Gemini Horoscope | Weekly Horoscope for October 2023

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope Weekly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Weekly Gemini Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 10 7 to 10 days really so let’s see what we have for your energies Gemini Gemini please what have we got for Gemini thank you abundance Gemini for many of you here you’re coming into abundance you’re going to see things changing if you haven’t felt it already I can feel here an excitement Gemini an excitement of things coming forward for some of you for so long you’re waiting for something to happen you could smell it you couldn’t see it you could feel it but you couldn’t see it nothing was happening and now in the next seven seven to 14 days you’ll find that something comes through that’s abundant in your world something you’ve been waiting for an answer an idea something that was

missing meditation brings answers Gemini and if you haven’t got the answer already then it’s a good time to start meditating now meditation is where we quiet our mind without thinking about anything and you’ll find that when you come out of that clearing your mind let it letting it rest especially Gemini who is an air sign always thinking your mind works a million miles an hour your mind works so fast that sometimes your mouth doesn’t keep up with it you’re very intelligent the way you see things the way you do things new ideas you’re constantly thinking about what’s next how why when it’s time now to find your abundance in quietening your mind allowing your mind the freedom to just be at peace even for 5 minutes the answer that you are looking for is within you and here the universe is saying you’ve got all the abundance you want Gemini you just need to meditate and that will bring the answer that you’re wanting okay two more energies please two more energies thank you oops okay believe in your good luck absolutely believe in your good luck Gemini for for some people they dwell about this doesn’t happen for me this will never happen for me and I can’t do this and I can’t do that and of course it’s not going to happen for you of course it’s not going to ever happen for you with your vibration that way if you want good put it out there but put out the positive energy put out the positive energy nothing falls into our lap you know sometimes when I’ve got clients that go I’ve had the worst luck in the world yes you know what things happen and they are unexplainable Absol absolutely but for some of us you know and it’s funny I was just having this conversation yesterday it’s a it’s not about the hard times The Knocks that you get it’s about it’s it’s that Rocky movie what what does he say it’s not about how many knocks you get it’s about how many times you get up from those knocks something about something around there but that’s the that’s the answer it’s it’s not everyone’s going to have knocks in life everyone’s going to have situations that are harder than others and you’re going to go through Cycles but it’s how many times they knock you down and you get up how many times you got up Gemini believe in your good luck everything has a positive tool with

everything reflect on your priorities reflect on what’s important Gemini reflect on what’s important to you on what you want to achieve on where you want to go what do you what’s your heart and your soul singing for you to do if this doesn’t resonate with you then let it go if you’re thinking that you you can’t achieve anything because you’ve had all the bad luck in the world and nothing’s going to change that then you need to change channels because I won’t tell you that um if you’re not willing to put if you’re not willing to change that vibration to believe that you can do anything then this is not for you it’s not for you because this is someone this is for a Gemini here look at that the card that fell out of this deck just now shine there you are you I I I cannot believe that there’s one Gemini that fails there’s no such thing do you know why because Geminis are intelligent they’re super intelligent and if there’s anyone that can find a solution to almost everything thing it’s a Gemini they never give up they’re always looking for answers their problem is that they overthink things yes and this is where the universe is saying to you meditation is important Gemini to rest that beautiful mind of yours but is there a Gemini here that can’t do I don’t know one and let me tell you I have got about six or seven Geminis around me and there’s not one Gemini that I tell you that gives up not one not one so if you’re one of those Geminis then you may have a strong something else in your sign because Geminis will always find a way to shine always find a way to

shine okay and I’m not a Gemini but I do love my Geminis and I have got six or seven Geminis around me and I can tell you now they’re not they don’t give up they don’t give up there is nothing that’s going to beat them and kick them while they’re down because they’re not going to get to that point where they’re down enough for people to be able to kick them down even more doesn’t

exist the Two of Wands for some of you you’re making decisions there’s decisions that you’re going to have to make and that’s okay make those decisions make the decisions that you need to make you know sometimes the first steps are the hardest to making those decisions but you’re going to see that you’ve got you’re going to make the right decision you’re going to go to the right place the Queen of Wands for some of you here your you may you may be dealing with someone that is very spiritual here or you’re very spiritual here you may be a Gemini that does tarot that does raiki that does healing you may know how to do this and for some of you here you need to use your then see here see this card here where they are meditating did you see that sorry I’ve knocked this whole thing out they’re looking up and meditating and believing and getting in tune with the Divine getting in tune with what’s around them getting in tune with how they can change things their way it’s and then Sagittarius is not this is first quarter moon in Sagittarius sag sarius is not a pushover of a sign so for those of you that do have Sagittarius as well in your sign and Aquarius another tough sign come on Gemini for the Gemini that I’m speaking to here has given up on believing has given up on understanding their power their strength within not their power to conquer conquer others no the power you have to make your magic

work the six of Wands Gemini is your victory card remember we said shine this card flew out of that

deck shine and victory hands down this is a Gemini this is the Gemini that I know this is the Gemini that the Zodiac has produced The Gemini that doesn’t give up the Gemini that will shine no matter what that will find a solution to any problem there is or most problems at least or most problems in their life they are winners not not people who give up

