Sagittarius Horoscope October, November & December 2023
FREE Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope for October, November & December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Sagittarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
We would also encourage you to view the Sagittarius Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Sagittarius thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your messages for October November December what is the next three month energy for Sagittarius let’s see what we have for Sagittarius remember it’s a general reading Sagittarius so not everything’s going to resonate if it doesn’t check your moon and your ascendant sign change Sagittarius there is change coming into your cycle in the next 3 months there’s some of you here that are going to make extreme changes some of you here are going to change the way you see things change what you’re living and change push on things to change there’s some someone here that’s that’s grasping change wants change another energy please you don’t want to live the same old same old you’ve had enough of things that are taking place around you power not only did you get the power once but you got it twice three and five is eight which is power and strength and will determination change and Power for some of you here you’re going to find in the next 3 months that you have this internal craving for change your internal power is going to overtake and say change now I need the change don’t give up on your dreams and your goals and make the changes that are required for you to get out of a certain situation or a certain place that you see yourself in
there’s a Sagittarian here that’s not happy with where they are right now and those changes are going to be Paramount whoops nervous energy woo let’s
see things aren’t jelling together Sagittarius there’s something that you’re doing or something that you’re going through right now that’s putting you out of sorts you’re not feeling right about something a situation a person something that you’re dealing with is just not making sense right now the king of
fire a need for change your heart of All Hearts is asking you to be honest with who you are forget who’s around you and what their thoughts are really look deep within your heart and ask yourself what is it that I want what is it that’s going to make me glow again be happy to live again what’s missing in my
life what are the changes that I need to make to change the circumstance aners that I see myself in
today the queen of air look how powerful that figure is remember we had power look how powerful that figure is you’re starting to see things as what they truly are you’re starting to notice what’s making you stagnant what’s making you believe you need to be a certain person or in a certain place you are going to take a different perspective on life look at things differently in a more rational manner a more true manner really asking yourself do I have control over what’s happening to me and if so why am I here here why am I feeling like I can’t
move there is a need for change here with this
Sagittarius you’re starting to see things as what they truly are you’re you’re starting to understand rationally what you’re going through and what’s caused all of
this for some of you you may be in a relationship with someone that’s either an air sign which is Libra Aquarius or gemini or you may be dealing with someone that’s an air that’s a fire sign which is Aries Leo or Sagittarius like yourself
but I really feel that this may be someone that is dealing with an air sign and this is you you’re at the point of you need to make a change you’re at the point of questioning whether you’re being true to who you are and what you stand for and this person that you may be dealing with can be a Libra Aquarius or Gemini it could also be that you have it strong in your chart and you’re starting now to use that energy the energy of wanting to see things for what they truly are not putting any Thrills on anything and seeing it for the way that it presents itself page of
Earth you’re ready to look and be real you’re ready to ground yourself and start something new that’s going to be true you want to be true to who you are and your essence of your being it’s now time for me to release everything I’ve pretended to do or have felt like I had to do for other people to be happy now it’s time that I think of new ideas that are going to take me to a place of being real real for who I am real for what I Stand For Real for what I
think a new beginning a new vision oops is it romance because that’s the romance cards came flying across what are you making changes in Sagittarius what is it that your heart is screaming for you to change in the next 3 months tell me in the comments
The Chariot look at that look at that beautiful card it’s time to make the move it’s time I have for very very long stayed in the same place and done the same thing I now need to look at my options there are two options here which way am I going to go I am not staying put in where I am right now because I know that where I am I am not being true to who I am I am not getting what I want I’m not doing what I want I need to make choices and I need to make them now in the next 3 months Sagittarius you are going to be very rational about the choices that you make and the new things that you get yourself involved in it’s time to move forward make the change and use that power that you have inside to make it happen there is no stopping you once you take on this
energy once you decide and you know what what you have to change where you have to go things are going to take a different
turn let’s see what else we have for Sagittarius please for October November and December doing energy for Sagittarius October November December thank
you the five of water for too long I have wished I have prayed I have
asked and I came to the realization that unless I put action into place and I make the changes myself it’s not going to happen I’ve lost a lot of night’s sleep I’ve cried many
tears I have asked what it is that’s going to take for me to change my
life for some you even hit a depressive state of not knowing which path to take
next the nine of
a it’s my head at times felt like it was going to blow up all the thinking that I did all the wishing that I did the planning I don’t know which way to go I don’t know what it is that’s got me to this place of stagnation of no movement of not knowing how can I be in this position of a blockage that I can’t see a way out
of you in the next three months Sagittarius are going to see things a lot clearer than ever before it’s not going to be a fuzz anymore I feel here like someone had their thought process were clouded they couldn’t see clearly about what step to take next what to do next you’re in a state of not knowing a state of despair at some stage as well of I need to do something but what what do I need to
do the eight of Earth you’ve gone from the page of Earth to the eight of Earth you are going to see within the next 3 months that an idea that you have once you ground yourself get in touch with nature and allow yourself to Just Breathe don’t think about anything just breathe through it breathe and it will come Sagittarius you’re going to get an answer where you least expect it and you’re going to find that the missing link was something that was always in your control you’re going to find that precious link to making things
