Aquarius Horoscope | Psychic Forecast for October 2023

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Free AQUARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aquarius Horoscope Monthly Psychic Forecast for October 2023

FREE Monthly Aquarius Horoscope Psychic Forecast for October 2023. I have also be released other videos for Aquarius Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Aquarius Horoscope the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Aquarius how are you Aquarius forecast for October 2023. I hope you’re all well Aquarius thank you so much for being here my name’s Marie Rose from and today we’re here to do the whole forecast for October be patient with me remember it’s not going to resonate with everybody it’s a general reading so if it does resonate check your moon and your ascendant side and release the energy that you’ve heard today for those of you that um

that are wanting to know different things just hang on until the end because I’m using quite a few Oracles in Tarot to get as much information as I can out for October energy let’s see what we have for Aquarius Aquarius what do we have for Aquarius fork in the road Aquarius a decision that you’re going to make and it’s going to be about what path do I take in October you’ll look at a situation or you’ll look at a circumstance and get and think I need to change but which way am I going to take what path am I now going to go in it’s a fork in the road that needs to have a decision to it foreign


it’s okay to take time out in October to think this through Aquarius don’t need to rush it deep knowing you’re after a deep knowing of what you really want I do feel that there’s an aquarius here that is questioning what is it that I want and what is it that I need to see I see a bit of an aquarius on a detective mode trying to find new Solutions or look at things differently that’s going to allow them to move forward with certainty for some of you here you’re undecided about a situation or about a path that you need to take you’re not knowing whether to take that risk or not whether to go down that path or not do you trust where it’s coming from do you trust that this path is for you you’re not sure and you’re wanting to know more information before making a decision something that’s proposed to you Aquarius even a proposal could come through for you Aquarius and you’re going to question what the best path for you is going to be energy for Aquarius please October October energy for Aquarius place October energy for Aquarius and he’s gonna fall look at this know your worth Aquarius know your worth new moon in Taurus know your worth ground yourself for those of you that are questioning whether you’re good enough or not just know that you are if you’re in doubt whether what you’re doing is you or whether you’re I get here you know what I get here I get here aquariuses that are doubting themselves doubting their capability doubting what they’re doing right now is what they’re meant to be doing and Aquarius the universe is saying know your worth it’s time to ground yourself Taurus is an earth sign you need to ground yourself take time out take time out to make decisions when you’ve got all the correct information when you have when you have sussed out everything that’s happening around you then make a decision too many too many Energies too many decisions by the looks of an Aquarius

Aquarius Place Normal cards one more energy for Aquarius too many place

one more card please no more

not even gonna take that because that was upside down one more what is it that you’re not sure of Aquarius something is really bothering you trust the universe Aquarius for those of you that are questioning if you’re on the right path if you’re meant to if this is if this would I feel that something’s happening to you right now and you’re undecisive and you’re thinking why is this happening to me why am I going through this and they’re saying know your worth you’re being tested right now how much do you believe in yourself how much do you believe in Who You Are trust that the Universe has got you it’s not going to let you down trust that what you’re doing is you is what you’re meant to be doing trust that the path you’re being pushed down is the path you’re meant to go down trust that everyone and everything that’s falling away from your surroundings is no longer meant to be part of your life know your worth and don’t let anybody question you or put you down where you question yourself you need to know your worth if you don’t know what you’re worth how are other people going to know what you’re worth and Trust the universe has got your back

even even Aquarius if sometimes it feels like you’re alone even if it feels like sometimes you’re in this battle on your own you’re not you’re being tested and they want to see how strong you are to see if you’re ready for the next Journey

what have we’ve done here for Aquarius October Place tarot October for Aquarius thank you October for Aquarius place thank you

what did I say Aquarius you are the magician you’ve got what it takes to do anything you’ve set your mind and will to all your goals and all your your dreams you can make happen you are the master to make it happen you’ve got all the tricks and the knowledge and the determination that you need you are doubting yourself you are questioning your worth

Aquarius Place October in October Aquarius you are going to have a very clear indication of what to do the Six of Pentacles you’re weighing up whether you’re good enough but other people are wanting what you’re doing that’s not what you’re seeing you’re questioning whether you’re good enough or not but other people are waiting for what you have to offer there are people wanting your services your product who you are they need you they need your skills they need your determination

ten of Pentacles

Aquarius in in October when you stop doubting who you are and you know you’re worth and you know the path that you’re going to take then trust the universe will deliver everything you’ve been asking for you’ve got what it takes you’ve got the skills and the determination that you need to create your world you’ve got what other people are wanting and there you are there’s the riches you’re going to turn lemons into lemonade

make no mistake make no mistake you just need to believe look at that the king of Pentacles you’re going to you may be dealing Aquarius you may be dealing with someone that’s a Taurus Virgo or Capricorn or you have got Virgo Capricorn or Taurus very strong in your chart and if you’ve got Aquarius and any other one of those signs in your chart then this reading is for you you’re doubting your capabilities you are questioning your worth you’re looking at the Dark Side of am I capable you’re questioning yourself don’t question yourself follow your intuition Aquarius you’ve got a huge amount of intuition use it now you’ve got what it takes

