Libra Horoscope |OCT, NOV & DEC 2023 (Next 3 Months)

by | Oct 17, 2023 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope for October, November & December 2023

FREE Weekly Libra Horoscope for October, November and December 2023. I have also be released other videos for Libra Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Libra Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Libra how are we today thank you so much for being here today we’re going to do your forecast for the next three months October November and December what have we got what energies do we have for Libra up until the end of the year before 2024 takes on let’s see what we have energies for Libra please remember it’s a general reading and if it doesn’t resonate check your moon and your ascendant sign which is also your Rising Sun First Energy for Libra the masculine being strong Libra the next 3 months you’re going to put on this masculine energy that portrays you as being strong and determined and wanting to move forward with something something that’s important to you something that you truly believe in or something that you have wanted to do for quite some time let’s see what else we get for Libra the masculine the masculine talks about moving forward quite strongly the will I knew I had this feeling of it’s like this determination you’re determined to make something work you’re determined to have what it is that you want you know what it is that you need to achieve and and in the next three months I feel that you’re going to do what it takes put in the hard yards and make the sacrifices you need to make in order for you to get what you

need it’s going to be more of a rational thinking than emotional the musculine is all about thinking rationally about things seeing things for what they are not putting Frills around anything you’re going to see things in their pure way that they present themselves without

emotion let’s see what strength look at that strength card was up Libra uh you you’re going to have a lot of strength and will here in the next 3 months Libra I don’t know what it is in your mind that you need to do but whatever it is it’s going to give you this strength and power to achieve you’re not going to pull any punches you’re not going to wait for others to help you you’re not going to wait you’re not even going to worry about other people’s opinions you you’ve set your mind to something and nothing is going to stand in your way that’s what I’m getting here let’s see what what do we have for Libra please thank you the king of air Libra if there’s anyone that thinks about things more rational it’s it’s him the king of air and this doesn’t need to be a hym it’s an energy this energy of the king of air is very rational in what they say how they see things the way they think about things it’s either right or it’s wrong there’s no in between it’s either good for me or it’s not I will accept it or I won’t that’s the type of energy that I’m getting here Libra for the next 3 months I don’t know what it is that you’re planning on doing but you are more determined now than ever to see things for what they are and action things for what has to be done without question page of fire there is a new thing that you want to start there is a new project a new a new adventure A New You a New Life you want to

create it’s you moving forward the next three months are going to require you to move forth 10 of air the sorry the 10 of water the 10 of water is about you full feel feeling fulfilled I know what it is that I need to do I know what it is that it’s going to take for me to do this I am confident I know who I am I know how much I can achieve I know what I stand

for and nothing is going to stop you nothing it’s a cycle that you are going to end and you’re going to begin this new adventure the cycle of sitting around wondering the cycle of what ifs the cycle of doubts the cycle of where do I go from here what if this doesn’t turn out what do I need to do here that’s all gone you now know what you need to do things are becoming clear to you now of what needs to happen

next you’ve felt everything you needed to feel you are more certain now than ever that through my rational thinking I know what needs to take place I know what I need to do and I’m not here to play games anymore I am going to s set on this journey start this new project start this new business do this one thing that I want to do that I’m going to make it work and nobody is going to stand in my

way and on the bottom the seven of Earth you’re looking at things and thinking I know now what I need to do I know how to what do I I know what I need to do to get what I want I know there’s going to be some hard times I’m ready for the battle there’s going to be questions there’s going to be hurdles there’s going to be sacrifices there’s going to be a lot of energy needed but I’m here and I’m in the now and here we’ve got a little angel that this energy is looking at saying are you with me because I’m ready to take it on it’s like you’re saying to the universe I know what I need to do I know where I need to be and I know what I need to achieve I need you to guide me but I am ready for this battle I’m ready to

achieve huge energy Libra huge energy I don’t know what it is that you’re doing but make no mistake you’re not pulling any

punches Libra please what else have we got for Libra for the next 3 months October November

