Aquarius Horoscope for 1st June 2023
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
Thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from tarot readings live for those of you that don’t know me in case you’re not aware I have done the June horoscopes for 2023 for your sign which is on our Channel already so go on to the channel and have a look at the June horoscopes if you haven’t done so already remember this is a general reading if this doesn’t resonate with you that’s okay give it back to the universe and check your ascendant and your move sign as I have found of late that my moon sign is actually more accurate than my son signed okay let’s see what we have for Aquarius for the next 7 to 14 days what do we have for Aquarius play wall okay keepers of the Earth You Are Not Alone ancient ancestors stand beside you Aquarius what a beautiful card look at that card you are being looked after by people that have passed and I don’t know if you feel that or not but sometimes you may be doing something and you look and you feel like something’s over your shoulder or you may be walking somewhere and you feel like you’ve seen something or someone you may also be out in the backyard or doing something and you hear someone calling you but in reality it’s not that you could also say some beautiful butterflies around you at times or a bird that really takes your interest pay attention to your surroundings pay attention to what’s around you you may see feathers around you as you walk and that’ll come out of nowhere or you may find a Coin or something that’s different or special just pay attention to any of that that comes through because I feel that within the next seven to fourteen days you’re going to start to feel things like that or more out of the ordinary maybe there’s a message that’s coming for you but you are being watched over by people that love you you are being looked after by people that have your best interest at heart your angels as well it could be Angels it could be ancestors that have passed it could be angels and it couldn’t be a mental that re is really looking at after we’re looking out for you thank you the second energy is the great Gathering it’s all coming together intuitive hits Soul tribe Aquarius I don’t know if you have um been planning things been doing things and you you couldn’t see it come together and the harder you tried the more you didn’t see an outcome now outcomes is going to start to happen you you have these feelings of I knew that or I know that this is going to happen the intuitive hits you know when you when you have a feeling about something and then it happens that’s a hit you know it’s intuitively you are starting to understand things or see things or feel things that are going to take place and that’s your soul tribe helping you directing you giving you messages in a roundabout way for you to understand what they’re trying to tell you if you had questions in regards to something in particular well you’ll have a lot of those answers come to you if you had if you wondered in your mind about certain things and how they would work out well in June 2023 and in the next 7 to 14 days in particular especially with the the full moon in Sagittarius I think it is now you’re going to start to get in intuitive ideas and thoughts that then become reality let me know if this is happening to you queries already the hermit for a lot of you here you have taken time out of a situation or away from people that were causing you grief or causing you pain to a certain extent and when I say by pain not hurting you physically but hurting you mentally you know they were causing you to doubt yourself or doubt a situation you were in but so you took time out to really understand where you came from to understand where you want to go and how things around you are panning out The Hermit is when we take the time to understand how things are working out around us understand why things are taking place Two of Pentacles for some of you here there were decisions that had to be make made or there still are going to be decisions that have to be made and for that you need to have a very clear mind and a very clear understanding of your pros and cons of what you will and might do of what you really want out of life but those decisions are going to impact what you do in future and here you’re having help from your ancestors Aquarius and you’re having help finding that direction that some of you uh have been looking for for quite some time make no mistake your spiritual wisdom and your intuition is going to be at its highest the temperance is all about what do I decide that’s best for me you’re being guided a certain way to think start thinking a certain way to start doing things a certain way that you didn’t do before and this is all because you’re getting that guidance you’re feeling that guidance from up above you’re feeling that there is someone looking out for you you’re feeling that there is someone guiding you to make the decisions that you’ll be making within the next one or two weeks or even in June a sense of freedom I get here these decisions are going to give me a sense of freedom don’t know why I got that but for some reason they’re telling me a sense of freedom it’ll give you a sense of Freedom whatever it is okay
I feel that many of you did I tell you that oh when I had a look at this card the first sensation I got was the this hermit here was took time out due to disappointment due to toxic environments due to uh upset situations people that upset you things that upset you you took the time out away from this to have time to think
the nine of swords for many of you you’ve been through a raft Trot for many a query or for a few even a few Aquarius is here you’ve had a tough cycle that you went through or you’ve been through a tough few months and now and the nine of Swords you’re nearly at the end of that you’re now starting to understand why the processes that took place took place for some aquariuses he might be only one I feel that here you’ve come out of a relationship that was there for quite some time it could be a marriage of many years or a relationship that you were together for for many years not only one year or two this was a relationship more more in length than just one or two years and this has really disappointed you in a big way for others this is not such a relationship as in partner it could be family issues family issues that have broken your heart that have disappointed you that have made you realize that people in your life who you thought you knew their masks have been removed and now you’re seeing the real them for who they really are tell me if this makes sense tell me in the comments if this makes sense Aquarius because I really feel that there are some people here that either one it’s a marriage and but for others it’s a family family issue the Three of Wands many of you are going to decide to leave your current location leave your current situation leave that marriage leave that family toxicity around you go to a new location that’s going to allow you to Branch out and be who you are have that knowledge of I’m going to be who I am now and your ancestors are going to push for that change they can see that you’ve been wrong done by and remember Aquarius everyone that hurts us it’s not our baggage to carry it’s their baggage what you need to take away from that is the lessons that you’ve learned through that situation but not the baggage that comes with it that person that hurt you the baggage belongs to them they need to answer for that baggage
