Libra Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 24 2023

by | Jun 26, 2023 | Free LIBRA Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Libra Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023

Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Libra. This week’s Libra Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Libra Horoscope can also be viewed here

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Libra we’re here today to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days let’s see what we have for you in the main energy remember if it doesn’t resonate that you look for your ascendant or your moon sign The High Priestess The High Priestess is about huge amount of intuition and wisdom Libra it’s about you being in control of who you are getting the right messages through for some of you here you’re in tune with what’s taking place you are seeing double digits as signs for answers that are questions that you have and here too is decisions you’ve come to a time in your life where you’re going to make some impactful decisions decisions that surround you about your home about your family about your career and here the high priestess is a beautiful energy of go with what you know use your intuition and your wisdom to guide you through this period of your life it’s a period of questions it’s a period of uncertainty it’s a period of um different circumstances this but whatever it may be the high priestess is there to say use that beautiful intuition that you have connect with your inner soul connect with what you what it is that you truly want to do and allow yourself to make the decisions that are true to you beautiful Libra beautiful

I like the high priestess it’s a very spiritual card connect with your spirit side Libra at this time connect with what your inner soul is asking you to do who you truly are let’s say what Arthur Michael has for Libra what advice or message do you have for Libra Archangel Michael who is my absolute favorite archangel

don’t settle for less Libra number 10 which is one which is New Beginnings you are a child of the Divine and you deserve to have your dreams come true don’t give up Libra what are you wishing to do listen to that inner voice don’t give up on your ultimate dream don’t give up on your ultimate goals there is transformation here the butterflies are all about transformation about you being true to who you are transforming from where you’ve been to somewhere or to something that you want to be being true to who you are but standing firm about who you are what a beautiful message what a beautiful energy I have here I can tell you now Libra I feel at peace here it’s a Libra looking at their current life and saying where do I need to go what do I need to do my past has been about others this is now about me

wow very beautiful energy [Music] there are quite a few liberals here that are now starting to see their scales balance themselves out they’re getting this Inner Strength or inner understanding of who they are and what they actually want in life despite what others say despite what others do messages for Libra please Tara messages for Libra

what have you got for Libra thank you

the five of cups a lot of liberals he had sacrificed themselves for other people have sacrificed themselves for different circumstances have sacrificed themselves to do jobs that they weren’t actually loving at all they did it to make sure that there were things on the table a lot of liberals here going through hard relationships or relationships are tested their patients tested their their their Justice you know like Libra stands for justice and Libra wants truth but someone here came and tested that here in Libra I don’t know if you can see but there’s cups here that have been spilled and this is past circumstances that have brought you a lot of torment and and dismay along the way however when you get up from here you’ll notice that there’s two cups behind you that are two opportunities that are going to be fruitful for you sometimes when we go through certain things Libra that don’t work out they’re not meant to be ours they’re meant to cross our paths for a reason and a purpose but what’s meant for us is always going to be here

a card of battle I feel a lot of you have been through some battles have made a lot of sacrifices

the Ten of cups many of you wish that you just live a very calm and Blissful life others of you are already here and other others of you are living this beautiful life or are about to live this beautiful life of being complete after all the sacrifices that you made the universe is saying now it’s your time you deserve this Libra you deserve to be happy you deserve to have what you have been striving for


spirituality is playing a big role in this reading and don’t settle for less don’t settle for less if that’s your dream then that’s where you go

the Queen of Wands a Libra he’s standing up for what they believe in a Libre here knowing who he or she is and knowing where they want to go a Libra here that is not going to let anybody get in their way a very determined Libra a Libra that may have Aries in your stars in your signs in your ascendant or your moon sign or you may be in areas that’s watching this because you’ve got Libra in your ascendant or your moon another one is that you may be dealing with someone with Aries Aries or even a Leo or Sagittarius you may be dealing with someone of those signs but you are here with the determination of that strength of that power ready to take on anyone that gets in your way from achieving what you want to achieve don’t settle for less

many times you sat up in your bed and you cried many times you sacrificed what you truly wanted and who you truly were you allowed others to take first place and you felt alone for some of you here you’ve gone through a Solitude period a period of being alone a period of being um let down by others or not appreciated by others a period of feeling that there’s no one there to comfort you when you most need it

especially when you hit that period there where you were on your knees asking and praying for someone to come and help