December there’s always going to be two sides to every story there’s going to be an easy path and a hard path and I need to cross them both but I’m ready I know I need to make sacrifices I know I’m going to have good days and I’m going to have days where I wish I hadn’t started this or I wish I hadn’t taken on this challenge but that’s life and I now I see it for what it is now I know what I need to do I don’t want good days and bad days I want to work this out I want to do what it takes to make it

work it’s like you’re on a mission Libra for the next three months it’s like you have set your mind to something and nothing here is going to stop you the father isn’t that funny we’ve got the page of fire which is you moving forward and then we’ve got the father here for someone here you may be dealing with your father or a father figure a male that you look up to you’re determined to move forward with this new project this new adventure this new thing but it’s like I want to pass this by my father who I admire and I love and I know that he’ll tell me the way it is he’ll be true to the way it is or I look up to my father and I want to be just like he was or he is determined a warrior and someone that never gave

up for some of you you may have a father that sacrificed something for you and now you feel that this is my time this is my turn to do what I need to

do my father for someone here for someone here could be one person my father sacrificed a lot now it’s time for me to give


for others it’s I have achieved and I will achieve everything that I have but along the way I’m going to help people through this I’m going to help people that are going through what I went through or that are going through what I’m going through my mission is to complete something or do something that’s going to make a difference for people people that are with me and people that will come after

me this is also a gift that was given to you Libra for some of you here it’s like you were gifted something from your ancestors we couldn’t achieve what you are going to achieve so we’re giving you this gift it’s like you’ve been given a gift or a talent for you to make the difference for you to make it work we’re giving you this gift that we couldn’t see through to the end we’re giving you this Talent so that you can make it

work wow okay

the queen of air we’ve got a couple here the queen of air which is you take on the responsibility we’ve got a king and a queen of air here for someone here it is a couple or or your parents have left you something or have given you something that you feel that you need to take forward and make work or something that’s valuable in your family a gift or a talent that they couldn’t achieve you’re going to achieve things that your parents couldn’t

achieve for some your parents made sacrifice to get you where you are today and for that reason you see things a lot different to others in your field or around you you see clearly now who’s beside you and who’s not who’s got your best interest interest and who hasn’t for some of you here you may have be dealing with either a mother figure or a female figure that has taught you things that now you’re going to be able to see that what that person has related to you or taught you becomes clear what they were trying to say they they were trying to teach you to think a certain way and today or in the next 3 months you’re going to see very clearly what they were trying to teach you

I don’t know how many people this is going to correspond

with but I feel that it’s someone that’s been given something here from their ancestors from their

parents and helped for some somehow you have been helped to get to this platform what you’re going to do with it next is going to be what you want to do with it and I feel that you’re about to take on an energy of masculine and will the power to conquer I’ve been given everything I need to make this work I’ve been taught everything I need to make this

mine I’ve got the skills and I’ve got the knowledge the rest is up to

me and I feel that there’s going to be a choice you’re going to have to

make Libra there’s going to be a choice that you need to make within the next 3 months for you to be able to conquer what you’ve put yourself out there for for you to be able to do what it is that you want want to do you want to achieve more than what your parents did or your ancestors have but you’ve been given gifts help teachings Knowledge from your ancestors parents

grandparents I don’t know who if this makes sense please let me know but it’s something that you feel that you need to do you need to finish it off the three of air which is the three of swords for some there were disappointing times you’ve thought about all the disappointing times that you’ve had all the good times all the learnings you’ve you’ve captured from this experience it’s been a journey it’s been a journey of learning a journey of realizing and a journey a journey of

listening through this journey you’ve become very rational about the way you see things and what you’ve learned there are a lot of things that in your mind mind you know now through your teachings through your learnings through your good experiences and your bad through the challenges that presented themselves you leared a lot and you learned to think differently you are a different person today and you will be in the next 3 months to where you started a few years ago because I’ve I’ve got here that it’s a few years

