Aries Horoscope | Weekly Horoscope for October 2023

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope Weekly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Weekly Aries Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aries Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aries Horoscope for the Month of October and the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aries thank you so much for being here today my name is Marie Rose from and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 10 to 14 days so let’s say the first energies that come out for Aries remember it’s not going to resonate with everybody practice gratitude Aries it’s time to practice gratitude and what does that mean that just means that anything that is in our lives we just need to be very thankful for and the thing is that when we put out the Gratitude we invite things into our lives so sometimes even even if you haven’t got something that you’re hoping for feel feel it grab it in your imagination and and put yourself in that position of you receiving that and then say thank you before you even get it because gratitude is what brings in the positivity let’s say what other what other images we have for Aries please thank you just one thanks Release Control Aries releasing control is all about letting go of things letting things happen in their right time at at the right place in the right time and letting allowing things to just take place and sometimes we need to realize that we can’t control everything and although we’d love to as we all would as humans sometimes we just need to take tell the universe what it is that we want give it to the universe and say this is what I’m hoping for please accept this on my behalf and when it’s ready for me bring it bring it to me at the right time and at the right place

so it’s just you letting go of the control of wanting to control things that are out of your control anything that’s within your control you can always action that but sometimes we’re trying to do things that’s out of our control or trying to make things work that we have no control over let’s see what else we have here One More Energy Trust trust the universe look at that we just spoke about that trust that the Universe has got your back trust that the Universe can hear you your mentors your guides are all with you Aries and everything that you ask for and everything that you wish for trust the universe can hear you an end will deliver in in their good time not our time unfortunately our time is not the universe time they usually bring things to us when they know either when we’re ready to accept or two we’re ready to receive recovery for some of you here you may be recovering from something that you’ve gone through and you and it’s it’s a recovery of you understanding that not everything can be controlled by us that everything has its time and its place and that the Universe has under control what needs to be here for us so let’s see what the tarot what this is all about they’re giving us indications but with the terror we’ll find out what it is that they’re saying I’m also going to do relationships and then an overall energy for Aries so stick with me until the end let’s see what we have with the tarot in this place thank you Aries thank you okay page of Pentacles the beginning for some of you hear your beginning a new project a new Financial um a new Financial uh status for some of you here you’re asking for a new job to become more financially abundant for you to be able to afford everything that you want the devil for some of you hear yourself sabotaging and thinking that you’re never going to be capable of achieving that but don’t don’t go into that don’t let your mind take you to negative places because whilst our mind is very powerful it can be our worst enemy at times when we overthink things or when we try and control things we start to then think I’m not capable of doing this and that’s not true here we’ve got the Eight of Cups and that came upside down for some of you here you’re hoping to find love as well or you’ve gone through um a period in your time of romance that hasn’t been desirable or you’re hoping you’re hoping for a new romance and that hasn’t reached you yet here we’ve got the Ace of Swords and the Ace of Swords is new ideas New Beginnings things that come to you that you’ve been hoping for for some of you here you’re going to start to see things differently Aries you’re going to start to to perceive that you trying to control things is not though it’s not working so you’re going to let go and you’re just going to have faith that the Universe has got your back in it and it is understanding what it is that you’re asking for

the other thing is be careful with your toxic energies too sometimes our mind can can bring on these toxic energies that we um need to control so just be aware of that Justice you will find a balance you’re going to find a balance of what’s right and what’s wrong you’re going to find a balance of what you want to do and you’ll find the balance of and standing what it is that you want versus what it is that you need right now sometimes what we want isn’t necessarily what we get the four of Wands and the four of one says that there’s an opening here there is an opening for you to um to become more abundant in your ideas more abundant with people around you especially around the home your family is there to support you ask your family for support if you need it but the last thing you want to do is do things on your own or or try and work things out on your own sometimes talking to other people can help us see things differently and look at that the nine of swords for many of you you’ve lost a lot of sleep over not being able to find a new job not being able to be financially secure and you’ve lost a lot of time worrying about and having this these anxiety attacks I’ve tried to solve your issue trying to pay your bills on time and having very little success with the amount of money that’s coming in the four of Pentacles for many of you you’re you’re you haven’t discussed with people in your family or are those around you about how you feel and the process that you’re going through right now and for some of you it’s out of fear that data you don’t want them to see you in a different light and for others it is all about um you not wanting to worry other people in regards to what you’re going through so you’ve kept that a lot to yourself Two of Pentacles there is so there’s going to be a decision that you’re going to need to make and that decision may be that you get a job that’s not as close to your home as as you would have liked but it’s going to be an opportunity that opens other doors so if you do get an opportunity even though it’s not the location that you wanted it to be in it may be an opportunity that you take that allows you later on to expand and um becomes more of what you wanted the strength best strong Aries you’ve got the capability to be strong here use that Leo inside you for some of you here you’ve got Leo in your chart but use that Force inside you as an Aries you’re a fire sign so and Leo is part of your fire as is part of the fire family so use that inner strength that you have to get through this because you are going to get through this you are going to get through this that’s why the universe is saying trust that we’ve got you trust that you’re not alone in this even though you can’t control it and you feel out of control right now things are going to recover recovery you’re going to see a way out of this sometimes it comes to test our patients look at that the seven of Pentacles for many of you you’ve been trying hard to get an answer on something to get a you’ve been going to uh interviews and and they’re coming back as non-approved or you haven’t got that job that you wanted but they’re saying stand firm look at that the Queen of Swords take the swords approach think look at and you’re you’re you’re in a position where you don’t know what’s next you’ve given up to some extent for someone here you’ve given up in regards to wanting to put you’ve put yourself out there millions of times and the answers came back as no but just remember that the internal battle that you’re feeling right now is going to be resolved just stay in your truth and speak your truth and it will all resolve itself