whoops many times there were internal battles Libra with the five of Wands and many times you were challenged by others and things around you you felt that no matter where you went to what you did it was always a battle I feel there’s quite a few Libras here that tried extremely hard through the sacrifices that they made but they had to do it with a fighting um energy it was never easy whatever you wanted you always had to fight for whatever you wanted you always had to um move obstacles out of your way for some of you here there was a testing time between you and your partner a testing time of you trying to find yourself whilst sacrificing yourself for others and that brought an internal battle you have someone that’s beside you that is your rock but there were times where you had to fight to either have that peace and quiet or you had to fight with the person that meant the most to you the nine of Pentacles Libra for those of you that are searching for Success you have it coming you need to stand firm you need to move people out of your way that are stopping you from achieving what you came here to do you need to stay true to who you are and accept nothing but the best don’t allow others to give you less and don’t settle for less you have gone through a huge path in your life of lessons and determination but now is your time to shine and don’t take less never settle for less not less than what you deserve and you know you’ve put a lot out there you have had to think do things on your own you have had to fight for your own happiness for your own self and with that you’re going to see some beautiful things come your way it’s always been a battle and it’s been a battle of sacrifices at times


okay perfect another three cards thank you

one more card please thank you so much Libra the first card that fell here was the page of Pentacles for some of you here you’re worried about your you were worried about your finances you were worried of how you were going to pay your bills for many of you here you went through a rough Trot and you went through a hard period of not knowing how you were going to put your next meal on that table but there are new beginnings for you Libra don’t take less than what you deserve you have the spiritual wisdom here and the intuition go with your gut go with that intuition that serves you well always make the correct decisions but take on that beautiful new opportunity that is coming your way for others here you may have been sacrificing for a child and that is going to be reimbursed you are going to see that all the sacrifices you made are going to absolutely be of benefit for both of you

the other card was a ten of Swords Libra for those of you I feel that there may be liberals here that are going through a divorce or went through a divorce from the couple that you were in Happy Times things fell apart and there were there were things you needed to deal with that were hard to swallow or to take which took you to this position of the Ten of Swords where you felt this distraught you felt um betrayed you felt like all your world had fallen apart so for some liberals here you are going through this process or you have gone through this process of a divorce of a very unsettling time in your life that brought a lot of chaos and a lot of fighting and now you see yourself all alone and um not only alone but you feel like everything I gave I now have lost and now I see myself here alone and when I need someone to be here for me guess who’s here just you face down with all these swords and responsibilities and burdens on your back

for other liberals here you went through challenging times and there may be an opportunity that comes to you you may get two opportunities Libra that come your way which is going to confuse you a bit and make you feel like you can’t see which one is right there’s going to be a time or some of you here have stood up and said I need to take control of my life I need to do what’s right for me I need to have what is right for me and with that comes possibilities of abundance a new opportunity and you may get more than one opportunity you need to choose from and this here is you not being able to decide because liberals a lot of people think that Liberals are very indecisive and yes we are when we are uncertain but the minute we make our mind up there is no mistake of what we’re doing we know who we are we know what we deserve it’s a matter of us making sure that plan a and plan B are in place that we are choosing the right decision for us that we are making the right choices and not settling for less than what we deserve

beautiful Libra

let’s say what the bottom of this deck was the Knight of Pentacles and that is for those of you that were asking for a job an opportunity a new project a new business it is here the answer is here I also got this card for Pisces and they were waiting for answers as well but this is your opportunity it’s coming make no mistake it is coming it is slow but it is stable it is slow but it is sure so your opportunity that you’ve been waiting for for all these people here that were struggling financially for all of those that had to stand their ground and go through difficult times to get what is theirs it is coming like I said it may be slow but it is sure you have the high priestess here saying do not give up make the correct decisions that are right for you but don’t give up on what’s coming don’t give up on your own faith on your own self and your self-belief and your intuition and wisdom because you know it’s coming you can feel it Libra [Music] let’s say what Angel the universe is going to bring Libra what Angel Universe oh there you go that fell straight away the angel of learning here we have one and nine which is completion you’re completing a cycle of struggle of sacrifice of despair of distrust you are completing that cycle that was less less admirable for our lives we are completing a cycle that no longer serves us anymore and that came with the angel of learning we were meant to go through some things that we went through we were meant to have those knockbacks and the disappointment that came with it we were meant to have that and you know why because we had things that we needed to learn we needed to learn that we are never to take anything less than what we deserve we are children of the Divine and we should never allow others to give us less than what we deserve we went through some challenging times some learnings and the angel of learning was always with you Libra you’re never alone even in your hardest times Your Darkest Hours You Are Not Alone you learned a lot and you gained a lot of knowledge that no money could buy the experience you went through was exactly what you needed to be the the person that you are today a person of dignity of respect and of full control of Who You Are

Libra I hope that’s made a lot of sense to a lot of people the spirituality never lose faith in who you are and never lose faith in the higher Creator whoever that may be for you your angels your Saints and your guides they are always there to protect you thank you Libra and lots of love and light your way bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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