Libra please October November

oops the three of Earth you now appreciate what you see you appreciate how things are done you understand that things don’t come into your lap that you start off small and from there it grows you understand that you understand today that everything that you have put together and gone through is all for a purpose and a reason you now know that things start from small and become what you want to make


you now know that you need to nurture what it is that you want with great respect care love and attention just like your father did with you you you understand that whatever it is that you want to achieve in life in the next three months you’re going to have this huge understanding of how much you need to put in in order to get

back body and mind look at

that you also realize that emotionally you’re fulfilled but you’ve been given this gift that is asking you to get yourself in balance between emotion and rationality no longer can I be the beautiful emotional person being kind and being um and letting people walk all over me is not going to get get me where I need to be for someone here it’s like you have given and given and

given but now it’s come to the time of now I need to change that I understand now that I can give but I need to take I can give but I need to

accept I need to be true and emotional and loving but I also need to be very businesslike and I know that for me to move forward for me to be able to grow into what I need to be I need to have both both key elements from body and mind my emotions need to be in in in the same level as my mind my mind cannot overrule how I feel and my emotions cannot overrule my mind I need to be

balanced it’s someone going through a whole big life journey of

learning this card came up before and I ignored it and here it is again Libra this is

like in the rarest place and at the rarest time when you least expect it you’re going to see something beautiful come come of something and this is a lotus plant being grown from mud where you would least expect to see a load of is plant is where it grew and what’s this saying it’s saying don’t be surprised by the beautiful things that happen in your life in the next 3 months because things are going to happen that are going to take you by surprise but just know that everything that you learned and everything that you put into place now becomes clear you are understand your purpose You Now understand your reason you understand why things didn’t turn out before how you had planned you now you’ll Now understand in the next 3 months that things now are a lot clearer than ever before you see things and understand things a lot more clearer than what you had before that things don’t turn turn up because you want them to that things don’t happen because you want them to they happen at the right time at the right place with the right people in the right situation everything has a purpose and a reason and when you least expect it in the next 3 months Libra something magical is going to happen you may have doubted everything you’ve learned in the past you may have doubted everything you saw but now with this new beginning you’re going to see things flourish in a way that’s going to give you an understanding of that’s what I had to do I had to go through that process I now have the understanding that I needed and I have the will and the power to make it happen I needed to grow and understand the process that nothing happens for a reason sorry nothing happens by mistake everything has a purpose and a reason for someone here it’s you understanding that whilst things didn’t happen in the past when you wanted them to that’s because they weren’t me

to and on the bottom we have the union You Now understand how things come together when you feel balanced and you understand that things always have a purpose and a reason you’ll understand that now things make sense in the next 3 months Libra there’s a whole heap of learning and understanding and acknowledgement for what you’ve been taught where you’ve come from and where you’re going next I hope that makes sense to somebody here let’s see what we have for romance for Libra please for the next 3 months what is it that we have for Libra for romance for October November December thank you express your love go ahead made the Romantic gesture for those of you that were doubting whether you could have love again in your life whether you’re worthy of being loved or you’re worthy of finding your love partner then they’re saying Libra look we’ve given Express how you feel and let things work out the way they meant to allow yourself to love and allow others to love you

thank you wow okay this could be the one Libra you’re already you’ve already met the Romantic partner you seek you may already even know this person Libra the person that you have asked for and you’ve dreamed of you probably already know them and if you do but you’re worried about approaching them then don’t be Express how you feel because you’ll be surprised at what comes back to you put yourself out there you may just be surprised at how beautifully this romance

blossoms true love look at that this is the romance of a lifetime

I feel that for someone here you’ve known somebody and you whilst you had feelings for them you never expressed them and you always imagined what it would be like well now is the time Libra to take the stance on what you want in order for you to get what you want you’re going to need to approach it live it breathe it and make it

happen okay what else have we got last message for Libra from the Angels please 3 months of powerful learning Libra and at the end of those 3 months you won’t be the same the what’s coming through here is going to change the way you see things think about things recovery I may be speaking to a Libra that’s come a long way but now the next 3 months is going to be recovery everything that takes place around you and what happens in your life will be part of your recovery of you seeing that life is beautiful and that you can have what it is that you want when it’s the right time the right place and when you’re in the right frame of mind recovery here is going to be important for somebody in the next 3 months so allow yourself to see things for what they really are allow yourself to understand and see things for what they really were and have the will to understand and move

forward Libra I hope this has made sense to somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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