Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023
FREE Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Psychic Forecast For November 2023. I have also be released other videos for Capricorn Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Capricorn Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Capricorn thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and here we are to do your November 2023 horoscope and forecast and we’re going to use the 12 houses of the astrology Zodiac chart which is going to talk about your romance your home yourself your career your innermost unconscious feelings and thinkings and therefore and and then we’re going to get messages through um a relationship card and an overall message so for those of you that are here today please don’t uh know that this is a general reading come and visit back in the middle of November to see what’s making sense and what’s not and if it doesn’t check your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your right Rising Sun for those of you that want us a private reading please go into the description below and you’ll find that there’s information there for you okay Capricorn what what’s the energy for Capricorn main energy for for November 2023 for Capricorn Epiphany look at that Joy through spiritual growth be a light to others answer answers that come through meditation Capricorn Epiphany it’s about you getting in touch with the Divine getting in touch with your mentors and your guides which we all have all of us have got mentors and guides that guide us through life and our journey and here it’s saying there’ll be answers that come to you through meditation so if you are in doubt in November about anything in particular then meditate take time out go out into nature and allow yourself the freedom to close your eyes and connect because the more you do it the better you get at it and that will be good for you if nothing else it will give you a clearer mind to find the answers that you need for certain things that you’re going
through okay one more message for one more energy please for Capricorn thank you a change in the Wind look at that there’s going to be changes that come for you in um in November Capricorn and it’s going to bring you a lot of growth for some of you here you may go go through some changes that are going to happen and whil you don’t understand why that’s happening just understand that it’s bringing you growth so it allows you to go to bigger and better places in future nothing happens by mistake nothing there’s always a purpose and a reason for everything but if you are wanting change then it’s coming answers will come through with those changes okay what have we got with the tarot please let me just fix this up tarot for Capricorn thank you what have we got for
Capricorn Capricorn okay house one which is yourself how is Capricorn going to be in November 2023 in themselves how will Capricorn be within themselves ace of cups Capricorn you’ve got a lot of love to give and that’s not going to change you’re going to give people love you’re going to be a support system to other people you’re going to love who you are but love others at the same time you always be there to give him a helping hand and even if you’re going through some tough times that’s a typical Capricorn you always look after others that are around you such a beautiful heart okay house to money how are you going to be with money in November 2023 house two for Capricorn house two for Capricorn thank you Three of Wands Capricorn for some of you here you may decide that you’re going to take a new role a new job and that may involve traveling overseas or to another state or another city it also can mean that you may go to work in another country a city or state in order for you to increase your money capacity and your money um your money stability bringing more stability so for some of you here or your job involves the other thing it does is that your job involves dealing with with people from overseas and you’ll be making quite a bit of money from people that are in another location what’s your communication going to be like in November house three communication for Capricorn please what’s house three for Capricorn stand your ground seven of Wands is all about standing firm in your communication being very clear about what you want what you expect and what you will put up with in in November Capricorn you’re going to be very upfront about certain things and I don’t I don’t feel that that’s going to that you’re going to have arguments with people but no you’re going to say it the way it is you’re going to speak your truth and stand firm with how you communicate with others what does your home bring house four is home what’s home got for you in November around your home what is that bringing you Knight of of Pentacles at home you may you may find that you’re spending a little bit of money on your home or this could be that you you’re bringing more money into your home and this is going to be giving your home a bit more of a financial boost into what it’s had in the past and allowing you to do things around the house or with people that live in the same home as you um doing more activities with people that live with you but all you you will spend some money within the home in November and that can be fixing things that break or th fixing things to renovate your home what does romance hold for Capricorn house five Romance house five for Capricorn in November please romance beautiful Capricorn seven of Pentacles whatever you’ve been giving out and all the love and nurturing and caring that you’ve been doing to others in November but you’ll find that a lot of people will give that back to you they’ll tell you that they find you amazing they’ll tell you how much you mean to them in their life and that’s all because you’ve given out so much to them that they will feel that they need to tell you how they feel about you so you’ll be getting back what you’ve given them for some Capricorns unfortunately if you’ve given people a hard time then you may find that that comes back to you in November so just just whatever it is that you’ve given out is what’s going to come back in for you okay what have we got 2 4 five Romance so we’re up to Health number six is Health what have we got for health and routine for Capricorn pretty balanced you’re pretty balanced as far as your Health’s concerned you there’s no major Warriors there’s no um you know there’s little things that are there but they can be managed and they can be helped along the way I don’t find that there’s going to be any major dramas in November within your health it’s all going to be pretty balanced and I do feel that you’ll be um consuming balanced things like you’ll have your greens as far and carbs and things like that so your diet overall and your your health is going to be very balanced in November how about relationships number house seven relationships what have we got for house seven in relationships Capricorn for November and this is overall relationships not just love relationships overall family relationships work relationships um all relationships King of Swords Capricorn you’re going to cut out some relationships that you currently have in your life and the reason you’re standing firm and thinking rational and rationally about these relationships is you’ve come to the realization that some people bring you good things in your life but others just bring you drama and negativity and I think that in November there’s going to be a few Capricorns here that really look at their relationships and decide which ones they want to keep and which ones they want to move away from so much and it doesn’t mean that you’ll cut people out of your life which this card does mean that but it means that you’re going to cut the amount of time that you spend with people the ones that are more negative you’re actually going to spend less time with them you’re going