what else we have for you let’s say relationships that’s work so I do think someone here is stressed very much stressed about their financial status and their career and they’re just saying please stay strong areas it’s going to come what have we got for relationships for Aries place for all our single ones out there release your ex Aries for some of you here the time has come to clear your energy you need to let go of what was in your past the reason it’s in your past is because it’s it is your past you need to let go of people that have come and gone out of your life in order for you to open the new doors and open your heart to new possibilities that are going to come your way what else have we got for Aries thank you attraction you attract romantic love by enjoying this moment fully and that’s the thing when you go out or when you’re in a circle of friends or you’re going out on a date enjoy that date for what it is don’t compare for summer for someone here you go out on a date and you’re comparing to what you had or you’re comparing them to someone you know or what you want some of you here have got a checklist and you’re comparing whether they check all the the boxes um in accordance with your thing but what they’re saying here is the universe is saying to you just just open yourself up don’t try and control things or make things work in a particular way go with an open heart and an open mind because you just don’t know where is you really just don’t know

your love life is being affected by children and here for some of you here you may have children in your circle and it’s saying your love life is being affected by children because you’re feeling that you owe it to your children to be with them and that’s fine absolutely they’re our Treasures anyone that’s got children knows that they are absolutely a treasure from God all from the universe or whoever it is that you believe in but just know that you can have your beautiful kids but you need to be happy too and getting someone to babysit them when you go out on a date and you’re allowed to have fun too because someone that that is centered and has a balanced life is a lot more happier which brings a lot more happiness into the household and for your children so whilst your children are absolutely your Duel of your world you’re still allowed to have a good time and still allowed to meet other people and have a relationship and at the same time love your children just as much and here passed life relationships you have known each other before and the thing is someone here at some old Libra why was I going to say Libra for someone here you may meet a Libra in your path or you may have Libra strongly in your chart but um you’re going to meet someone that you’re going to feel that you’ve known this person forever you’re going to feel that everything that they say or what they do or who they are you’re going to think I’ve I know this person like I feel even though I’ve met this person just now I feel like I’ve known him forever you know that feeling that you get well I feel that the next person that you meet Aries is going to be someone like that and that’s because you do know them from a past life people from our past lives come back into our life and that is either for us to be able to complete the cycle that we weren’t able to complete in a past life for those of you that believe that not everyone believes in past lives but there is someone here that you’re going to feel like you know them you’ve known them before or you feel that the short period of time that you’ve known them you feel like you’ve known them forever power taking the power back to you Aries is important don’t let yourself go and don’t leave that power to somebody else don’t lose your power because the minute you lose your power you lose your confidence you lose your your way your clear way of seeing things and Things become a lot more blurry which don’t allow you to move forward so gain that get that power back that was taken away from you in some cases and in others just take the power back to you it’s up to you to look at things differently and it and you will allow things different to come into your life fear for some of you here you are in fear of Letting Go letting go of your control of your barriers of your fear of um not meeting someone else that’s going to hurt you again or the fear of not being able to um to make me ends meet for some of you you are here with a lost power and scared of how things are going to work out remember the universe said trust that the Universe has got you sometimes we get tested to see how strong we are and it tests our faith at the same time but don’t give up areas don’t give up you don’t have it in you to give up you’re a fire sign keep going peace look at that you’re going to find your peace again you’re going to find the tranquility and the peace that you’ve been looking for make no mistake things are going to change Aries I know that it may have been tough in the last few months or close to a year but things are about to turn they are about to turn for you and you just need to believe and have that in your mind the whole time don’t let your mind play games with you and and tell you otherwise and balance you are going to find your balance once these clouds are moved on by you changing the way you see things changing your attitude to things and bringing that vibration that welcomes things in open your heart and your mind and you’re going to find balance once again in your life so Aries please stay strong that is the biggest message here trust the universe has got you they’re not going to leave you and there is a recovery here so you are going to be on the right path lots of love and light your way areas and I hope that this is this message has got to someone that needed to hear it thank you so much bye-bye [Music] thank you

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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