Cancer Horoscope by Marie Rose. Changes in July 2023

by | Jul 23, 2023 | Free CANCER Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Cancer Horoscope Changes coming in July 2023

FREE Cancer Horoscope Changes for the month of July 2023. I have also be released other videos for Cancer Horoscopes. If you would like to get our horoscopes as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Cancer thank you so much for coming here today and thank you for being a part of our reading my name is Marie Rose from Tarot reading’s live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next week so let’s see what we have for you first card fork in the road A New Path a new Direction cancer a new decision you’re going to need to make and forking the road is all about you finding the right path so let’s see what else we have for some of you here you’re going to find two opportunities that you need to choose from deep knowing

for some of you you’re going to dig deep within your soul to really understand what it is that you want or where it is that you want to go a lot of hard questions are going to be asked Within so you can find your peace many of you here are craving the peace you just want to go to a more peaceful place you want to be in a more peaceful environment I feel that some of you here have been through some hard times and now you’re trying to find yourself in a more peaceful manner Tick Tock for some of you here there’s decisions that you’re going to have to make and the time is ticking and I don’t know what that is cancer so let me know in the comments but I feel that some of you here are on a time constraint to make certain decisions or things have come up and you need to action it by a certain time be in a certain place by a certain time maybe but there’s something here that you need to work through let me know in the comments if this resonates for others here you may have a choice between two people and this could be two people that have shown interest in you and you’re just not not sure which one to pick here we’ve got an owl in this pitch I don’t know if you can see it but what the universe is saying is use this time to really look forward and really look within as well to ask yourself what’s important to you before you make those decisions let’s see what the Tara has for cancer please thank you

the fool some of you are going to take a leap of faith some of you are going to take a a risk or an opportunity to make things happen seven of swords for some you’re walking away from Hard Times Hard places or around hard people people that were putting on a mask the whole time [Music] the lovers this can either be that some of you here for singles you’re going to meet someone new that really takes you by surprise for some of you you’re going to be worried about taking on something new because of your past relationships that haven’t been so great however the universe is saying for those of you that meet someone beautiful take the risk take the risk and I feel that some of you here are going to take that risk in this relationship even though the past has left you with scars in some that it’s going to be a beautiful partnership that you’re both going to share and a genuine one at that many of you ten of Wands many of you carried a lot of burdens in the past whether they were problems that you had to deal with other people and you’ve carried those problems with you you felt at times cancer I get to hear that some cancers here went through a time of taking on problems of others worrying about others and now I feel that some of you here that have done that are in a place of trying to find your own peace now trying to find out what’s important to you and what where you want to go

let’s see what else we have for cancer please cancer thank you times have change the Wheel of Fortune here can so many of you here are going to make very rash decisions and changes at that some of you here are going to make changes that you’re going to do actions or make decisions that others may think that you are a little bit um crazy at times but a lot of you are in a place of Despair where you think what have I got to lose I want to change my life I have gone through quite some hard times and now it’s time for me to take that leap of faith and do what it is that I want to do for a change really getting in touch with what your soul is asking you to do [Music] for some of you he the advice here for cancer from the universities go with the changes don’t fight them changes happen for a reason and a purpose and this is to get you out of a situation or a place that you weren’t so happy for many of you you’re on your knees five of cups for many of you you went through situations that dragged you down that caused you a lot of anxiety a lot of pain and a lot of unknown circumstances many of you at times didn’t know where you were going didn’t know what was next you looked around you and no matter where you looked things just weren’t falling into place however the universe is saying now there’s two opportunities here that are being given to you cancer and this is a time now that you’re going to have to change that all the six of Wands the victory I said to the single ones here that you may meet someone and there is no mistake about that you are going to meet someone beautiful in the next couple of weeks in the next few days in the next week or two or even a month and that is going to be extremely successful not only is it going to be a relationship that brings you Harmony and peace but it’s going to bring you a relationship that you can have as your best friend it’s going to be like you have both known each other for quite some time it’s going to feel right from word go [Music]

