Aquarius Horoscope | Weekly Psychic Insights October

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Weekly Psychic Insights for October 2023

FREE Weekly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Insights for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius how are we today I hope everybody is well and thank you so much for being here my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and we’re going to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days it may go over so let it be if it doesn’t resonate remember it’s a general reading release the energy and check your ascendant and your moon sign your ascendant is also your Rising Sun in case you’re wondering okay let’s see what we have for Aquarius please chopping wood Aquarius chopping wood Aquarius please more energy for Aquarius new life

Wow peace and a change in the wind wow

Aquarius for someone here you’re ready to make that change for someone here you are CRA craving sorry craving a new life and you change you want peace in your life you want a life of tranquility and you are ready to take anything out of your life that doesn’t allow you to capture this new life life of yours you are ready to let go of anything that is tormenting you that is making you uncomfortable that is stopping you from being the best version of yourself you are ready to take anything out that doesn’t allow you to move to this new life that you are so craving there are changes coming for you you may have to mend certain situations in your life or mend a heart or mend a situation in in order for you to move on but you will find that the changes now are going to bring you peace for an Aquarius here I feel that you’ve had turmoil in the past you’re now ready to let go of that turmoil you’re now ready to change your life for the best version of it that it can be you’re ready to take on new challenges you’re ready to take on new risks you’re mending things that happened in the past people broke you or situations broke you but you are now mending all of that understanding it making peace with it and this change that’s coming through for you Aquarius is a change that you’ve been craving for that new life that’s going to bring you exactly the peace and Tranquility that you need in your new life beautiful love that energy Aquarius love that energy what else do we have for Aquarius placee Aquarius thank you wisdom you’ve learned a lot Aquarius you’ve leared a lot and you’ve leared what you’re going to keep in your life you’ve leared the people and situations that came into your life and what they brought you if they were pain you learned a lot from those experiences you learned who you you learned about who you can trust what’s important to you what you stand for there was a lot of soul searching through this process and now you understand exactly what needs to be cut out of your life to bring the stability that you now need and deserve you’re a master of you’ve mastered the understanding of what I need to do to reach for that Sky what I need to do to get my dreams and goals achieved

an understanding of who you are of what you

need Aquarius

please oops the unexpected and a new life for some of you here something amazing is going to take place something that you didn’t expect to happen so quickly something that captures You by surprise or someone that comes into your life and changes the way you think the way you see things the way that you you live your life there’s going to be someone something unexpected it could be a situation that takes place or it could be somebody that enters your life but whatever it is this unexpected event is going to allow you to live a new life with a different look on life a different way of

living it’ll give you a a new sense of what’s

important hunger and I sense this to begin with there’s there’s someone here that is hungry for peace you’ve had your time of turmoil of ups and downs of Merry Gams the change change now is that you have a hunger to find yourself but find a life of peace and Tranquility you have a hunger to explore new places explore new options explore new things that are going to bring you the peace that you so

crave and underneath we have the acceptance and Aquarius this is the change in the wind the growth that the change brought you into your life sorry the change in the wind brought you growth and the acceptance you’re going to accept that changes happened for a reason at the time that you went through these experiences or you experienced these changes that you couldn’t see why they were happening you now accept that the changes had to happen for you to be able to see things in a different light in a different way for a different purpose You Now understand the changes happened for the best and usually sometimes when we’re going through circumstances or heartache or pain we don’t understand why it’s happening to us except later on in Life or a few months down the track we realize that CH thank God that change happened because had that change not happened I wouldn’t have been here to accept this this unexpected situation or person in my life that’s changed it for the best nothing happens by mistake nothing let’s see what we have with the tar tarot sorry for Aquarius what a beautiful reading Aquarius a sense of a sense of relief I’ve got here the king of Wands for many of you you had to go through certain things and you may have had Aquarius someone in the fire sign and that could be or you’ve got that very strong within your chart but you may have been dealing with someone that’s an Aries a Leo or a Sagittarius that taught you a lot but now it’s time for that person to either be left out of your circle of friends or family or for that person to be left out of your life it’s an energy here that brought you a lot of passion but also brought you a lot of Heartache for someone and that could be a Leo a sorry a Leo an Aries or a Sagittarius that taught you a lot but now it’s time for that person or that situation to leave your life many of you here had conflicting conflicting things happening in your life with this person or situations that were conflicting in your life now the unexpected happens and you find your new life the way and have your new life the way you want it you’re done with the chaos and the fighting you’re done with having to please somebody and always be at their back and call being their dreams and goals but how about yours your new life and what happened happens next is going to be exactly what you needed to happen I do feel that you may have you may have someone in your life that’s bringing a lot of chaos and conflict and it can be from an Aries or Leo or Sagittarius the seven of Wands for many of you here you’ve had to battle now today you stand up for yourself you know your worth you know how much you want out of life you know what you need for your life and here you have a very clear understanding of the peace that you’re craving the hunger this battle the battle that you won gave you the hunger to find your new peace and your new Love and your new life the love for your own life and your own self understanding that you are worth more than what you have been given and on the bottom the nine of cups make no mistake Aquarius the change in the wind here the acceptance is going to bring you to celebrate you’re going to find your new you your new life your new peace your new Tranquility that you’ve been craving there is definitely something happening that is going to bring you a sense of accomplishment a sense of completeness a sense of now I know who I am and I know that I’m in the right place in the right

