Virgo Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 17 2023

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Free VIRGO Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Virgo Horoscope for Next 7 Days, 17th June 2023

Welcome to my Free Weekly Horoscope for Virgo. This week’s Virgo Horoscope YouTube video can be viewed above. Alternatively, you can read the transcript below. The Monthly Virgo Horoscope can also be viewed here

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Virgo thank you so much for being here today for those of you that don’t know me my name is Marie Rose from tarot readings live and today we’re here to do your reading for the next 7 to 14 days today I’m going to change up things and I’m going to do a bit of a layout of how I do my personal readings so if you require a personal reading all the details are below in the description but today we’re going to do a little bit of a layout a very smaller layout as when you have a reading with me if you haven’t had one already I do I don’t probe for questions I tell you exactly what I see and at the end I ask if there are any questions and most of the time it’s a no because the messages that come through are very specific and very generalized to you alone this one is obviously a general reading so it may not resonate with everybody and if it doesn’t please check your ascendant and your moon song so let’s see what we have for Virgos for the next 7 to 14 days okay do it again sorry gotta do this again I’ve been told you don’t argue there you go perfect okay two cards placed for Virgo Universe thank you star mother how can you mother yourself

how can you mother yourself Virgo I feel that at the moment there are quite a few Virgos here maybe one or two even that need some love and care there are some Virgos that are feeling alone they’re feeling like they cannot connect with anybody or they feel that they can’t

get other people to understand who they are and where they’re coming from and here the universe is saying how can you mother yourself Virgo how can you nurture yourself how can you give yourself self-love because that’s what you’re needing right now I feel a lot of Virgos here are very quick to help others very quick to want to do things for others but now the universe is saying how about you how can you mother you you’re a mother to everybody else you do everything for everybody else Virgo but now how are you going to Mother you when you need it what are you going to do

that’s a calling Virgo that’s a calling for you to look after you for you to start nurturing Who You Are for you to start looking after you because at the end of the day we are what we have we are all we really have the only person you can trust a hundred percent is yourself so it’s saying if you’re not happy then how can you make others happy you need to be happy first it’s most important that we give love to us for us to then be able to love and nurture others but until we take the time to nurture who we are and love ourselves truly truly for Who We Are then we’re missing out and we’re cheating ourselves from that love that we so deserve

your guidance is divinely guided your guidance is divinely guided you are being guided right now Virgo you are being guided and told that you need to look after yourself here it’s not an option anymore to be second best it’s not an option anymore to put others before yourself it’s not an option anymore to worry about other people’s opinions and judgments it’s about you looking after you and if you need to take a day out to spend on your own don’t feel guilty if you need to take five hours to go for a walk on the beach and release all the worries and the fears that we that you have inside then allow yourself to do that without hesitation and without guilt of not being there for somebody else it’s time now to put yourself first it’s time now to be with yourself how you would be with a a newborn baby you wouldn’t just put it to the side and not worry about it and go and look after everyone else you would pay super special attention to that baby now that baby is you and the universe is saying you are being guided to look after who you are first because there is so much that’s coming for you Virgo that you need to feel at peace with who you are and know yourself really know yourself and what makes you tick today because what makes you get up in the morning today and feel excited is not what it was two years ago

let me know if you can resonate with this your guidance is divinely guided so for those of you that are working some of you may be working with with guides and mentors just like myself with tarot or in a spiritual healing and if that is you reconnect with who you are reconnect with what you stand for and reconnect with what you believe in you may need to make changes but those changes are going to be changes that come to you and make you realize that you’ve changed that you as a person have changed

powerful Virgo powerful let’s see what else we have for Virgo plays universe what else do we have for Virgo place

messages for Virgo please oops wow the hero you need to be your own hero Virgo for a lot of you here you have like I said before put others first how can you mother yourself here’s your answer be your hero the hero is someone we look up to is someone that we see ourselves in or we wish we could be that person a hero for us is someone that we can resonate with that we can see ourselves being that we wish we were this is a calling for you Virgo be who you want to be not what others want you to be be who you want to be not what you think you need to be for others if you put yourself first you will find that others look at you in a different light you become other people’s hero for your strength for your determination but Above All For You knowing who you are

be somebody’s hero and that means starting with yourself the knowledge I feel a lot of you here are going to learn in the next few weeks how important it is to allow yourself to be true to you you’re going to learn some things about yourself in the next couple of weeks that are really going to make you realize that everything you do for others and everything that you put yourself out there for doesn’t necessarily come back the way you put yourself out there for them so it’s going to teach you that you although it’s great to help others but you’re letting yourself down and this may be through something that happens in your health for example you may come down with a huge um flu and that’s because you’re so drained you’re so exhausted that you’re catching everything and it drains you it could also be a vision a knowledge that brings you vision of what’s important in life and how you are important

