Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for July 2023
FREE Aquarius Horoscope: Releasing the old to welcome the new in July 2023. Watch the video from beginning to end as there are quite a few messages for you. I will also be releasing the Aquarius Horoscope on Relationships and Career for JULY 2023 shortly. If you would like to get them as soon as they are released, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
I would also suggest you to look back at the June Aquarius Horoscope video, as there may be information that makes more sense now, and at times ties in to the new advise you receive in July 2023. You can do that here:
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Aquarius thank you so much for being here today today we’re going to do your July horoscopes for 2023 and I don’t know if you saw um the shorts that I put up of the two energies that I picked for for each of the horoscopes and your two were these two so before I go into them I just wanted to introduce myself as Marie Rose from for those of you that don’t know me so one of the energies that came up was keep your heart open Aquarius the universe is saying to you keep your heart open to new possibilities new ways of doing things new ways of looking at things and new ways of moving forward keep it open because you just don’t know sometimes we have an idea of what we want or who we want and then we see we go a different path we meet someone new and they’re totally different but they bring everything we want or we go through everything we we want in a situation that we didn’t think was possible or we go to a certain place we go no I don’t want to go there it doesn’t really interest me but before you know it that’s exactly because you went that’s where you met that beautiful new person so keep your heart open in July 2023 especially those that are looking for someone new especially those that wants new things to happen in their lives don’t close any doors to anything keep all the options open and look at things in a different manner sometimes what we might think we don’t want or we don’t need is exactly what um makes us Who We Are [Music] if that made sense because that was the message clean it up
sends in your life Lou sense that you have been procrastinating in addressing people that you’ve been ignoring situations that you’ve been putting off for another day another time things that you really need to do or that you’re moving away from even some maybe one is running away from something they’re saying here Aquarius now it’s time to clean it up two and one is growth whatever you clean up in your life right now is only going to benefit you in the future if you want to move forward with certainty and with success you need to clean up what no longer serves you you need to clean up your Social Circle be with people who inspire you be with people who celebrate your success clean up the ones that don’t let them go they don’t belong in your circle anymore people that don’t celebrate our success or don’t want the best for us shouldn’t be in our Circle of Friends or even family to be honest sometimes they’re harder ties to break as we all know so here Aquarius it’s saying clean up what doesn’t suit you anymore what doesn’t have a place for you anymore in your daily life and open your heart to see things differently
okay let’s go what have we got before we go on to more messages in the tarot I do have two messages I quickly want to say to you Aquarius and that is this for July 2023 I am giving away two free readings to two subscribers so we’re going to pick two subscribers that have subscribed to our Channel out of a hat and each one of them will will win a 30 minute reading with myself so that’s two subscribers that are going to have the opportunity to win a free reading at no cost to you with myself for half an hour and that’s going to be drawn in the first week of August the other news I wanted to say to you is that life is hard at the moment and people are finding it tough some people are going through some difficult times in their careers in their family in their relationships and they’ve got questions they want to ask they want to know how things are going to turn out they want to know if they should start a new business or do something new and they don’t have the money to do that or not as much money to do that so in July 2023 we’re doing 50 off on all our 30 and 60 Minute readings and it’s only for July not past that so 50 off all readings in July for the 30 and 60 Minute readings and with that um you can pick some off or phone whichever you choose all the details the booking those will be down below in the description if you want that reading get in quick because I had to cancel quite a few readings last time I will only commit to five or six per day as I still have my current clients and it is quite um uh tiring at the end of the day after all the readings so thank you so much for understanding and let’s go it is with the Aquarius place what would you like to tell Aquarius for the month of June oops July sorry June in July 2023 you’re going to have some choices to make you’re going to have to look at certain things and make some decisions and maybe this is where we said about cleaning it up there’s going to be choices that you need to make and decisions that are going to be for your better for your better good or your higher Goods [Music]
thank you Aquarius some of you here have been in a very distressful position where things aren’t working out you’ve tried to find a job you’ve tried different relationships and nothing works you’ve gone on dating sites and nothing happens there and you don’t find any interesting people there you’ve tried to spark up your life a bit and nothing happens here at Aquarius in July 2023 they’re saying don’t look at what hasn’t worked get up look behind you because there’s two full cups there of opportunities of new people coming into your life allow yourself to get up from that it’s not happening for me and change that to here you are Aquarius they’re the opportunities you asked for and we delivered the problem is you’re still dwelling on the past on what didn’t happen and you’re not having a look at what’s there for you
clean up the old the devil and the Devil comes to say Aquarius it’s time to let go of the self-sabotaging it’s time to let go of things that are no longer bringing positive influences into your life that are making you feel this way in Despair and disappointed with the the with what happened the empty promises the lying and the deceiving don’t self-sabotage yourself anymore it’s now time to get up it’s now time to clean your energy your soul and your surroundings clean it up clean up all that so you allow the new to come into a new in July 2023 you’re going to be very big about that you’re going to know that you need to clean the old for the new to come in for the back half of the year for some of you Aquarius you are working extremely hard on a project extremely hard in a business and a lot of you are saying what when’s it going to happen when is it or what is it that’s going to happen because I work extremely hard I want this to pay off and a lot of you are making some fantastic choices that are that are going to take you to a prosperous location keep your heart open keep looking at different positions do different opportunities and different ways of change things around if someone’s something’s not working you know what they say if you keep doing the same old then you keep on getting the same old result [Music] what else have we got for Aquarius for some of you here in in July 2023 there are going to be some people that you don’t see eye to eye with there are going to be situations that challenge you egos that you need to deal with people that just want to always be right and they’re not going to take your opinion or um or even consider what you have to say there may be chaos or arguments in July 2023 but that is all part of cleaning it up remember we’re cleaning up our area and sometimes these fights are what needs to happen for us to be able to see who the right people in our lives are and for us to clean up things and people that make no more sense in our life they need you need to leave their Circle you need to allow them to leave your circle they’re not meant to be in your path anymore they’ve got another journey and you’ve got another one right behind you you’ve got another Journey that’s going to count
