Sagittarius Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 24 2023

by | Jun 26, 2023 | Free SAGITTARIUS Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Sagittarius Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 24th June 2023

Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius. This week’s Sagittarius Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. Stay Tuned for the JULY Horoscopes and the JULY SPECIAL on Personal Readings. The Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope can also be viewed here

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Hello beautiful Sagittarius how are we today today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days and let’s see what your main energy is what is your main energy [Music] the Sagittarius an energy the full Sagittarius the fool is all about a new start zero it is about you beginning to start a new chapter a new life a new look on life a new way of seeing things a new way of doing things taking risks that you never did before taking risks and being who you want to be rather than who people want you to be fitting into the mold you’re no longer wanting to fit into the mold you’re no longer wanting to be part of something that is not true to who you are the fool is all about you doing what you want to do and some people around you may think you’ve got a little bit crazy however you haven’t you’re living your true self you’re living your true purpose and reason there is nothing wrong with that at all and at times you may not think of the consequences because you’ve got to a stage Sagittarius where you want Adventure you want to release who you are you want to be true to who you are and here the fool is about you taking risks you being who you truly want to be without the worry of what others are thinking about you or saying about you that no longer matters to you

beautiful let me just turn on this candle as we need light for Sagittarius

[Music] we are lighting up your path for you to do what you truly want to do for you to be who you truly want to be

beautiful Sagittarius I love the floral card it’s a card of release it’s a card of being true to who you are which is our motto here on our Channel always be true to who you are Nothing Else Matters really

okay what’s Archangel Michael bringing for Sagittarius recognizes signs from above angels are sending you messages now but you’re too distracted to notice stay alert and open to Divine guidance Sagittarius that is quite important that whilst we do what we want to do and the with the fool we take on that element of being free and wanting Adventure there’s still things that we need to look out for look out for signs if you’re in doubt about a certain move if you’re in doubt about a certain decision recognize the signs that the universe is bringing you and that can be that you see duplicate numbers all the time you see the same numbers happening all the time or you may see doubles of different numbers so every time you look at your phone you might see 11 and you might say 22 or 44 or 33 which are Master numbers you may go for a walk and see a bird that really captures your mind and or your vision and you start to look at this bird and the answer is there it’s the questions you’re asking the universe they will give you signs and they’re the answers that you need to be successful in your new adventures your new ways of living and your new dreams and goals look out for those signs so if you’re ever in doubt Sagittarius what it’s saying is pay attention we are giving you the answers pay attention to coins that you may see feathers that come out of nowhere beautiful butterflies that appear from nothing their answers to your questions that you may have along your journey of being the person you want to be

foreign don’t do what you want to do it’s they will show you if there’s any danger or if they if you’re on the wrong path they will alert you to um certain things that you want to know so if you’re asking questions is this the right path for me is this the right way for me to go or do I do this right now they will give you those answers that you so desire

see what the Tara has for Sagittarius please yeah mix it again

there’s a certain amount of energy here in these cards a certain amount of I just want to get it done I just want to do this I really feel like I want to do this and I don’t know how many of you are feeling that way but there’s a bit of anxiety here in you wanting to do something different in you being wanting to yeah absolutely look at that the nine of cups You’re Now cheering to a new way of thinking you’re cheering to you wanting to be who you are for some of you here you’re breaking out of mold a family mold that you’ve that you’ve been part of for so long but has restricted you from doing what you truly want to do

you’ve got what it takes Sagittarius to do what it is that you want to do you’re a master of all elements you know what it takes to get somewhere you know what you need to do to achieve a particular thing you just need to feel like you’re free enough to want to do that you want to feel like there’s no one stopping you or blocking your path now is the time for you to shine and bring out all the knowledge and experience you have all the knowledge and experience that you’ve gained over the time and do what you want to do break that mold allow yourself to spread your wings [Music] very strong there Ace of one’s new beginnings new ways of seeing things new ways of doing things moving forward you are at a stage now Sagittarius for some of you here that you’ve been doing the same old same old for quite some time and that’s eating you up inside you are now at the point where you are ready to take on any challenge face anything you need to in order to allow yourself the freedom to do what it is that you want you are now changing course and a lot of you here will be leaving old jobs that no longer served you partners that no longer bring you the passion and the fire that you desire you’re going to do some crazy things but you’re going to release yourself in these crazy things that you do


for some of you here you are working extremely hard at building your financial stability for some of you you have been blocked or stopped from doing what you’re doing because you’ve gone through a lot of your finances accommodating others doing things that you didn’t really want to do but now you’re at the point where you are now starting to look at your stability allowing yourself to save again and B to allow yourself to be who you want to be you know you need Finance Financial backing behind you you need the financial stability behind you and here I feel that you’re starting to build that for some of you here you are you have got a new job that is allowing you to be who you want to be allowing you to use all the experience and knowledge that you have there is a new job being offered to you here and here you’re starting to build your confidence again your stability again and you’re starting to save your money again