to cut the way things are at the moment so you’ll change you’ll make changes to that what have we got for your house eight which is debt and Joint resources house eight how is Capricorn with their debt at the moment Knight of Wands pretty stable look you know what you’re pretty stable in your resources and in your finances and your in your debt you may have a a couple of things that need to be paid off there but you’re very stable and you’re moving forward quite nicely paying off those debts it’s nothing like paying off credit cards or things like that it’s nothing that’s majorly going to be a concern so just keep doing that until they’re all paid but apart from that I don’t see any major dramas there okay spirituality what have we got with your how’s your spirituality and Higher Learning which is which is house nine house 9 for Capricorn please Capricorn house 9 in November no only one card this one F okay let it take both why ah look at that that’s why they told me to take both here Capricorn I feel that you have got a lot that you’re doing you’re trying to master something that you want to take forward and here in your Higher Learning there’s something that you’re mastering right now or you’re going to master that’s going to allow you to make more movement for forward and have more opportunities in your life so your spirituality is all about learning and you’re going to invest your soul and your spirit into learning more so that you can create more so that you can move forward with more learning and with more that you can teach others so there is a reason why they both came out and it’s you wanting to master something that you’re doing that you want to share with others and it may be that you’re going to take more time to evaluate your timing and whilst you’re learning other things you’re also going to allow time for your spirituality to develop for you to be in touch with the Divine for you to be in touch with meditation taking time out to meditate which you never have before if you haven’t okay number house 10 house 10 for its career what does Capricorn’s career look like if November 2023 K take the leap of faith there Capricorn take a chance on your career if for those of you that want to change Now’s the Time go with it if you feel that you want to change and something comes up you might just think you know what I’m going to try something different I’m going to do something different I’m going to take that leap of faith and do what I’ve always wanted to do I’m going to to take that risk and open that business I’ve always wanted to open or that learning school that I’ve always wanted to do or even open up a YouTube channel that allows me to share with others what I’ve learned and in the meantime I will put myself out there and really drive my career you know I’m going to start something that nobody else is doing that nobody has thought about doing doing something that’s different doing something that’s going to really stand out okay what have we got for house 11 which is friendships and this is overall friendships house 11 plays for Capricorn in November six of Cups Capricorn you may in November get in touch with friends that you haven’t seen in a long long time and they could be teenage friends when you’re a teenager or when you’re a child childhood friends you may connect with people in November that have been or were part of your life a long time ago and bringing that connection back is going to be a a huge amazing transformation for you it’s going to bring you back some fantastic memories of when there was no drama in the world when you were kids and all the beautiful memories that you both created or that you conquered at the time so I feel here that Capricorn you may some of you may just get in touch with people from your past that were part of your childhood or your teenage years and that’s going to bring you a lot of excitement and a lot of Happiness your way okay what is it that you’ve got in your unconscious mind at the moment what is it that is playing on your mind unconsciously or consciously things that you hide from others that you think about all the time but or you may not think about it all the time it’s in the in the back of your mind mind the Knight of Swords you’re ready to come up with new ideas you’re ready to live a new life you want to spread your wings and fly high you want new you want to conquer something new in your life and you may not have discussed this with anyone but deep down in your heart this is an urge that comes up once in a while but it’s still there it’s you you freeing yourself from all the problems that you have right now and getting in touch with who you truly want to be and conquering what you’ve come here to be you want to take on a new life with new ideas and be your new self and have the freedom to do that I don’t know how many people that’s going to resonate with but it’s there
me that went down the wrong way
okay I don’t cut videos I just do it what it is this is life this is what happens when you have a coughing attack in between a reading or in between a video that’s life isn’t it Capricorn there’s no pretentious or I’ve got to stop the video because I’m having a cough no it is what it is here and you can be as true as what you want to be here okay what’s one last message we have for Capricorn please for November 2023 last message we have for
Capricorn water Guardian connect with your emotions connecting with your emotions Capricorn is about you being okay with how you feel not every day do you have to jump high and feel your best understand that there’s going to be good times and bad times that one day you’re going to feel amazing the next day you’re not going to feel so amazing but don’t be hard on yourself about that connect with your emotions and ask yourself why am I feeling this way or why has that person got to me in this way what is it that they hold over me that made me feel this way and if you need to have a good cry in November then do that that Capricorn it’s important that we release that tension that sometimes we hold within through and it might not be for any reason but sometimes you might get up and go I feel sad today I I just want to cry well do it because obviously there’s something inside that’s being bottled up at some stage in your life that needs to come out and if it means that you need to cry and you need to spend time alone to do that then do it meditate at and allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling be okay with feeling the way you are understanding that it’s okay to feel sad sometimes it’s okay to have that feeling of Despair sometimes okay one last card for romance for Capricorn please what have we got for Capricorn as far as romance guys thank you Retreat it’s time to disc connect from the world what it’s saying it to you Capricorn not only once but twice and three times look at that reconnect with who you are reconnect with what’s going on around you with your partner or romance take time out to spend time together to have that quality time together take time out for you to have your own time it’s important that we reconnect with who we are that we allow ourselves to be in our own space away from everything and everyone and it’s not because we’re moving away from people or not allowing people in it’s because we deserve and we need to have that peace within and it’s okay to do that without feeling guilty it’s okay to have a good cry and not feel guilty about it it’s okay to want to meditate or do something or go on a a weekend away for a retreat with your partner or without it’s okay Capricorn it’s important for your mind your body and your soul to do what you need to do to feel good don’t ever apologize for making yourself feel good Capricorn I hope that you’ve enjoyed this reading let me know in the comments if you’ve liked this and lots of love light your way thank you so much all the best [Music] byebye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)