so although for some Virgos here you need to be your own hero here you also you are also going to learn and this learning is here look at that the guidance is your guidance is divinely guided you’re going to learn things and some of those things could come in dreams you have an inspiration or an idea that you’ll think where did that come from I hadn’t thought of that [Music] the other thing here too is if for some for some Virgos here you may want to do a course in order to elaborate on what you’re doing or what you would like to do in future the universe is saying go and do it knowledge is power be your own hero don’t look at others for guidance you need to allow yourself to learn what it is that you’d love to learn and you need to then be your own hero I feel for some Virgos here you may look at others and think I wish I knew all that or I wish I could do that don’t wish anymore go out there and do it put yourself out there and and share with yourself you you you owe it to yourself here to learn what it is that you want to do you owe it to yourself to be true to who you are and do what you want to do despite what others want you to do for some of you here I’m getting Virgo that some of you here feel guilty about taking time to learn new things because you feel like you’ve got a family that needs you you’ve got children that need you and that’s okay let’s work out a way that you can still love your children more than anything like you do but you allow yourself time to learn more maybe you can do a course at home maybe you can do a course um you know half an hour every night or first thing in the morning they usually say that studying or even working with business the best time to do it is when you first get up in the morning you’re all fresh grab your cup of coffee and sit down for half an hour and study what you want to study find a way to make it work King of Swords bring in the new ideas you are powerful in what you want to learn new learnings and new ideas you’ve got new ideas that you want to follow you’ve got new things you want to do go and do it Virgo now is your time don’t put yourself back all the time because because of the children or because of this or because of that sometimes we need to put ourselves out there look at that the ten of Pentacles you’ve got everything happening for you Virgo you’ve got Fortune coming for you you’ve got an abundance of financial possibility you just need to allow yourself to learn more you need to allow yourself to express your ideas if you’re in a job right now it’s important that you express your ideas in team meetings I’m getting here Express those ideas because they’re very very connected to prosperity if you’re in a business or if you have thought about opening up your own business then do that don’t question yourself don’t doubt yourself do what your intuition is telling you you are being spiritually guided I feel for some Virgos here you are being guided to open up your own path look at that go down your own path see this person walking down that path they are walking down a new path that they have built for themselves if that is what you want to do Virgo then you go ahead and do it because you’ve got brilliant ideas that can be very very prosperous and you are being guided spiritually the wisdom and your intuition is in tune with the messages that are coming through so for this Virgo that wants to start a new business

the universe is saying we are guiding you not once but twice we’re showing you the path we’re guiding you down that path be your own hero and learn what you need to learn to make this happen

a lot of you the hermit a lot of you have thought of a lot about this for many of you you took time out and you’ve decided that looking after yourself and building your Empire is what you want to do be careful who you discuss your plans with as there’s snakes there so there may be people around you that that I would advise not to discuss your plans with this is also a sign of some of you changing skin being a new person a new Virgo with new ideas and a new power within I remember I said to you before you’re going to think of ideas or or things happen and you go wow I’ve never thought of that before it doesn’t come by mistake you are being spiritually guided to go down your own path to go down the path that you want to go down

Pentacles is it going to be easy no it’s going to require a lot of hard work nothing that is successful is ever easy ask any entrepreneur you know and I’ve been an entrepreneur for 25 years and I can tell you now it takes a lot of hard work a lot of sacrifice a lot of determination and strength and sometimes the Little Voices of Doubt but you’ve got to you’ve got to push those aside every time they come in and you’ve got to keep working at it and believing in it and know that you are powerful

powerful There’s A New Path being drawn here for you Virgo there is an absolute New Path here for you

it’s time to look after yourself be your own hero and learn more to be able to do what you want to do the eight of Wands it’s time to move forward with those ideas it’s time to take that horse see that horse there it’s time to take that horse forward it’s time to take those ideas forward you’re full of ideas here time to take it forward this is a very specific message and it’s it’s a message for of one Virgo or some Virgos that have doubted themselves you are done with living like you’re blocked you have blocked yourself and self-sabotaged yourself for way too long and the universe is saying I am trying to give you the messages I am trying to guide you to the right place you’re not tied in your mind you see all these as obstacles and you feel like you’re tied up but you’re really not that if you have a look at that chain that’s very loose that’s not a tight chain holding your hands together you need to take those blindfolds off and not look at these things as obstacles but as opportunities opportunities that are going to take you to find your treasure opportunities that are going to allow you to be your own hero