the strength you’ve got the strength to do this you’ve got the strength that it takes for you to change where you are right now for you to do what you want to do with certainty but more than anything with passion and love

for some of you here you may have a job offer that you need to leave your current situation and whilst your family and friends don’t want you to go you’re going to take that leap of faith you’re going to do what you need to do to achieve what you want to achieve for many of you here I’m hearing that you have always wanted to work overseas and for some sagittarians here you’re going to leave your current job you’re going to get on that plane and you’re going to put yourself out there show everyone your experience get that job and work hard have the experience of living in another place in another location with different cultures to yours and just expand that knowledge of yours [Music]

leaving people behind or going to meet new people the six of cups is all about you being true to who you are there’s a bit of nostalgia here about you may have come from another country and now it with that Nostalgia you may travel to new places to be with people you haven’t seen in a long time to find friends you haven’t seen in a long time but you’re going to take that move to do what you want to do it’s not only going to be about catching up with everybody but it’s a transformation as well it’s transforming who you are now allowing you to move forward a lot of you here may have always wanted to do this from Young it’s always been a dream of yours and now you’re going to do it you’re going to take that leap of faith and you’re going to make it work the king of cups for some of you here you’ll be dealing with a male or a strong figure that shows you um a lot of compassion a lot of uh Direction but does it with love for many of you here you may catch up with family that meant a lot to you for some of you you may go back to a country where your your father came from or catch up with a man that was of huge importance to you and that could be a grandfather

someone that had a huge impact on you

the completion of a cycle you want to complete the cycle you’re in right now what you’re doing right now and where you are no longer excites you you get out of bed every morning and you think what’s next the same old same old this is a Sagittarian that is breaking the Box not dying in that box that you’ve been in for quite some time you are allowing yourself to break that box and set yourself free enough of this cycle of being blocked enough of this cycle of not doing what you want to do this Sagittarian is going to be as true to themselves as they can possibly be using your skills and your strength to get to where you want

too many cards I’m going to take this one nine of Pentacles not only are you going to move forward but you’re going to do something that is of abundance to you and it may also bring you a lot of abundance financially which this card is all about you’ll find a new place to work a new contract a new proposal a new promotion a new project that allows you to have the abundance of finances however this is also going to bring you an abundance of fulfillment you will feel like you are a millionaire in more ways than one because not only will you have the finances to back you but you’re also going to feel the freedom and the passion that you’ve so been craving that Adventure that allows you to be abundant inside and out so emotionally and materialistically you will be abundant this move forward is going to be the best thing you’ve ever done and you are going to this is something that’s been on your mind from when you were young the transformation you’ve always wanted is coming

you have decided that this is it whilst you go in love you’re also looking back and thinking I’ve carried so many burdens in my life that now I need to free myself you have made decisions that were hard to make in the past but it’s got to you to the stage where there is nowhere else to go but to take the full approach to do it with determination and respect but powerful and strength you are going to see things that you wanted to always see things you’re going to leave a place that carry that made you carry quite a lot of burdens that put you in a very indecisive areas in your life for some of you you couldn’t see a Way Forward where you are there’s nowhere we’re here that’s exciting me there’s nowhere here that I want to be there is nowhere here that fulfills that burden of Adventure for me

for others here you may find that there’s a a male figure here that plays a big part in your success and that could be a from family but it may be someone that has meant a lot to you in the past this person puts an end to where you are right now and show you and shows you that there’s more in the world to have than just being in the place that you can’t see a movement forward [Music] you’ve got what it takes it takes to make this move you know what you need to do just be aware of the if you at any time have questions about things ask the universe because the answers will be there one card what Angel Card are you going to send Sagittarius Universe one Angel Card what are you going to send them what’s the angel you’re going to send them to help them through this process

and your card thank you

Angel of the night sky if you’re ever in doubt Sagittarius go and sit outside when it’s dark and voice how you feel ask the questions you need to ask at night things are vibrant and things questions that we have put it out into the universe you will find the answers and you will get the answers in different ways but put yourself out there and if there’s questions that you need to ask before you take this leap of faith if there’s questions you’re uncertain about at night is the best time to do it sit outside look up into the sky and ask the universe what it is that you need to know what questions do you have for us they’re saying we will give you the answers in different ways shapes or forms even in dreams but we want you to spread your wings

beautiful Sagittarius I hope that that’s made sense to somebody here if you’re in this place of wanting more wanting so much more out of life and you want an adventure something that you’ve always dreamed of if if you want to take that leap of faith in your yearning inside to open up your world of Adventure let me know in the comments lots of love and light your way bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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