Gemini Horoscope |Psychic Messages from the Universe

by | Aug 24, 2023 | Free GEMINI Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Gemini Horoscope with Psychic Messages from the Universe!

FREE Gemini Horoscope with message from the Universe in the Month of August 2023. I have also be released other videos for Gemini Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

We would also encourage you to view the Gemini Horoscope for AUGUST Monthly Forecast and the Gemini Horoscope for the next 6 months, as there may be information that can help you with future planning or guidance. You can do that here:


(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Gemini how are you today my name’s Marie Rose from and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days thank you to all our beautiful subscribers and if you haven’t subscribed yet and you’d love to help our Channel reach a thousand subscribers and reach more people that need to hear this we would absolutely love your subscription and we are so grateful in advance thank you one message for Gemini please one message no one message that gave me everything one message for Gemini please thank you it’s better align your life what is not aligned or needs change Gemini this week it’s the what is not aligned in your life and what do you need to change to feel aligned for some Geminis here it’s a huge week of looking at things in a different way aligning your life in a different way and looking at things that need to change for you to feel more aligned do you need to leave certain situations or people behind is it that you need to change the way you do things or look at things in a different way let’s see what else we have another message for Gemini please message for Gemini thank you

putting the puzzle together Gemini coming putting the puzzle together within yourself it’s not about pulling the puzzle together look at that setting boundaries this week it’s about you setting the boundaries in order for you to get alignment in your life who is it that you need to set boundaries with what is it that’s been happening that you need to put an end to because what it is it’s not helping you you’re feeling out of place you’re feeling that things aren’t working out like you had planned you need to set those boundaries to feel aligned this week Gemini let’s see what the Tara has for you the Tara has been very varied straight to the point this way Gemini so be aware because it has been giving not only good news but it’s been very um very telling in some science okay what have we got for Gemini please Gemini thank you foreign

the first one is the ten of Pentacles beautiful you finding your peace financially for some of you here you’re going to get a huge um a news that comes through that really Delights your heart it will help you align your life for some of you you may have been out of sorts for some time waiting for these news to come through you’ve sacrificed a lot you’ve put yourself out there but now Gemini this week there’s some great news that comes your way and that great news is going to bring you prosperity and abundance and I don’t only mean that financially which it can this card is a financial thing but it’s an abundance of you starting to get your life back together starting to get your life back in place for you to be able to make lots of money or be more prosperous in the way you live your life

the seven the seven of Wands which is time to move forward looking at things grow this is a great week Gemini so far so good you may set boundaries but you’re going to see things start to grow there’s a lotus lotus grows out of nowhere in the dirtiest water a beautiful Lotus grows and presents itself and that’s how it’s going to be this week even though you may feel that your life has been so chaotic and so out of sorts late of late you and and you’ve had to set boundaries you will find that once you set those boundaries that everything starts to fall into place once you start to move in the right direction that you want to move in everything will start to fall into place you’ll see things in a different manner than what you did before you may have someone to help you that asks that makes you realize that what you’re seeing is actually not the way you’re seeing it that it’s actually more prosperous and more beautiful than what you imagined see how he she’s really surprised this figure is really surprised at that Lotus and it’s saying Gemini this week you’re going to be surprised by something that you find or you’re going to be surprised by something that you learn use your intuition she’s got a third eye ear see that use that intuition and wisdom that you have so much of

the queen of air and that’s you Gemini the Queen of Swords is I am ready for the battle I’m ready to cut anything out of my way that stands in my way the queen of air is a queen that knows exactly what they want and they know which way they have to go for some time here I feel that Geminis have put other people in front of their own needs and wants and that’s what’s made your life so unaligned however now that you set your boundaries over people that were making you feel that way you will find that you need to cut things out situations or people out of your life that are going to that are going that that’s then going to allow you to see different things for what they are the owl the concept of the owl is seeing things that no one else can see doing things a different way that no one else would this is you Gemini in charge of your destiny and I do feel that anyone that gets in your way is going to be cut out with that sword of yours

you sing things a different way

the three of swords and the Three of Swords is about you learning something that may uh bring your life in an alignment The Three of Swords is in the in the tarot is the three of Hearts which is it’s got you know swords in the heart and here you’ll learn something this week you’ll learn something this week that tells you that you need to align your life you learn that the the mistrust