Thank you new ideas Aquarius here with all the self-sabotaging you’re going to see that when you stop the um when you give yourself a break and you realize that it wasn’t anything that you could do to change a particular situation or a person that you had in your life that you’ve blamed yourself for certain situations you’re going to have some very clear thoughts and ideas about what to do next you’re going to want to start new things new ideas the new you and nothing nothing from the past is being taken with taken with you you are not going to take that feeling of Despair and blaming yourself for things that were never your fault you’re not going to allow other other people’s arguments bother you anymore you’re going to take a stance a stand in your truth you’re going to speak your truth with peace but you’re also going to clean up things that don’t belong there for as many of you here you’re going to speak your truth about someone that hurt you or made you feel like you weren’t worth much you’re going to speak your truth and allow others to understand that their actions brought you a lot of pain and anguish and you’re going to close the door on those all those empty promises and all the hurts and pains you’re going to close the door on that you’re cleaning it up you’re going to allow others to understand before you go what they did to you and they’ve got to live with that baggage not you you’ve had enough of self-sabotaging this could be in a relationship and your partner has blamed you for leaving or has blamed you for the way things turned out and here you’re saying no I come in peace and I’m going to speak my truth this is exactly how I felt this is exactly how I made you made me feel and now I walk away with my head held high I’m cleaning up and you don’t belong in my circle anymore and what do I say the changes are coming in The Wheel of Fortune comes to bring you a ton of changes and Aquarius this I feel is for people that were looking for a new job you’re going to have change and that’s going to bring you an opportunity of a lifetime for that we’re working extremely project you’re
about to get the rewards for that for those of you that went through and a huge amount of pain and empty promises and and disappointment that’s now going to turn where you’re going to speak your truth and you’re going to stand tall
free yourself with your intuition and your wisdom free yourself from all the anguish the pain and the fighting it is now time to let your soul your spirit and yourself go in peace use that wisdom and that intuition to allow yourself the peace you have Within take you to Another Place Another another area that is clean that now there is no more of this pain and empty promises there is no more fighting I am freeing myself in this situation with the changes that are coming in
[Music] and what did I say an end of a cycle
part of me that’s three major Arcana cards Aquarius which means you can’t change major Arcana cards this is someone that has gone through periods of time blaming themselves for something that they didn’t do others blaming them for something that they didn’t do you feeling helpless you giving it everything you’ve got and now the change comes in and says Aquarius it’s changing free yourself from that situation free yourself from that place those people that person free yourself from what brings you a lot of Anguish and empty promises because there is an end to that cycle the cycle ends here from here on in there are only New Beginnings for you new changes new beginnings new life New Vision new way
beautiful and you’re going to clean it up
for some of you here you may be going on a holiday or moving location you may even get an opportunity for a job elsewhere in another country City or suburb but for most here I feel that a lot of you will require a holiday or a vacation away from everything and anything and everybody and allow yourself the freedom to leave and go and have a good time even if it’s just time out after all this cleaning up that you may do in your life in July 2023 you may need that space to think things through and where you go to from here but I do feel that some people will go on vacation others will go elsewhere for a job and I don’t think that it’s anywhere near where you live right now it might be in another country City or suburb like I said okay any other messages for Aquarius Place one more message thank you Community I feel that you will do something in the community and that might be that you volunteered to to help the needy or you may feel that you um that you would like to help people less fortunate than yourself people that went through what you went through before um homeless people or anyone like that but I feel here that there’s an urge for some of you here to open up your heart and help the the more needy that you there are a lot of people that need help and I feel that here I’ve got an Aquarian that or a few aquarians that have said now’s the time for me to give back now’s the time for me to open my heart to others and help them in this situation
one more message please one more message for Aquarius thank you
New Life Aquarius what did I say to you the end of a cycle ends in July 2023 and a new life begins a new life that you’re not going to know yourself is going to bring you a lot of new beginnings new changes and it may take time for you to rebuild what you left behind but you’re going to build it with absolute certainty and love and honesty and with people around you that love you absolutely love you and with things around you that mean the world to you but there’s a new life that a lot of aquarians here A New Life full of Adventure leaving the old behind
Aquarius what a beautiful reading many changes here many changes here let’s see have a look at this reading during the month of July and see what you think then but you may just find that this makes sense a little bit down the track
one angel please what Angel is sending Aquarius Place Universe thank you angel of learning everything you go through Aquarius is always teaching us something one and nine is completion you are completing Cycles but cycles that taught you things don’t don’t ever take the pain and the anguish out of situations don’t take that with you leave that where that belongs and that’s in the past but with you take the learnings that you’ve learned from that experience there is always a purpose and a reason for everything even though it’s so hard to see it when we’re going through it but at the end you will see that completing a cycle cleaning up your surroundings was the best thing that you did it taught you a lot and it made you the person you are today
wow what a beautiful ending Aquarius I hope that someone here has resonated with that lots of love and light your way and thank you so much for being here bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)