Cancer Horoscope |Psychic Messages from the Universe

by | Aug 24, 2023 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope with Psychic Messages from the Universe!

FREE Cancer Horoscope with Psychic Messages in the Month of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Cancer Horoscope for AUGUST Monthly Forecast and the Cancer Horoscope for the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful cancer how are we today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live thank you to all our beautiful subscribers and if you feel in your heart that you’d like to subscribe to our Channel become part of our family your subscription would be so forever appreciated so thank you okay let’s see what we have for you for the next seven days cancer please thank you wisdom cancer number 22 and master of wisdom cancer this week you’re going to have a lot of wisdom or use a lot of your wisdom the universe is asking you to use your wisdom in certain situations that you’re going to be faced with or you’re going to go through use that Master number to understand what it is that you need to do and cancer I feel hear them some of you here going through a process right now but you’ll get an answer that you’ve been looking for or you’ve been waiting for in the next week or two so let’s see what else comes up for you I’m not going to make the reading very long because I want you to be able to get the messages that come through if it doesn’t resonate please visit your ascendant and your moon sign the warrior woman have you answered your deepest calling are you doing what you were meant to do are you doing what you want to do

using your wisdom and becoming the master of what you want to do is going to be Pinnacle in the next week putting plans in place of where you’d like to go what you’d like to be doing and are you being true to who you are doing what your truth has called you to do are you completing everything that you want to do in this lifetime

I feel there may be some cancers here that are currently evaluating what they’re doing in comparison to what they would like to do and that’s bringing internal uh an internal battle within yourself questioning what is it that I need to do that what is it that I need to put into place that I’m able to do what I want to do cancer place thank you

what have we got for you cancer beautiful the five the five are look at that mask the first thing that grabbed me was that mask for some cancers here you’ve been um wearing a mask or pretending to be or fitting into a society that wants you to fit into the way they want you to fit into and sorry and I know that’s pretty I’m trying to get messages here and it’s pretty confusing let me start again there’s a cancer here that is wearing a mask and what I mean by that is they’re not being true to who they are and what they want to be doing they’re doing something that someone else wants them to do or they’re doing something that is not their true purpose or what they truly want to be doing and the Five of Swords comes to say there’s a lot that’s the five of air there and a lot of um a lot of you are questioning whether you’re being true to who you are am I just being someone else for the sake of someone else or something else or am I serving my true purpose in this lifetime

I feel that many of you here are going to start to change who you are you’re not going to just go with the flow anymore integrity and I need to cover that because there’s nudity in that and YouTube cancel videos the Integrity is so Paramount to this reading the Integrity talks about are you being true to who you are are you being true to what you want to what you feel you need to do or are you just going with the flow and fitting in with other people’s goals and plans with other people’s wants and needs how about you cancer how about you

the child the child within you is being robbed of um the first thing I got here was a child in you is being robbed of your true sense of the true you the child that just wants to release itself from your inner body right now and release that feeling of this is what I want to do this is what my heart makes my heart sing this is what my soul is craving for me to do what is that cancer

something new you want to start something new that’s going to allow you to be the person that you are or that you came here to be if that makes sense The Scribe many of you here are saying and doing what you feel that needs to be said and done but I do feel that many of you here are going to start to speak your truth are going to start to want to do what what makes your heart sing what makes your soul feel at peace

the six of Wands the six of Wands is you find in your Victory the minute you are true to who you are remember the Integrity the minute you are true to who you are is the minute that you will find that Victory within you you will start to see Things fall into place you will start to feel like you are unstoppable the force that you have inside you the urge that you have inside you to let out who you truly are is going to make you Unstoppable foreign

it’s hard when we’ve got a nudity card and now with the new rules so let me just get this back into order

some of you here are going to find your piece some of you here are going to use that wisdom that you’re so known for cancer to make make your life what you planned it to be Destiny what did I say you’re destined to be a particular way a particular person or a particular

way of living there’s a particular way that you want to be there’s something that you want to do and you’re not doing it you felt you have felt like you the people have stopped you from being who you truly are what you truly want to be doing what is it that you want to be doing it cannot be out of fear that you’re not doing it can it be out of um looking after others that you’re not doing it compromising compromising your wants for other people’s needs compromising your wants for other people’s uh benefit and other people’s goals and dreams now this is your destiny cancer you finding the real you that inner child coming out that inner child that dream that goal that you’ve always had nurturing that inner child of yours nurturing that new beginning that new you the new way of thinking the new way of doing things there is a cancer here even just one that is dying to come out of their shell that is dying to come out and express who they truly are and do what they truly want to do