and the line that people have been the lies that people have been feeding you and the the manipulation people have been putting you through is not what it is

you’ve learned about a lot about people around you or people um that have tried to manipulate you this week is a learning week for you it’s learning that you can be prosperous just by putting boundaries into place

the two of fire I feel here you’re going to either meet someone or be with someone that you love there’s going to be a lot of abundance and passion in the next week or so and you may be with someone that just thinks exactly like you has the same morals as you thinks like you and respect you like you respect them see the two third eyes you’re both intuitive into what you want you you’re both abundant in who you are both very intelligent too

and you’re going to see something differently remember I said to you that someone may come and um teach you or show you something that you couldn’t see before do you remember that well and you were surprised well that person here may just be the person if this can be either a partner that you’re involved with in a relationship or it can be an associate that that shows you something that you didn’t realize before or you couldn’t see clearly foreign for some of you here it could be information that comes through that you weren’t seeing before and you felt like your life was out of place or your life was out of place from the sacrifices that you’ve made but now that you’re selling these boundaries everything you’re starting to see in a different light the Crone absolutely taking control of what you’re doing taking control of your life again taking control you’re no longer this little girl or this little boy over here you’re now powerful knowledgeable determined and in control and that comes exactly under the queen of air the one that will cut anyone out the minute that they interfere with their life you’re now more determined than ever Gemini to succeed you’re going to see things and see people differently you’re going to see them for who they truly are without their mask and you’re going to see situations for what they truly are and that’s going to allow you to put that your life puzzled back together the three of Fire and that is the three of fire is you with your bag ready to go on this adventure you’re moving forward in Leaps and Bounds and here you are about to start your journey this is someone here that is going to go towards their prosperity and they’re not going to take prisoners with them they know in exactly where they want to go and what they do need to do to get there and you’re not going to take anyone with you that’s not a that’s not got the same interest as you or doesn’t have your back you’re going to cut a lot of people out or situations healing for some of you here you may be healing from a situation that tore you apart for some of you here you may have been broken you come out of a broken relationship or you may have had someone that you’ve lost in the in the in the not so distant past and for many of you here you are healing from a hurt from pain or even from sacrifices that you made for others it’s now time that you’re going to change your skin there is no mistake here that there’s a new Gemini coming now there is a new Gemini with a new outlook on life and a new skin snakes replace their skin and when they do they when they when they start to lose their skin because they’re going they replace they replenish their skin they become very poisonous at that stage because they need to defend themselves and that is you here setting your boundaries and remember I said that you’ll use the sword that you have to to cut people out of your life if they stop you or get in your path

there is a Gemini fear that is not going to put up with rubbish at all at all you are determined more now than ever and here the five of um the five of Fire and the fire the fire is you finding your place you finding the strength and the passion and the determination that you need to make it work you finding going head to head with your um challenge going head to head with you being out of alignment for some Geminis here it’s I I am no longer going to have my life out of sorts for others I’m going to go head to head with them if I need to there is a Gemini here that is or a few Geminis here that are very determined to get people and situations out of their life that no longer serves them they’re going to look at things differently in life and they’re going to they’re going to get information that’s going to change their life around oh powerful Gemini powerful what are some messages two messages here for Gemini please Gemini is on fire this next coming week you are on fire that’s what your heading is going to be Gemini’s on fire the first message is brightness hope could bring excess to be careful not to become too greedy okay so Gemini you’re going to have beautiful things happen for you what the universe is saying is just be careful that whilst you’re you’re going to accomplish a lot of things whilst you’re going to have beautiful things come into your life and this imagination and this Lotus that comes out of nowhere and you’re quite surprised at how things work out not to become too greedy because humble the nine of Pentacles peace of mind and contentment you’re going to find your happiness again you’re going to find your place on on this Earth your mission to where you you everyone comes to this planet with a mission and you’re going to find that you’re going to find your contentment with exactly where you’re you’re meant to be and who you’re meant to be with that’s the piece that you’re going to feel within you Gemini I am excited for you I am loving this reading and lots of love to you thank you so much and I hope that that’s helped somebody if not check your ascendant and your moon sign bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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