Capricorn Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 1st 2023

by | Jun 1, 2023 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope for 1st June 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

beautiful Capricorn how are you today thank you for being here my name’s Marie Rose from Tarot Readings Live for those of you that don’t know me today we’re here to do your stars for the next 7 to 14 days your horoscopes and for those of you that don’t know the June horoscopes are out now so if you haven’t seen it already go and check out your sign your ascendant and your your moon site as it’s quite lengthy grab a cup of coffee sit back and and listen to the messages come through but there’s messages from the beginning to the end so thank you so much and let’s go remember this is a general reading it may resonate or it may not if it doesn’t release it back to the universe and check your moon and or your your ascendant sign if this

how you go you go hey let’s go Capricorn what have we got oh very direct and to the to the point Council of light Divine orchestration helpers in the subtle realms wow Council of light what that’s saying to me is that there’s some Capricorns here that connect very very well with their intuition and their inner wisdom and that comes directly from the universe you’re getting messages and sometimes they surprise you and you may be getting messages either in your dreams or you ask a question and then as you’re walking along something happens that really takes your attention you go okay at other times you may have had a dream and then you have that Deja Vu feeling of I’ve been here before but this is you connect quite well with the Council of light a lot of Capricorns here have got that wisdom and that power to connect either consciously or unconsciously but you have got this gift and I don’t know if you use it or not or if you’re aware of it or not but that is definitely there wow what a beautiful card I feel that sometimes you may be sitting there and you may feel like there’s something around you um and you go or you may hear someone call your name and no one called you yeah you know that type of thing that type of and it’s divine orchestration it’s it’s them connecting with you giving you messages that you need to know you get messages more than any other person unless you’re a psychic or an or a clairvoyant and you’ve studied for that

this is a natural ability not not anything else but a very natural and raw ability Sisterhood of the Rose beauty Beauty and devotion Priestess Mystic I knew that and a teacher very Mystic so there is definitely someone here that I might only be connecting with one Capricorn I don’t know but there are Capricorns here that connect very much with guides mentors ancestors or just through telepathy you know when you pick up the phone to ring someone and they go oh I was just calling you or I was gonna call you how did you know I was going to call you today you know things like that you you um have this ability to know what others are thinking know what others are feeling so you’re a bit of an empath as well but you do have a huge connection with the universe your guides your Mentor so you’re never alone Capricorn you are never alone ask if you ever have questions that you need answered do not go anywhere else apart from ask ask your guides ask your mentors ask the universe and then look for signs of feathers coins birds that take your attention your dreams conversations anything anything that you go ah that’s the answer I was looking for wow wow powerful Capricorn I don’t I get the feeling here that a lot of you Capricorns don’t even know that you just sometimes have things happen but you go God that was a coincidence or how coincidental was that or I feel like I’ve been here before okay let’s say what the terror has what a huge message

ten of Pentacles absolutely a lot of you have a lot of financial abundance and this creativity that you’re not even aware of for some of you here you are coming into some money for others it may be that you’re given something see how it’s in a treasure box something that’s very very important to you this could be okay yes yes sorry I’m getting messages this could be from an answer someone that’s passed that was very very important to you it could be a watch a necklace a bracelet a piece of clothing that you keep because it’s treasure and this helps you connect with that person does that make sense because I got that so for one or two Capricorns maybe this will make sense but there is something that’s very valuable to you that you have that helps you connect with someone that has moved on to the beautiful spiritual world

oh what that is


wow that powerful rating today there you go in a general reading I’m saying that these readings do happen in private readings however in a general reading this is the first time ever it’s been so powerful the queen of Cups someone that comes to you with love there may be someone a female that has passed or a female that is around you that you have a huge connection with and that could be a mother grandmother or a great grandmother but someone that always shows you a huge amount of Love Capricorn someone that is always beside you and someone like you can if they’re in the living world you can always count on if they’ve passed they are with you all the time

the page of swords this is for someone this this is here for someone that this is another lot of Capricorns that want to start something new that have thought about different things that they want to do or they want to cut something out of their life that no longer serves them

the fool some of you here want to start something new want to start a new business a new Venture a new something that is of importance to you something that is a lot um something that you have thought a lot about or something that runs in the family you want to recreate I don’t know what that is that is bizarre but that’s what that’s coming through at some of you are going to start something new or start a new cycle a new relationship or you may even decide you know what I am bored of being here Capricorns are the hardest workers and for some of you you’ve worked extremely hard and now you’re going to say that is it my time to take off and this is something that’s going to come out of the blue when no one expects it and you’re going to say are you in or are you out because I’m going I need to go and travel the world I need to go and live in another country with a different culture something out of this world that you want to do and others are going to think you’re crazy

out of Capricorn it’s you being adventurous after all the hard yards you’ve put in to rest to earning your hard-earned money it’s going to be an adventure you want to do now you’re entitled to that after so much effort on your part

of bringing in the financial abundance

for others of you you’re going to have choices to make you might be given two options and there will be a decision or a choice that you need to make in some area of your life it could be to do with something to do with your love life or it could be to do with um because you’ve got cups straight above it which means it’s it’s emotions something to do with the emotional you’re going to have two options and out of those two options you’re going to have to make a decision

and I I get here that it’s an emotional thing it’s something that’s going to to be emotional for you so I don’t know what that is okay let’s go

