two feet and make this work so here it’s it’s someone that needs help but you’ve helped them for way too long and now there’s now the universe is saying Scorpio before you drown you need to speak up you need to clean it up and you need to tell this person or or fix this situation that so it stops once and for all what’s the clean it up what are we talking about cleaning it up what is it that you want to tell us about cleaning it up what are we cleaning up the Scorpio please what are we cleaning up the 10 of Swords you’ve had enough of feeling this way you’ve had enough this is someone that is in despair Scorpio this situation or this person has got you to the point of Despair you don’t know what to do anymore because you feel like you owe them but you feel like you can’t take this anymore enough is enough this is a situation that’s being drowning you this is a situation that’s had a toll on you you’ve got to clean this up Scorpio one way or another otherwise you’re going to remain in this position for some of you here it’s that it’s at a point where it’s actually making you depressed it you don’t want to get out of bed and see this situation or this person you’re at a point where it’s depressing you it’s taking a toll on your mental health and it’s taking a toll on your physical health because when we’re worry so much about something it’s it weighs on us in health and it shows through our body aches pains and little things that prop up that were never there so this here Scorpio it’s time now for you to get yourself out of this situation and clean up the situation that’s that’s tormenting you it’s not worth having this situation or this person beside you or helping them if they can’t help themselves it’s now time for you to call it the way it is I don’t know what this is but for someone here it’s going to make sense what’s by the book by the book what do you mean by by the book that’s a that’s a powerful Master number and you’ve set some rules in place but this person is not following them you’ve you’ve you’ve spoken to them before or you’ve tried to deal with this situation before but it’s it’s still not happening but you need to set the rules and say it is by the book you either go by the book or I can’t deal with this situation anymore truth be told and it’s so important that for the changes to happen you need to be true with this person now now is not about being nice now is about being clear and being true and that’s going to bring you happiness at the end cuz you got the happy happy card there look at
that the seven of Pentacles 100% you’ve helped this person already you’ve helped look at this and underneath we’ve got the leave you’ve helped this person get on their feet you’ve helped this person financially you’ve helped this person in every which way you could have now it’s time for them to go it’s time for them to find their own two feet in the world and it’s time for them to stand up to their responsibilities to their dependencies which we’ve got here as Never Ending Story they’re depending on you or depending on the situation um and they don’t know how to get off this treadmill but unless you say something and you’re honest you’ve helped them as much as you can it’s time for them to go for you to be able to move forward with your life or move away from this situation that’s been tormenting you for quite some time for some of you it could be a job it could be a job that you’re in that you just want to get out of it’s a never- Ending Story it doesn’t change and the only person that can change that now Scorpio is you you’re the only one that has the power to say enough is enough and I need to move on let’s see what Leo M brings for us I don’t know how many people this is going to resonate with but um I hope there’s a message here for
somebody and I think I feel it’s got to do with money look at that the fish flew out before and whatever it is it may have to do with money either you’ve let someone money or you’re giving someone money and it’s just making you uncomfortable it’s making you feel scared that they’re not not going to pay it back it’s worrying you because you don’t have all that much to spare and you don’t see them moving or you don’t see the situation improving what else have we got for Scorpio please thank you New Paths the Master number it’s time for you to create your new path it’s time for you to tell this person that they need to create this new path or if this is a situation to do with work or a relationship it’s time for you to find New Paths for you to take control of your future and only you can create those paths if it’s someone else that you’re helping in the family then they need to find their own
path you’ve made a lot of sacrifices Scorpio for this person you’re reassessing all the sacrifices that you’ve made made and you now realize that all those sacrifices uh need to come to an end you can only hold this for so long you can only help someone for so long but now it’s time to let go and let them go their own way what else have we got a man for many of you it’s a male figure and this could also be a female but with male Tendencies so it doesn’t necessarily have to be a man but here I do feel that this person that um I’m connecting with it’s a man that they’re dealing with a man that they have in their life that needs to change something that they’re doing they are creating chaos or they they’re creating uneasiness in your life this could also be a boss and that’s why I said it can also do to be with work but it’s a male figure here that is making you um I know what else have we got for Scorpio one more please the key 100% unless you’re strong about how you project yourself and what you expect and speak your truth that’s going to be the key for you to getting out of this situation the key here is about you speaking your truth and putting down the rules of what you expect and if this person isn’t uh coming to terms with what what expected of them or what you will no longer deal with then then you’ve got decisions to make but the key here is for you to speak your truth if you keep putting it on the back burner and waiting for things to change they’re never going to the key is going to be your element for some of you here you may have children and you’re waiting for things to change but it’s not going to you may also get help from a female another female around you um that will help you with your children and finding the answers that you need so for those of you that cannot deal with this situation anymore you may find that someone is going to help you and that will be a female and here you’ll start a new life and find the answers that you need so for some of you you may be leaving this situation for others it’s you finding the answer to help this person that you’re no longer going to deal with this situation let’s see what we’ve got for last message for Scorpio please obviously this is not going to resonate with everybody but for someone you needed this
message and this one just flew out so let’s see what this is be devoted and committed be devoted and committed to sorting this out Scorpio don’t go halfway and then forgive and move back because you know what it’ll be it’ll be the same old same old again you need to to be devoted and committed to putting an end to this story to speaking your truth to being true with this person or this situation be devoted and committed to changing to changing your aspect and what you’re going through and not on the bottom of the card we’ve got stay rooted and grounded be true here it’s saying just stay rooted and grounded don’t get um don’t let them if it’s a person or a situation don’t let that situation or that person um question you question you or make you feel that it’s your fault or make you feel that you’re the that they’re a victim they’re not a victim you need to stay rooted and grounded and true and speak specifics don’t get emotionally involved and think rationally in this situation when you’re speaking to this person or you’re dealing with with this situation stay very grounded and say it the way it is think about it the way it is don’t think oh maybe maybe it will change maybe it won’t no stay rooted and grounded for what it is okay Scorpio I hope this has helped somebody here but the universe wanted you to get this message for whoever it is please share like And subscribe so we can share this message to millions of others that may need to hear it thank you so much Scorpio lots of love and light your way thank you [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)