powerful message Virgo

self-sabotaging many of you here doubt yourselves a lot many of you here have this perception of that is way too much for me or I cannot do that I don’t have the determination to get go all the way I hear these little voices of you can’t do this that’s not going to work and then you believe them instead of pushing those voices away and saying uh I am the master of my own mind I am the king here of swords I make my own decisions and I am going to cut these little voices that sabotage my mind I’m going to cut them out because I’m in control

for many of you here you’ve doubted whether you can do things and you’ve you’re doubting your own wisdom your doubting your own intuition you’re not listening to your inner voice sometimes our inner voice speaks to us loud and clear and we ignore that because we think no surely it can’t be and that’s where the devil overtakes the the power of your internal wisdom and voice of intuition go with your intuition

say thank you wow The High Priestess allow yourself look at the bottom of the deck I’ll show you that in a minute allow yourself to free yourself from this self-sabotaging and doubt and fear and thinking that you are not capable because you are capable you are capable of achieving whatever you put your mind to Virgo it’s time to let it go let go of that fear let go of that voice inside your head and stop self-sabotaging because you need to release yourself allow yourself to hear your inner wisdom and your intuition and allow yourself to fly I have a Virgo here that is very intellectual very smart and knows exactly what they need to do this hard work may take you places if you just allow yourself to commit yourself and believe you can do it this this career this project this job this business is going to allow you to expand to go to places you haven’t been before but it all comes down to you believing you can do it you need that knowledge you need the knowledge of I can do this you need to if you feel that you’re not 100 there then go do a course if you feel you need to but here the universe is saying do it don’t procrastinate anymore you are too smart and too intelligent with great ideas that the world needs to hear them the world needs to know about them

you’re going to work extremely hard but I feel it’s going to be so rewarding you are going to find what it was that you were looking for you’re going to be your hero your hero not somebody else’s your hero and look at that the bottom of the deck when I mixed it came up with the death card the death card comes to say take move away from you anything that no longer serves you if it’s fear move it away if it’s time find some if it’s people that are sucking your energy and don’t allow you the time for you to invest in yourself then you need to have a really good word to them and find a schedule that’s going to allow you to work on it what you’re doing right now is not working so it needs to go the schedule you have at the moment needs to go it’s not allowing you to expand it’s not allowing you to further your knowledge and be who you came here to be in order for you to start the new you need to sort out the old old schedules old ways of feeling old thoughts old habits things that no longer serve you and don’t allow you to move forward need to go in order for you to find your new your new path your new path that you’ve been guided to your new knowledge that you’ve been asked to have a look at and the new way of looking at you you mothering yourself to be your hero your own hero because if we can’t hear if we don’t look at ourselves as our own Heroes who will if we don’t give ourselves the the love and care how are other people meant to love and care us care about us foreign to get rid of the old that’s not working time to allow yourself the freedom to be who you came here to be time for you to look after you tell me in the comments if this makes sense because this is one strong message here and it may not resonate with everybody I get it you need to go and see your ascendant and your moon sign but this is a very important message that I had to deliver here today and the angel that

Virgo the angel of success that the universe is sending you sorry the angel that the universe is sending you is the angel of success can you read that

make no mistake you are meant to fly You Are Meant To Take On The World the world is your oyster you are meant to be bigger and better and more determined and prosperous with a huge amount of abundance coming your way if you just allow yourself to be who you want to be

free yourself do you want do you know the high priestess is here look at her Freedom me can you see that see this card here how she’s just free look at this person here just free this Angel is being sent to you to help you not only once but twice

not twice but three times can you see that

this is all the help you are getting from the universe Virgo to allow yourself the freedom you need to do what you need to do to Free Yourself from what you’re doing now from the job that you absolutely dislike from the not fulfilling the purpose you came here to fulfill from not fulfilling your soul deep within there is a lot to you that needs to come out and now is the time for that freedom to happen and give away stuff that is stopping you situations or people that are not helping your situation and allowing you to be able to see your dream need to be moved away from your circle of Association or friends people that are detrimental to your success you need to move away from that energy you need to allow yourself the freedom for you to be able to grow and I just noticed now I picked this up and look at this the minute you take or you walk away from people that are negative in your life and don’t allow you to be the best you can be the time the day you do that look at that you become the queen of your prosperity and abundance there is no mistake here Virgo there is no mistake that you are destined to be prosperous you are destined to have Financial abundance be the hero you came here to be with that thank you Virgo for being here lots of love and light your way bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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