Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast For the End of October 2023
FREE Weekly Cancer Horoscope Psychic Forecast for the end of October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from Tarot Readings live and today we’re here to do your horoscope for the end of October look out for um the new horoscopes for November which will be out next week it’ll be a totally different layout and it will cover more issues on day to day life including your career your finances your family you as a person a lot of things like that remember this is a general reading it’s not going to match it’s not going to resonate with everybody and match everyone’s circumstances so go on to your a moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun and see what they’ve what we’ve got there for you okay cancer please tuning in for cancer thank you cancer for main energy the real cancer you’re putting things into motion you are changing something or there are changes coming that are going to be super strong in your life in the next couple of weeks you’re starting to think about the changes you want to make you’re starting to think about what needs to change in your life and how you’re going to implement that change for some of you here you’re saying it’s time for a change I need to do something different because what I’m doing right now is not working or it’s not working as effectively as I thought it would so you’re either changing jobs changing from a relationship changing something in your in your day-to-day life that you’re going to see a big difference in it could be your health as well that you’re starting to go to the gym you’re starting to look at what you eat or things like that you it’s like a life change here but I feel here it’s going to be something for the better fxing for cancer please what have you got for us tarot for cancer thank you so much what have we got for cancer [Music] please cancer thank you one is Six of Swords for someone here you’re leaving a location leaving a way of life you’re leaving something that no longer serves you you’re moving on to new pastures after feeling like you are blocked you you maybe you feeling like you were blocked and you couldn’t see a way forward but now you start to go no it needs to change the only person that can change the situation is me and I don’t want to be in this place of not being able to see where to go not being able to do things that I want to do I feel like I’m tied and I’m locked into this situation and I can’t see a way out so cancer for some of you here you’re going to change something dramatically and it could even for some it could even be a change of um country a change of career you want the best for your family you want to live a happy life with your family and I feel that where you are right now or what you’re doing doesn’t allow you to spend time with your family or or feel the joy that your family brings you the page of cups for there is an offer here for someone here you receive an offer in the next couple of weeks that will take you out of this place of stagnation take you out of this position of not being able to spend time with your family do what’s important for someone here you’re saying I life is just going and I’m not doing what what I really want to do and spending time with the family is one of them the king of Pentacles the only for some I I really feel that there may be an offer here and someone of um you may meet your your next boss or someone that’s offering you something special can be from um an earth sign which is Taurus Capricorn or uh Virgo and you may meet this person or have this offer from this person and saying you’re you’re now saying this is what I was waiting for this is the job offer I wanted this is not only going to pay me more but it’s also going to allow me to spend more time with my family I need to get out of this position not not being able to move for some you may go on an overseas trip or you may go to another location to live to work in another country another city another state releasing yourself from energies that no longer work for you that only give you a sense of
stagnation you allowing yourself to move freely now seeing where you want to go being free to make decisions about what’s next m for some this this job may be a job that allows you to travel that allows you to see things you’ve never seen before that allows you to be who you’re TR who you truly want to be and here it is an offer there’s there’s an offer here the Six of Pentacles it’s an offer that is going to be good for you and your family allow you to have the flexibility to be with your family allow you to have the financial stability with your family for for your family it’s an all win-win situation here cancer for someone and that was after a tower something had to happen for some of you here it’s created chaos in your life for someone here it was after chaos was created for you to be able to move away from this location the universe could see how unhappy you were how blocked you were how you felt like your world was just not mov moving in any way positive for someone else here there may be an offer that you get from um someone who’s a a water sign and that could be a Pisces a Scorpio or a cancer like yourself and that could be um someone that comes to offer you something that’s going to be quite valuable and I feel that this is someone in the family though this is not this person here that’s an earth sign this is someone that gives you something of meaning that you realize that you made the right decision you made the right decision when you threw it all up in the air and said that’s it I’m done it’s chaotic my life is chaotic and I can’t move
forward for someone else here for one person this could be just one person you could have you could be dealing with a son or a daughter that has that you love very very much but they have given you a lot of Chaos in your life brought you a lot of anxiety a lot of trouble a lot of chaos into your life and now you’re going to free yourself from that you’re going to say that’s it I’m going to give you the help that you need and if I have to move away to get you sorted I’m going to do it so for someone HS you helping a child that has lost themselves along the way that has got mixed in with the wrong crowd that has done things that they’re not proud of and I do feel here that it could be a parent here that is forcing the change for this person to see that what they were doing they were just jeopardizing their future and themselves along with everybody else and I do feel that it’s a mother here mother is strong here this could be also a mother that is trying to help their
child get out of a situation that they were in they may have been in trouble or mixed with the wrong crowd and this is a cancer um that is helping their child and it could even be helping their child deal with something that they’re going through that’s not so so great okay one message please for cancer one message for cancer it may be different for everyone you’ll know what what the if this relates to you the storm warning yeah it’s an end of a cycle of worry it’s an end of a cycle of stress it’s an end of a cycle of um torment and and Chaos in your life that felt like a storm every day you are giving that away now for some of you it’s moving careers for others it’s helping your family you’re giving you’re giving the help that your someone in your family needs and it could be a child no more storms you’re going to sort it out once and for
all okay last message please last message for cancer thank you thank you Earth mother feel love and comfort it you will feel loved and I really do feel that this child for the mother for the situation where the mother’s helping the child you are going to get back the love that you’ve given this child to help them in the situation that they’re in whatever it may be that they’re doing you are going to get the love and the support from this child look at that it’s a new Love and a new bond between a mother and a child after helping them through the storm that they’ve been through and for many for a long time you couldn’t see how to help them you couldn’t see what to do but now you’ve made a decision no I’m going to do what it takes to get this child out of this trouble for others it’s you feeling love and confident for once in your life after having to deal with people or bosses that couldn’t see your value you finally feel comforted and loved and shown the appreciation that you deserve for your hard work that you put in I hope that’s made sense to somebody here cancer remember look out for the signs next week um the horoscope for November as it’s going to be a different layout lots of love and light your way and thank you so much [Music] bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)