this is a wake-up call for somebody somebody is waking up from being where they were to where they want to go you’ve learned a lot on your path you’ve climbed many mountains you’ve gained a lot of knowledge and now it’s time for you to dream and for you to put your goals and your dreams into place

tell me if this resonates with you the ace of cups you finding that inner love that inner peace for some of you here you will start a new relationship with someone who you want to be with I do feel there may be one or two cancers here that in the past have stopped being with someone because it they didn’t fit what their family wanted their family wanted a particular person or to be in a particular way and I feel that there’s at least one or two cancers here that you are going to love the way you want to love you are going to love who you want to love you are going to love yourself again and love the people you want to love without without boundaries without taboos of who you should be with and who you shouldn’t a lot of this can come down to religion it can come down to beliefs it can come down to cultures you are now going to love someone for who they are not what culture they are or religion or race or color you’re you want to love the way you want to love despite what others think despite what others say and how they judge you’re going to say Speak Your Truth in many cases he and you’re going to remove that mask of who you truly are

go you cancer go you let me just move that over

laughs here we have the eight of Pentacles you’re going to find your your

Force you’re going to find your abundance in being just who you are you’re going to find that you’re going to find your Victory the minute you show people that you are stronger than what they thought you were you are going to set your boundaries you are going to find your abundance in your love in your career in what you want to do you’re going to create your magic this is you creating your magic with the victory card in the normal tarot and here you’ve got the eight of Pentacles which is abundance you’re going to tell people who you are

and some of you are going to shock people too and they’re going to say wow hasn’t cancer changed no cancer is now being true to who they are cancer is now being true to what they want and what they need for once cancer you’re going to put yourself first Above the Rest you’re going to understand that your wants and needs are just are the most important not just as important are the most important yeah there may be people that are going to disagree with you and there may be people that are going to judge you there may be people that are going to um ridicule you but you need to stay strong you need to stay the path that you want to lead you need to stay in the path that is destined for you remember the destiny card you were destined to be this way you were destined to do this thing you were destined to come here and complete your mission and this is going to be your mission despite what others think be careful that people don’t allow you to self-sabotage yourself or second-guess yourself because when you express what you want and what you need above others wants and needs they’re going to turn and people turn because they want you to stay the way that you were not the way that you want to be and just be ready for people to try and self-sabotage you to make you think that you’re crazy that you’ve got it all wrong that you’re not thinking straight that you shouldn’t be doing this or you shouldn’t be going out with this person or you should you know they want the best for you no no you want the best for you you know what’s best for you you know what you want for your future you know what you want

stick with that cancer stick with it and look at that on the bottom we have the three of fire which is you taking your new place in your new life you looking after you you’re going to new locations with new people new social you are going to follow your dream your goals and fulfill that inner child’s wish and do what you came here to do despite other people’s opinions despite other people’s judgments

okay two more messages for cancer please so we can close I love this reading cancer I love this reading it’s you being the true you despite what others think and what others want for you because what others want for you is not what you want the two of Swords which says peace and Harmony needing to take the blind fire cancer I tell you I love my job listen to this message peace and Harmony needing to take the blindfold off keeping keep reassessing the situation at hand look what she’s wearing the blindfold and the mask that was taken off here it comes to say take that blindfold off and keep reassessing the situation at hand you keep reassessing how happy you are as you go along your path and change things that you need to change move away from people that that sell that make you question yourself

I love that

cancer place or more message for cancer decisions that you’re going to make that are going to make the difference that’s what that is the seven of Pentacles work frustrations hard work needing to be done either at work or a situation in life it’s not going to be easy this transition cancer make no mistake you’re going to come head to head with some people with some situations but that’s the transformation that’s what takes you to the next level nothing is ever easy ever and for those that want to grow and be the best okay they can possibly be there are going to be challenges there are going to be questions there are going to be doubts how strong are you cancer how strong are you to take your transformation to the next level where your inner child is being true to it to you you’re being true to your inner child and doing what you want to do no matter how hard the situation becomes

and so I hope there’s someone here that needed to hear this message because I know that this message is as powerful as they come lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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