okay another three cows please another three cards and this decision to move away is going to happen without a doubt you’ve been your inner wisdom is telling you it’s time to go move away and recover from everything you’ve been through move away and start anew make new friends join new Social Circle be your new person but be someone that doesn’t carry that hurt and pain new location new person new you
the eight of Pentacles you work extremely hard you do work extremely hard Aquarius and if you don’t um you will be on a new project a new business a new career that you’re going to cement yourself in you’re going to do the hours but you will see the rewards you are going to put yourself into this location or into this new place this new career this new project that’s going to take your mind off everything you’ve been through but it’s going to be the best thing for you because not only is it going to grow your status it’s going to give you the strength and the power that you need but more than that it’s going to allow you to move away from the toxic environment you’re in
turning the page Aquarius that’s what I got here turning the page you’re about to turn your page
seven of Pentacles what did I say you work extremely hard but you will be rewarded Aquarius make no mistake you’re going to be rewarded the universe is going to give you everything that you deserve from the seeds that you’ve planted
sometimes we need to go through a rough Trot and although we can’t see why the reason why we’re going through it it’s because there’s only good things around the corner for us and we need to let go of things that no longer serve us the Judgment there is a calling here there is an absolute calling for you to make the decisions that are right for you don’t make decisions that are right for others the decisions you make here to go uh may be um judged by other people in your family or maybe um condemned by some friends or family but you need to do what’s right for you Aquarius you need to now look after you it doesn’t matter what others think and it doesn’t matter of their opinions or their judgment at the end of the day we have ourselves and we need to be happy within who we are we are
people you still need your your people around you that love you absolutely but what you need most is to feel in love with yourself and at peace with yourself that’s the most important thing that you’re at least at peace with yourself because I know some people that are on their own but they are the happiest they are because they’ve come to terms with who with the really the only person they can truly truly a hundred percent count on is themselves and they’ve got to love themselves that much that they’re happy just being who they are they still have a lot of family and friends around them but they are content with or without people around them page of Swords a new message may come through for some of you here and that will bring you a message of uh that will that will get you thinking a little bit about this process so maybe a message is what’s going to tip you over um tip you over in wanting to leave tip you over in making decisions that are going to be right for you
okay let’s see what the Gypsy has to tell us as the Gypsy is very direct
no pulling punches and I feel here that there hasn’t been any punches pulled either by the tarot they’ve said it the way it is and they’ve highlighted some hurtful periods of your life but they’ve also they’ve also very made it very clear that whatever just whatever you decide needs to be right for you and it’s going to be very profitable so make no mistake you’re on the right ah the mice 23 is change there is absolute change coming your way and with the mice just be very very careful of who you tell your plans to you don’t need to tell others what your plans are tell them once you’ve completed them or tell them for certain people obviously for the most most close ones that you can absolutely trust you will you would tell them but the most keep things to yourself there’s always going to be people that judge or talk behind our back and I feel that this is the case here it’s someone that you think are people that have your back and only to find that um when they take their mask off you see the real then but there is definitely change here for you and and your ancestors are going to help you make that change they’re also going to make you aware of people that you thought you could trust that you really can’t that they’re only wearing a mask
interesting times and there’s that man so for some of you here you had an intuitive um feeling about a particular male or or masculine figure in your life and here they’re saying it’s your intuition was always right even though you doubted yourself you were always right I don’t know what that is but for some of you here it’s to do with this heartbreak for some of you here they talk you to this position of despair and you knew for some reason you knew something wasn’t right that intuition that was guiding you was always correct
tell me in the comments if this resonates you don’t need to say the whole story but just tell me if it resonates and that’s good enough for me okay let’s see what Angel the universe is going to send you Aquarius let’s see what angel with these cards what Angel they’re going to send them send you what do you consent Aquarius first University what Angel are you going to send Aquarius to help them with this okay thank you very direct what Angel is then angel of wisdom you’re going I told you about that wisdom you know this the judgment is all about the calling of wisdom and intuition here the angel of wisdom is going to show you things you couldn’t see before teach you things that you didn’t notice before this book here is a book of the truth this is going to show you some truths it’s going to show you who you can trust and who you can’t it’s going to show you the people behind the masks it’s going to show you what situation you need to or what path you need to follow and nine is reassessing three and six there is nine which means it’s going to allow you to reassess who you are where you are who’s around you and where you’re going next you’ll be reassessing from the information in this book that the Universe gives you the guidance that they give you the intuition that you get and the wisdom they’re going to show you what is right for you and what’s been going on around you and what people are around you there’s a lot you’re going to learn in June aquarius so be receptive to that persevere in finding out the truth because although it may hurt it’s also going to release you and allow you to be true to who you are with truth around you
there’s a lot coming through Aquarius in in the next two weeks in the next seven to 14 days and that beautiful angel is going to help you with that your ancestors are there to help you they don’t want to see you hurt if anything they’re going to move situations or people around you that are not true to you and here listen out for your intuition look at your dreams in a different way take a pen and a pad and put it next to your bed any dreams any information that comes through write it down they’re sending you signs and they’re giving you the feeling of what’s right and what’s wrong so I pay special attention to that Aquarius I ask you to please share this with other Aquarius that you may know and may need this information this doesn’t resonate with you because remember this is a general reading that you go and check your ascendant and your moon signs and if you want a private reading I have my details below in the description lots of love and light your way thank you bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)