foreign the seven of swords for some of you you have battled all your life and you’ve battled to have a better life and bring abundance into your circle and now you feel like that is it this is now the choice I’m going to make I’m going to take off because I’ve now got choices I’ve worked extremely hard and now I’m going to make or do what’s right for me I’m not going to worry about what others think out of those two options I’m going to take one and I’m going to leave my current situation although Others May think I’m crazy and I’ve lost it I haven’t I know exactly what I need to do and this is my time to do it

so I don’t know if that’s making sense Capricorn but this has been brought to you I feel that this has been brought to you from someone of importance in your your realm of ancestors they’re guiding you to do something different do something special do something that you’re going to be proud of something that you deserve isn’t that funny and my cards went everywhere as I said that so there is action there there is absolute action for you pay attention to your dreams pay attention to um stars shooting stars um things like that

the Ten of Swords you’re absent for some of you here Capricorns you’re leaving a situation that you can no longer deal with you’re leaving a situation that has um brought you pain and anguish and I feel here that it could do it could be to do with an inheritance you may have got an inheritance that you’re going through a hard time about but here it tells me that someone’s gone through a hard time due to find a financial situation and now you’re taking that leap of faith you’re taking that leap of faith for another group here Capricorns there is maybe one or two Capricorns here that invested their money into something or with someone took the leap of faith and trusted this person or this situation or this company and you have lost your money there are people here one or two people I don’t know but there is a few Capricorn one or two Capricorns that are at the bottom of the barrel right now because they’ve lost their Fortune through someone that tricked them a situation a company or a person that promised you the world and took off with all your hard earnings there is that here too

oh I can feel that that pain I can feel that anguish not on is it I don’t know how many that’s going to relate to but I hope not many because that’s the a bad situation to being Five of Swords absolutely there are there is someone here there is someone here it could have been a woman it could have been a woman that you trusted or or your ex partner or someone that has um that has taken you to the Five of Swords to a place where you lost all your money a place that you are now in

a lot of swords sword sword sword sword Capricorn you may be dealing with a Libra gemini or Aquarius here there’s a lot of swords on this table and the Five of Swords is a lot of arguing took place there’s been an argument in your life that took place and has taken you to hear and you have argued and I feel that this argument could have been without a woman in your life and it’s to do with the financial financial burden that they’ve caused you and now you are forced to make a decision I don’t this is for some Capricorns here but there is that too there are Capricorns here that have gone through financial loss they’ve been they trusted somebody and they were given an option and they took the option and they thought that they this person or this company had their best interest at heart only to find out that they didn’t and you now find yourself very lost and in a battle with someone to get your money back

and underneath the hangman what the universe is saying is just hang on hang on whilst this whilst this here is very tormented and has really rocked your your your being just hang in there because there is going to be Justice in all of this yet look at that look at that this is why we’ve got the Council of light you have been guided from up above it just stand still Capricorn if you are in this position if you are in this position the universe is saying to you

pay attention to your dreams pay attention to your intuition deep within because there are messages coming for you they are saying just hold on because things will turn things are going to take a turn I don’t know what that means but it’s very strongly and this is bizarre because I usually get these ratings in a private reading but this is quite strong the I’ve been told this for a reason so here you have the hierophant which your spiritual wisdom and your guidance stick with that you have got that throughout this is why these cards came out to begin with you are being guided so please be aware of all the signs that are around you all the answers to your questions are going to come through one way or another through dreams through objects seen through double digits through something someone saying something or you seeing something or you will find something that shows you a leap hole um that you can get your money back something there there is something there Capricorn

and the world things come to a completion and there’s the Ace of of Pentacles there and that just says this money Financial thing is going to be finished this this new beginning you’ll have a new beginning in your finances and the cycle you’re going through right now will complete itself it will come to an end and there’ll be new beginnings new Financial beginnings and new Rewards Capricorn I don’t know what which one what if that makes sense I don’t know but it’s there so I have to say it two cards from the Gypsy let’s go two cards for Capricorn place two cards from Capricorn thank you for the next seven to ten ah look at that number nine you’ll be reassessing everything that happens around you you’ll be reassessing all the messages that you get you’ll be reassessing and the bouquet of flowers is do not despair do not despair because you are going to receive a gift that will change things you are going to receive a gift that’s going to change the situation you’re in right now wow beautiful one more place one more cat one more cards look at that oh you’ve got a beautiful bond with someone from the other side or Sisterhood of the Rose you will find if you haven’t already you have got someone around you that’s like a sister to you this is that woman that I was talking about that comes in love and you can always count on and with that person you have got this beautiful Bond do not give up number two and five is seven which is do not give up use that beautiful Bond and allow that person to help you through these difficult times if that’s you that’s going through that difficult time that allow people allow this person and be vulnerable with this person they when we talk about things that helps us immensely so used you know who this person is it’s someone you’ve got a beautiful bond with and this could also be that beautiful person that you are going to have that you have something of these that you hang on to a treasure that you always hang on to that reminds you of this beautiful person

wow okay Capricorn I hope that’s helped somebody I really want that person that’s going through this difficult time to get this message please share with other Capricorns if you know any and ask them to see this message it might be something that they need but just know at the bottom of the deck three that’s number three two and one is three which means growth you have gone and climbed mountains you have been through some hard tarenterous times but there is the Sun I did say to you Capricorn that the person that went through a financial difficulty here you are going to see something different and something comes to you that is going to be of good news from someone that helps you through this helps you after this to rent uh turbulent or it’s more turbulence and turmoil going through this mountain that you went through but there is light at the end of all that lots of love and light bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)


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