you’ve got the decision you make is going to be the right one give that mind some rest and that answer is within even though now you’re too close to see what’s right and what’s wrong the minute you take time out for yourself to rest your mind you’re going to see that things will become clearer for some of you here you’ve been working extremely hard you’ve been working extremely hard either to purchase a home or in in your home and I do feel here that many of you are working long long hours and trying to find Solutions trying to find end to get ends to meet trying to find solutions to a situation that you either have at home or that you’re working from home for some of you you may be working from home and there may be something that’s been bothering you there may be something that’s been worrying you and that’s okay we all have that but you’re going to come up with some idea if your home that’s going to change everything Gemini and you may work at home or you may not but this new idea that comes to you comes to you in your home and that’s going to be the difference you’ve got the King of Swords that’s you not giving up taking your sword and saying I am here to do business I am here to make decisions and I’m going to make them how I see fit find Solutions look at that you’ve got a Queen of Wands and a king of Swords you may have a partner that is very spiritually guided ask them to guide you ask them what they think get opinions of other people sometimes Gemini we you overload your mind and you go into this huge quiet corner where you think that Solitude might bring you the answer and sometimes it does absolutely but don’t be afraid for someone here you may have a partner that is very intuitive as well and I feel that this powerful couple I if that’s a couple here if you’re if you’ve got a wife that’s very intuitive or a husband that’s very rational then here Gemini together you’re going to make it

work this is your element the sword the air you know the air

sign and the wands you may be involved with someone that is an Aries a Sagittarius or a Leo you may be dealing with a Sagittarius a Leo or an Aries the tower look at that Gemini there is no mistake no mistake that the Gemini I’m speaking to here is going to take the bull by the horns make decisions that you’ve been waiting on to make you’re going to do whatever you it is that you need to do to make that decision you’re going to have luck on your side and you’re going to shine for some of you you’d given up believing that you could achieve for some of you you were doubting your capabilities you forgot who you were you forgot who Gemini is and Gemini is no pushover no pushover the nine of swords for many of you you thought that I can’t see a way out of this I can’t find an answer a lot of anxiety is B here a lot of worry a lot of not being able to see your way through something but now now comes a solution you find the answer by talking to others taking time out to rest and just just getting in tune with who you are Gemini it’s not a mistake it’s not by mistake that the universe is saying take time out reflect on your priorities and believe in your good luck the king of Wands and the Seven of Wands look at that the king of Wands is that’s it this is a Gemini that has been taken either for taken to their knees worried themselves sick and now says enough is enough I need to stand for who I am I know who I am and I know what I’m capable of achieving I am not going to let others dictate to me what I need to do I’m not going to let others not only d but manipulate me into doing things I don’t want to do I’m not going to let others manipulate the way I think and put words into my mouth I am not going to let others take advantage of who I am I know who I

am Gemini Gemini this Gemini is back to themselves I do feel here Gemini that you may be dealing for someone here you may be dealing with a couple here because there’s quite a lot of kings and queens here and seven of Wands is you you may have to stick up for yourself with a female and a male that are very very strong and this might be just for one Gemini here but there is a feeling here of one Gemini

here being being taken to their limit being taken to their limit of being in this place or doing this thing that they no longer want to be part of and this could be to do with a male in a female in your life and they can be a couple or they can be two different people but this is a male and a female that is driving one Gemini at least to losing sleep and feeling like their life is so chaotic and and that is where the Gemini puts the Line in the Sand and says enough is enough I’ve had enough of this situation I am now going to stand up for myself and I’m going to make a move whether you like it or not take it or leave it this is the way it is and for some of you it may be a mother figure that I’m speaking to about here a mother and a dad yeah no more are they going to allow you or no more are you going to allow them to to have you in a locked position where you don’t feel you can be free and move forward for someone there’s a couple here that’s holding you back could be just one person here that I’m speaking to but it’s there all right let’s have a look at your love life let’s have a look at your romance Gemini let’s see what we’ve got for romance romance for Gemini please Thank you new love Gemini a new person has stirred your romantic feelings you may have met someone that not only you looked at but has got you intrigued this person is very very um very intriguing in the way that they are the way that they talk how they see things it intrigues you brings curiosity to your mind I feel that for some of you here even if you have a boyfriend now that you may you may just feel that someone else is more intriguing that your current partner tell me if this is you man oh sorry make the effort great love is worth taking the steps you’re guided to take make the effort and make that relationship work for some of you here you’re a bit cautious about making a new move within a new relationship ship seeing that your past relationships have left you very undesired to find another relationship but they’re saying here this new love make the effort make the effort because not everybody is the same not everybody deserves to be treated the same way calling in your soulmate your prayers affirmations and visualizations help bring you together for those of you that want a partner visualize you being with someone hugging passionate caring visualize that and start feeling that and start being grateful for that even if it’s not there yet because when we bring in that feeling of of we want we have we we’re thankful that may just happen Gemini it may just happen quicker than you imagined okay let’s see what else we have one more one more card to finish up what’s the overall feel for Gemini

here a Gemini Gemini Gemini we don’t get abundance twice look at that abundance again make no mistake for those Geminis here that would not seeing your way forward let me say get ready you need to change your vibration but is there abundance coming through absolutely make no mistake make no mistake if the abundance is not there that’s because you need to look at the way you’re thinking about things or you’re doing things but there is absolute abundance coming your way Gemini absolute abundance coming your way you don’t only get it once you got it

twice nourishment you need to nurture what you have you need to nurture your thoughts your beliefs and your moving forward you need to know that if you don’t believe in you who’s going

to if you don’t believe you are capable and you can do anything you set your mind to who is going

to and with that I say Amen because Gemini you are powerful you are intelligent you are amazing you need to know that you are you need to believe that you are because if you don’t believe that’s the reason you’re not getting the abundance that’s the reason you’re not making the effort

and there’s no clear Focus if you’re not reflecting on your priorities and it’s time to shine Gemini time to shine stick up for yourself lots of love and light thank you Gemini [Music] bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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