Taurus Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 17th June 2023
Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Taurus. This week’s Taurus Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. The Monthly Taurus Horoscope can also be viewed here https://psychicslive.com.au/taurus-horoscope-by-marie-rose-june-4-2023/
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Hello beautiful Taurus my name is Marie Rose from tarotradingslive.com for those of you that don’t know me today we’re going to do a different Sprint and it’s a spread that I use in my private readings I don’t know if you’ve had a private reading from me before but what I usually do is um I do these readings and I don’t probe for questions I do the reading I’ll tell you exactly what I see at the end I ask questions I ask if there’s any questions and people usually say no because this these readings are pretty direct so today is a general reading and it’s not going to resonate with everybody but if it doesn’t resonate with you please check your ascendant and your moon sign this may only be for one or two people or more who knows but if it doesn’t resonate please give it back to the universe and check your ascendant and your moon okay let’s go if you do require a private reading there is details below of phone numbers you can call or websites you can book on okay what have we got for Taurus Taurus score oh
angel of Tranquility the angel of Tranquility for you Taurus and that’s going to bring you some peace we’ll put that aside because I want to know more about why that’s coming through let’s see why the universe sent you an angel of Tranquility what is it that’s going on in your life right now that’s requiring tranquility you oh at the end it’s a high spiritual number number 33 is a master number you you don’t Plus numbers 11 22 33 44. they’re Master numbers and they’re only called out when there is a real need for these Guardian Archangel archangels to come out it’s like Archangel Michael and Gabrielle and Raphael they’re only called down in major cases here you’ve got the tranquility and I feel here look at that picture there it’s someone that’s really down about something like I said we’re going to find out more and we’ll see why that angel the one of the master angels and guides have been called to help you out what’s going on Taurus tell me what’s going on whoops
okay have you how sorry how are you dimming your light in order to fit in
okay Taurus I understand I’m getting the picture now this is for someone this one here is for someone that is trying to fit in with others and in doing that you’re losing who you are you’re losing your power within you’re losing what you stand for and what your opinions are and when we do that in order for us to fit in with other people other circumstances we start to lose our own identity we start to forget who we really are we start to lose ourselves in the whole process and sometimes it could be months or years before we realize that we’re leaving we’re living someone else’s life or someone else’s dream we have put aside who we really are we have put aside our wants and needs and we haven’t voiced our opinions like we should good and this can happen for many many reasons it can happen if you’re with a strong partner or in a strong group and your voice is not being heard what you’re saying is not being really noticed
weight postpone pause and say no the universe is asking you to stand up here it’s a bit of a wake-up call for this Taurus and it’s saying wait if there is something that is not right in your life don’t just agree for the sake of making peace stand up and speak your truth you need to stand up Taurus and tell that person or that group or those people how you feel how they make you feel how they make you feel when your opinion or your voice is not being heard how you are dismissed in many cases this is someone that’s feeling like they don’t have a voice they don’t have an opinion they’re being Guided by somebody that is a lot stronger than them by a group that is a lot stronger than them or by a fat or by family that hold very strong morals that don’t allow them to have an opinion don’t allow them to have a voice it’s either their way or no way and that is where the internal battle is coming from you are going through an internal battle within yourself and I understand now how the angel of Tranquility is here to help you I understand why they’re there and I’ll explain a little bit later once we lay these cards and get more information
the universe is asking you to pause and if you find it hard to disagree with a group a person or family just don’t make any decisions right now don’t give your opinion stand back from the situation and have a look at the Dynamics have a look at what’s going on and once you have captured in your mind how you lost yourself in that dynamic in that group or with that person you will start to begin to realize that you have more knowledge and capability of changing this situation
don’t dim your light for anybody Taurus that’s what the universe is trying to say here don’t just go with the flow don’t just agree to keep the peace it’s time that Taurus stood up