the queen of air you didn’t get it once you got it twice you need to take the energy of the queen of air or of Swords it’s someone that stands for who they are speaks their truth no matter what and does what they need to do to make it change to make it work you have come now to the energy of either I take a stance or I’ll still be here in 12 months time I’ll be in the same place same position same questioning I need to take the stance of who I am what I want and where I want to go it’s up to me and only I can change that
once you have that deep knowing of only you can change what you need to you begin to move forward it becomes a realization to you that nobody is going to get you out of there nothing is going to take you out of there no one is going to kill themselves to get you out of there the only person that can get you out of the situation you see yourself in is
you it’s a big wakeup call Sagittarius it’s a big wakeup call to stand true to who you
are more energy for Sagittarius thank you you the seven of air which is you speaking your truth you dictating your own life you being your own teacher your own person of push you set the story you set the scene you set your own platform based on everything that you’ve leared and everything that you’ve seen you’ve come to the realization that it is you that needs to change to make that change and get out of that stagnation that you see yourself
in nothing is ever black or white the reason you go into rational thinking here and your mind feels like it’s going to explode at times is because you’re thinking too rational in a black or white situation this is right or it’s wrong I go here or I go there I do this or I do that this is the pros that these are the cons absolutely plan it out you need to but you need to set the steps in between you’ve got an A and then you’ve got a B further down the track how are you going to get from a to be there needs to be plans in place or situations that you take on or decisions that you make that’s going to allow you to St take step by step until will you reach platform
B things aren’t so black and white things aren’t so smooth or rough you’re going to have your good days you’re going to have your bad days you’re going to question yourself whether you’re on the right path but listen to your intuition and with that think rationally about I need to get to plan B how am I going to get there I’m at a point a I need to get to B how do I get there how do I make that change and that transition that allows me to go from A to B what steps do I need to take what is it that I need to do the next 3 months Sagittarius is going to be about you planning the union for some of you here you may need to align yourself again and understand that there’s two situations to every story there’s two ways of seeing something there’s two options to every situation there’s two answers that may be just
right aligning yourself to understand that if one was doesn’t work try the other don’t give up it’s the a decision that you’re going to make to find your stability between the two finding the Middle Road of what’s wrong and what’s right of what you want and what you don’t want somehow somewhere Sagittarius there is an answer that’s exactly in between remember we said about Black or White in between that line is
[Music] gray how far do you go how hard do you
push what are the changes you’re going to
make the Scribe communication and look at the bottom of the deck it’s you finding your peace with your all your chakras in line enough of me being out of line I need to speak my truth now and I need to do what’s true for me I need to stand on my own two feet and I need to make my decisions I can’t rely on anybody else anymore relying on others just stagnates me into being stuck in this one place with this one thing in the same situation every day of my life I’m going to stand up and I’m going to make a call and I’m going to communicate that in order for me to find my alignment someone here is out of alignment is unsure about their path where they’re going how they’re going to get there what they stand
for communic communication is going to be key to go moving forward and moving forward with
certainty thoughts and communicating very important to moving forward seeing things differently and seeing things for what they truly
are communicating what you see communicating what you want will get you to where you need to be and in the next 3 months it’s going to be a realization of all of this process for you to move out of a process that’s been taking a lot of your energy a lot of your thought process and notice how there’s no feelings here it’s very much the only feeling I got was this one here and it’s that’s where you were torn apart not knowing which way to go but everything else is about you moving forward in a rational manner but there’s two sides to every story there’s two sides to every coin there’s two answers that may be
right are you looking at all of
those let’s see what relationships what we have for relationships for Sagittarius face relationship Sagittarius for October November December oh we got one here already getting to know each other as you Reveal Your inem most selves to each other your bond deepens Sagittarius this is for someone that has put up their walls based on past hurts and past relationship and past disappointments and the universe is saying getting to know each other is part of the process of allowing your walls to come down slowly and deepens the relationship that you have with this new person or this new situation that you see yourself
in reconciliation for someone here it may be important that you reconcile with someone from your past or someone that has hurt you someone from your past is returning to your life reconciliation can mean that you take this person back but it can also mean that you’re at peace with what happened and you need to be at peace before you move on to something new you cannot move on to something new when you’re holding on to something that happened in the past it holds you back it ties you down to those feelings to those memories to th to that being
you deserve love you are lovable for those of you that questioned whether you’re ever going to meet a Love or whether you’re going to meet someone that loves you for who you are loves you the way you are and gives you the love that you deserve you deserve love once you believe that and you know that deep within your soul you are going to attract the right person to you you you need to believe you deserve before you can
receive does that make sense Sagittarius but that’s very strong there and they got me to say it so strongly so it’s someone that needs to hear it really needs to hear it wow okay let’s see what the angel cards have got for Sagittarius last message for Sagittarius please thank you in the near future things will be different Sagittarius in the near future you’re going to see everything you couldn’t see today everything that you couldn’t see in the past and you’ll be in a different place to where you are now in the near future you’ll have more of an understanding of what took place why it took place how it happened why it happened and you’ll be able to understand and move on and be the person that you want to be be in the situation you want to be be with who you want to be once we understand and we release and we let go and we accept we’re ready to move on in the near future things will change Sagittarius I hope that makes sense to somebody here please pass on this message to other sagittarians that need to hear this as we need to um pass on as much as we can to other people that may need this message lots of love love and light thank you so much for being here
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)