you’re a master and people want what you’re giving people want what you have look at these the six of cups for some of you here you may have dealt with situations that brought you doubt from your childhood maybe in your childhood you had a parent that said to you you can’t do that it’s never going to work or don’t try that because it’s never going to work or you’re not good enough to do that and that that subconsciously followed you into your life and at times you question your worth you question whether you’re capable of transforming into the person that you’re meant to be you’re having these paths shown to you and you’ve got a deep knowing of what you need to do but you’re questioning Who You Are

tell me if this is you Aquarius tell me is this the process you’re going through look at this the emperor make numbers look at this foreign

what a powerful line look at this magician the king of Pentacles and the emperor the minute you believe in yourself Aquarius There Is No Stopping You No Stopping You you just need to believe and you’re going to turn you’re going to turn ice into gold you’re going to sell ice to Eskimos turn lemons into lemonade Everything You Touch Is going to turn into gold you just need to believe that your fortune your will your goals and your dreams are going to come true for some of you here you may get a financial boost a financial Boost from a parent or you may get a help from a male that is very intelligent and this male may just help you get to your to where you need to get to for some of you you may find help in that mail to track to help you get to that next level or next stage that you’re doubting yourself in but there is absolute help here for you and there is no mistake that you’re going to be successful look at that the four of cups for those of you that are single and were disappointed in love you’ve you’ve balanced out everything that you’ve been through you question whether you are worthy of finding someone else and the universe is saying yes you are and although you’ve had disappointments in your past here is a new love that’s meant for you trust the universe has got your back trust the processes trust the happiness here Aquarius look at that look at that Aquarius for some of you here your childhood dream was to earn your riches and be powerful and happy and when I say by powerful I don’t mean powerful in ego trip I mean a powerful status that would allow you to have a very peaceful tranquil life that you didn’t have to worry about finances it was a childhood dream of yours and this is what you’ve got not only do you have a treasure of finances there but you’ve met the love of your life your childhood dream of completing a life of luxury and beauty and passion and love is all here

in October Aquarius something that you put in place a path that you take is going to be the difference to your success if you know your worth and you trust that the Universe has got your back you will conquer anything that you were doubting you were able to do and here the four of Pentacles keep things to yourself until you achieve what you’ve gone out to achieve keep those those Milestones of achievement to yourself when it explodes everyone’s going to know about it but in October all

picking the right path getting more knowledge about what you need to know knowing your worth keep that all under your belt and keep going keep working hard people want what you have people want what you’re producing what you’re giving out they want your services

don’t doubt okay let’s go Aquarius let’s see what Leo Nomad has got for you Aquarius look at that changes be like a fox curious like a fox Aquarius you need to take the fox the fox personality where it’s you suss out everything you’re curious about everything you get what all the knowledge and all the tools that you need to complete your mission but do it quietly and do it without others knowing about the changes child look at that

for some of you this is a childhood dream for some of you it is a dream that you’ve wanted for a child that comes through

prowl on the Proud people will be wondering what you’re doing people are going to want to know how you did it people are going to want to know how you turned something something into an amazing script an abundant script

finding your Tranquility the decisions that you’re going to make are going to bring you the abundance that you need and in October these plannings and this path that you choose is the start of a new beginning of abundance in your life mark my words and come back and tell me that’s upside down look at that you’re not finished with something you need to put something here number 10 upside down is you looking at your crops you have planted something but you’re not you’re not saying something that’s missing looking at what you’ve planted and you’re looking at what you’ve put in place but you’re not looking at the finer detail that you need to take you to the next level only you will find that you’ve got the eye for detail there and you know what’s missing there you believing in yourself the self-worth

Aquarius that’s all you need the minute you believe in who you are and what you do there is no stopping you my love there is no stopping you

angel of clarity you need to be clear about what path you’re going to take you need to be clear about where your finish line is you need to be clear about what you find a success what you want to achieve you need to be clear with that within you first before you can achieve what it is that you want to achieve it’s like you know not having a destination but driving around you can drive around all the streets you want but unless you’ve got a destination in mind you’re not going to get to anywhere you’re just going to be going around the block around in circles and through all these streets and with no clarity the angel of clarity is here the angel of clarity is here to help you see what you need to see to get to that Final Destination so don’t doubt yourself it’s nothing that you’re doing it’s just having a clear perspective a Clear Vision of what the end looks like and the angel of clarity is here to help you through that Aquarius

Aquarius I hope that this has made sense for somebody because it would just be a waste of a reading because it’s such a beautiful reading but I wish you all the success in the world in October I know it’s the start of something big so dream big work hard and Chase that dream and that goal of yours give it a destination so you know where you’re going lots of love and light thank you Aquarius bye-bye

thank you

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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