and here you go the swords out it’s the beginning of new ideas new way of seeing things new way of doing things this here the universe is saying Taurus start doing things differently start approaching life differently don’t let others dim your light look at things from a different perspective and start start manipulating your being to suit you start changing the situations to suit you but there’s going to be some Grand ideas here Grand ideas that once you step back from this situation and have a really good look at what’s going on that you will find you lost yourself and a lot of answers here will be within you you lost yourself because you lost you gave up having a voice you let others take your voice away from you and the universe is saying no more of that too many cards one card place
this is a tourist that is trying to find themselves again this is a tourist that’s not going to be a pushover anymore or you’re going to work at it look at that self
Taurus make no mistake this is about you creating new ideas that are going to be of benefit to you not anybody else and not agreeing with others you’re going to get to a stage in the next couple of weeks that something happens and you realize that you have lost yourself that you’ve lost other people listening to you that your opinions no longer matter how you feel no longer matters and you’re going to align yourself again find yourself again and have truth in Who You Are have ideas about who you want to be and who you are today because who you are today is not the person you were a few years ago
a powerful powerful reading
you’re going to find yourself Taurus this may only apply to one person here but the people I’m communicating here with or the person is going to understand exactly what I’m saying because they’ve lost themselves in a relationship in a circumstance or in a Social Circle tourist place what have you got for Taurus thank you for some of you it’s your partner through wanting to please your partner you have lost your voice through wanting to please your partner you have lost your opinion
for you being in peace with your partner has been above being true to who you are and now the universe is saying don’t dim your light Taurus for anybody if if they love you they’ll love you for who you are they’ll respect you for who you are and the two of cups for some of you here it’s you being true to yourself about a partnership that you’re in about a love that you have about someone who you share your life with are you a huge part of that relationship I have you got to say in things that happen in that relationship, are you respected in that relationship foreign
what you can until you gather your thoughts and you realign yourself to take on the challenge of someone trying to dim your light
someone who might be in a partnership with someone that is very manipulative see how here they’re looking down on you see that say that Soldier looking down this is someone that can manipulate you in a way that you can’t see it because they’re very Charming they’re not as far as a narcissistic person but or a narcissist they’re not a narcissist as such but there is they are someone that knows how to get you to agree they know your weaknesses and they know what buttons to press for you to not argue with them in what they want to do this is you the moon looking deep within to ask yourself how did I lose myself how did I lose myself to this point for some of you you’re questioning how this could have happened or how you couldn’t see that this person was manipulating you in a way that made you not realize how deep you were in it
but something takes place in the next couple of weeks Taurus that makes you realize that there is more
there is more to this situation than what you realized
it’s like it’s like a switch a switch is turned on and all of a sudden you start to see yourself in a different light
the Queen of Wands the Queen of Wands is the attitude that you’re going to take now the Queen of Wands is a queen this energy doesn’t take rubbish from anybody this is an energy that knows where they need to go that knows that if they need to make a move they will and this is an energy that’s going to take a lot of willpower determination and strength to find it within you if you take on the energy of the Queen of Wands there is only one way you’re going to go and that’s forward you’re going to move everything that’s in your way out of your way and you’re going to put your foot down and say enough enough of being quite quietened I’ve had enough of not being listened to and I’ve had enough of not having an opinion in this relationship from this day forward things change that’s the type of energy the Queen of Wands is and they’re very intuitive and very wise and they know how to move forward they know that with they want there is nothing they can’t do to a certain extent this is a person with a huge amount of intuition a huge amount of internal wisdom this is where this new idea or this speaking or truth is going to take you there
and the king of Pentacles I feel that this partner of yours is someone that is very in control of their the financial status in the relationship it’s someone that controls you by having finances or they control the finances for some of you here you may not be able to see a way out Taurus because the finances are very limited to yourself by this person you now realize that in a roundabout way whilst you agreed to many things one thing you didn’t agree on was to be manipulated by your finances or for someone to manipulate your finances to the point where you don’t have a say in where your finances go everything gets planned for you by this person tell me if this is making sense because this is communicating with one person even but for someone here they’re going to understand it share it with other taureans because there may be a Taurus that needs to hear this because this is about them gaining their power New Beginnings Taurus make no mistake the way you handled your finances before or they handled your finances before that’s going to stop because you’re going to lay some new rules on the finances this is a new beginning a new Financial structure that allows you to have a voice that allows you to shine for some of you here it may be that someone is trying to cheat you out of uh money that you’re owed or money that you deserve this is another group someone that deserves to be paid more than what they’re actually paying you and here I feel that there is someone here that’s going to stand up for themselves and go and get another job and not allow people to take their services and not pay for it or not pay properly for it because here there are new beginnings in your finances