space okay let’s see what we have for romance please for Aquarius Aquarius what do we have for Aquarius

please oops let your friends help you ask ask for and accept support from others if you’re going through challenging times Aquarius don’t shut people out that’s when you should put yourself out there more yes you’re you may be hurting or you may have hurt you’ve mended or you’re mending but allow others to bring in things that you’re missing right now and what I mean by that is that when sometimes it’s okay for us to recluse and go into our shell and understand why things took place why we went through certain areas in our life that challenged us that brought us pain and torment but once you understand that and you come to terms with that allow yourself to go back out there don’t isolate yourself to the point of self-destruction allow friends be open with people about what happened how you’re feeling and what what it is that you’re going through you’ll be surprised surprised how that can change things just having that ear to listen is

amazing children your love life is being affected by children and Aquarius I’ve said this in the past to another relation to another star another horoscope that I did before for someone here you have got children and I feel that this is someone that’s been separated from their partner and they’ve been left with their children don’t don’t REM don’t forget that whilst your children are your life your gems the most precious things in your life that you still need to have a life outside of that it’s okay for you to go on a date night it’s okay for you to go out and be happy within yourself too a happy parent will bring will will create a happy home a happy home will will create happy children it’s a domino effect so whilst you feel guilty someone here feeling guilty about leaving their children with somebody that they love and Trust to go out and have a good time please don’t feel guilty because your children will be better for that when you’re happy your home is happy your children will be happy it’s it’s an all round effect so don’t allow your beautiful gems to stop you from still having your life outside of that they’ll be better for it and it doesn’t mean that you love them any less if anything you love them even more because you’ll find that happiness within you and you’ll project that happiness to them okay last message for Aquarius please last message for

Aquarius oh oops two okay no too many sorry I’ve got three here I just want one message please one main message for Aquarius [Music] please no if it’s not falling not taking thank you speak your world into being Aquarius the way we project ourselves the vibration we give out is what we’re attracting so if you want good things to come back into your life or good things to come into your life start speaking that way I am worthy I deserve love I deserve abundance I am a great person and I’ve got a lot of love to give and I am ready to accept the good and the abundance into my life if you project that sort of energy you will attract the positive coming into your life if you dwell D on things for too long and overthink situations if you allow yourself to to remember we said about secluding yourself from the rest of society and the rest of the world to mend then that’s okay to do that for a certain period of time but then you need to get out and say no I deserve better than this I am going to get better than this I am worthy of receiving the best there is

and step up and Lead Aquarius step up and lead the only person that can change your life and the only person that can change circumstances how you feel how you see things or how we react to things is you your reaction to everything will be up to

you people you can’t control what others have done in the past you can’t control circumstances that happen in your life but what you can control is how you react to all of those challenges to all of those circumstances and to what comes next you can control how you see those things behave to those things and draw those things into your life you you can control how you how much you let those things affect you you can’t control how other people behave towards you you can’t control certain situations that will happen in your life sometimes things happen that we have no control over but what you can control and take the lead on is how you face those challenges how you react to those challenges Aquarius I hope that this has made sense for somebody here lots of love and light your way and thank you [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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