what else do we have oops wow a lot of energy here let’s see

we’ve got the king of Pentacles for some of you here you’re you’re going to get a help you’re going to get some help sorry from someone who is very financially secure and someone who has an opportunity for you that will bring you out of uh financial difficulty that you’re in so for some of you here you’re eventually going to find that opportunity that some of you have been wanting for quite some time that’s going to allow you to have peace and I feel that this is going to be something that happens very quickly Tick Tock means it happens quite quickly the time is ticking

the Five of Swords it’s always been a constant battle for some and I feel that there’s some cancers here that have gone through these battles and they’ve never let their guard down they’ve never told others exactly what they’re feeling I feel that there’s some cancers here that have gone through some family situations which have been quite challenging having to deal with other people’s egos which hasn’t been easy and at times you’re feeling like you want the best for people but they they challenge you and that’s been a constant battle

the hangman for some of you here that are going to make decisions the universe says if it’s a major decision just hang tight don’t make that decision right now because there’s going to be things that happen that are working in the background that you’re not aware of so for some of you that want to leave something urgently or you’re going to throw things in uh just hold on one sec just don’t do that I don’t know how many that’s going to relate to but there is something here about if there has been arguing or fighting or egos that we’ve you’ve had to deal with in the past just wait because there’s going to be changes around the workplace or around the family that are going to allow you to see changes happen on their own you won’t have to do much

foreign the page of Pentacles for many of you here it’s a beautiful new opportunity a job opportunity that comes forward an opportunity for you to move to somewhere nice that you wanted to always move to as something for some of you it’s moving to a brand new home or another home that you’re going to but there is new abundance here and New Opportunities coming your way [Music] Two of Pentacles many of you are making decisions here about where to go next or many of you are making decisions here between two people or two jobs they’re both good for you and it just says that you need to make sure it’s right for you one more card please thank you the nine of Swords many of you here have struggled struggled financially emotionally physically and now you’re getting an opportunity to get out of this cycle you’ll see that things start to change in the next few weeks that things start to have a different a different feeling to everything and many of you here will start to see things come through the universe is listening to your wishes to your words and you’re going to have the freedom that you so require listen to your dreams or really pay attention to your dreams and listen for signs or look for signs that are coming through so double digits appearing all the time um birds that are in the universe that look at you in a different way or make you notice them any questions that you have direct them to the universe there are definitely answers there for you if you’re ever unsure do that there are some cancers here that have gone through a huge amount of struggle but that’s all going to change now what else do we have for cancer please thank you second chakra Archangel Ariel and this is all about you being in touch with what really matters to you being true to who you are making decisions that are going to allow you to use your intuition and your wisdom that’s what they’re saying use your wisdom and your intuition when you’re making decisions you’re reassessing things in your life right now and with that use that wisdom and that intuition Angel full of love I did say that some of you are going to meet someone and there’s absolutely that there the angel of Love Is there for you so enjoy that and remember that you may have gone through some hard relationships in the past but not everybody’s the same cancer and the first chakra Archangel Michael for many of you you’re building yourself again for many of you you’ve lost yourself you’ve lost your strength and your power and now you’re gaining that back you’re having a clearer understanding of who you are and what you stand for and the universe is saying now’s your time to build yourself again cancer I know you’ve gone through some hard times you’ve carried burdens of yours and others and now we’re giving you this opportunity for you to rebuild what was lost for you to read get in touch with you again [Music] one more card please [Music] a card for cancer no not two thank you just one just one more card thanks thank you the fifth chakra of Archangel Gabriel and Gabriel is all about communication Express how you feel cancer Don’t Be Afraid Express and tell others how you feel people will have an understanding more than what you think be true to others and tell them if there’s something that’s bothering you you need to voice your opinion you need to voice what it is that’s stuck in your throat you need to voice what it is that’s stagnating you or making you feel that you can’t move forward I hope that makes sense to a lot of you cancer if it doesn’t please check your ascendant and your moon sign but lots of love and light your way thank you so much bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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