for some of you there have been broken hearts for some of you there may be broken hearts in future when you stand up for yourself but it’s something you’ve got to do Taurus it’s something that’s been going on for quite some time and for some of you you are going to give this relationship away it you’re disappointed and you’re hurt by what’s taken place
for others here you may find or you may find out that your partner has done something in regards to financial status or spent their money spent your money and it could be spent your money on something they wanted or they’ve gambled your money away and this you say stop it stops here I’m not going to deal with this anymore I might have a broken heart and I may be disappointed and I might walk away from this relationship with a broken heart in in tethers but I’m not going to deal with this situation here of not having a say on what happens New Beginnings make no mistake Taurus there are absolutely New Beginnings here you’ve got the Ace of Wands the Ace of um swords here and here you’ve got the Ace of Wands which is you are going to move forward to New Horizons new beginnings and new places and you are going to be more powerful with this new beginning than you can imagine this was meant to come to the Forefront this situation here was meant to come forward for you to put a stop to whatever needed to stop and for you to take your wand and move forward yourself to New Horizons with new power that you have you’re going to find your new you’re going to create your new and you’re not going to let anybody else dim that light for those of you that are in that job that people weren’t paying you enough or were taking you for granted and we’re dimming your light you’re going to escape that you’re going to start something new you’re going to go forward and not doubt yourself anymore you’re going to know who you are Taurus You’re Going To Know Who You Are and you’re going to put to bed a cycle that no longer serves you the world is a completion of something and a cycle you went through for those of you that are leaving a relationship you’re completing that relationship that served you for a certain period of time but today it doesn’t serve you anymore it’s a relationship that has torn you to pieces that has made you angry that has made you question the Integrity of that relationship and the pain that it’s caused you it’s not worth having so you’re completing that cycle and you’re walking away in Triumph of a new beginning A New Beginning that’s going to take you forward to new places
there are big things coming here Taurus for you you’re not going to be the little Taurus that they thought you were you’re not going to do what it is they want you to do by manipulating you to believe one thing when it wasn’t that at all
you’re going to do things with love you’re going to do things with love and you’re not going to cause an argument you just want to put yourself out there in fairness and you want to be taken
as respected not for granted you want to be taken seriously for who you are you are more than what they think you are and that you are more than what they treated you to be this is a Taurus that for once you’re going to stick up for yourself you’re not going to allow any more anybody to take you for granted or take advantage of your kind heart
someone he is definitely standing up and for that Taurus I understand why you were sent the angel of Tranquility because you are going to find your Tranquility once you have gone through these battles with this group or this person or these people at work you’re going to find tranquility and this Angel is going to help you find that Tranquility see how here this is one hurt person this is someone that’s been disappointed heartbroken and in pain due to everything that they found out or that they realized was taken away from them the angel of Tranquility is going to help you see yourself again as a Powerhouse that you are as someone that deserves to be respected deserves to be honored but above all of that deserves to be heard because for a long long time Taurus you were not heard or taken account taken into account not your opinions anyway
the end has arrived to this cycle that has tormented you that has made you feel this little to this person that belittled you and dimmed your light no more manipulation here no more manipulation it’s time for you to go your way do your thing and with that the Universe sends your tranquility Taurus if this is resonated with you please let me know I’m sending you all my love and light in this situation you can do it you just need to believe you can lots of love and light Taurus thank you so much bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)