Sagittarius Horoscope for June 2023
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)
How are you today my name’s Marie Rose from and here we are today the June 2023 horoscope remember this is a general reading so if it doesn’t resonate with you please check your ascendant and your moon sign I’m finding that I I can relate more to my moon sign at the moment so it’s important that you check your s Center and your moon sign okay okay so what we have for Sagittarius two energies Place Universe two Energies one oops two okay the first energy that came through was Hunger Sagittarius you are hungry for success or for something to happen in your life it’s something that you’ve been waiting for or it’s someone that you’ve been waiting for you have this eternal hunger to succeed and now in June 2023 that hunger is going to be more prominent than ever you’re going to feel like you need to do more and make decisions based on that if 209 is 11 which is a spiritual number on its own but it’s also decisions that have to be made and that hunger that you’ve got within you’re going to make decisions that work towards that platform that you want to reach or you are going to make decisions that are going to plant the seeds that are towards that goal or that dream that you have putting pen to paper and making plans is going to be the ultimate thing that you do in June 2023 setting the time for the back half of the Year putting plans in place setting goals straight and knowing where you’re going I think in June 2023 for Sagittarius it’s going to be a Midway point of where you say I’ve got to hear and I’ve done nothing or I have done this however for the next half of the year I’m going to concentrate on this this and this or whatever it may be but I need to do things in order to make things work I’ve got a lot of a feeling here of some Sagittarius is here feeling like they’ve wasted six months and now in June 2023 you’re saying I need to start putting things into place
and here we have peace a lot of sagittarians are going to find their internal peace in June 2023 you’re going to be more in tune with who you are what you want and what excites you you’re going to feel more at ease not so much about what others think and what others opinions are you’re going to really indulge in and really understand what it is that your soul is yearning for you’re going to ask yourself what is it that I want out of my life this is an internal dive to that peace that you so require for some of you you may start a new regime of meditation yoga gym or some physical exercise bringing that peace within feeling good about who you are feeling good about what what you stand for and how you look and how you feel is going to be very important that’s going to bring you the internal peace that you’ve been looking for and two and eight is completion you’re going to feel some sagittarians here are going to feel a completion of I have completed that in my life and I am forever grateful however this is now what I want to do you’re going to have a sense of gratitude and peace for where you are today in life and where you’ve come from for some
beautiful setting the tone setting the time Sagittarius let’s see what the terror has to say look at that look at that those two cards are the two cards that I pulled apart and they’re both spiritual cards spiritual finding of Peace for some sagittarians here you may feel like you need to get into your spit get in touch with spirituality getting in touch with your belonging your peace Within finding that you’re yearning more of spirit in your life yearning that spiritual connection in your life for some that may mean that some of you go to church or to a mosque or to a place of worship for others it’s just getting in touch with your guides and your angels and your spiritual self understanding what makes you you understanding how you got to where you did getting a clearer understanding of how your internal Soul works and what it craves and that could also be the hunger that some of you are feeling a hunger for more knowledge about who you are and our hunger for more knowledge about how spiritual spirituality works and what that means for you getting in touch with who you really are except for some that may be the lesson that you want in your life now okay messages for Sagittarius please thank you message for Sagittarius thank you so much thank you the Knight of Cups for some sagittarians here you will be meeting someone that comes along in beautiful spirit and in beautiful um peace
and wanting to share their life with you for others you may want this person to come into your life and you’ve asked the universe to show you the direction of that person or show that person the direction to you so if you haven’t met that person yet you may just meet that person in June 2023 for others you may meet them at a spiritual place where you feel at peace with yourself
ten of Swords some sagittarians here are walking away from um plans that they had made walking away from toxic relationships or walking away from a career that no longer serves them they’ve had their time and they’ve had um they’ve had to be part of something that didn’t illuminate their minds and eliminate their illuminate their paths so they are walking away to clearer clearer Horizons that are going to find what they’re looking for
for some of you you’ve got that internal peace from walking away for some from something that didn’t belong anymore in your life from something or someone that brought you turmoil now that inner peace is what you’re looking for
a lot of you here questioned yourselves about what it was that you stood for what is it that I want you really dug deep within your soul to ask yourself what is it that I I’m I’m missing what is it that I need to understand that hunger for peace is what this was driven by the Moon is when we look at our Shadow Self and we’re looking at the parts and questioning why things worked out the way they did what it was that you brought to the table that made you feel that way but you’re going to have the hunger now to find that inner peace and not not keep looking at your Shadow Self we’ve all got Shadow we’ve all got light but this is time for you to change that and find your inner peace you need to be at peace with yourself first before you can be at peace with anything in your life and that’s you getting out of that shadow
walking away from being in that shadow
thank you completion I feel that a lot of you are completing a cycle here ready to start a new one but start a new one with more peace and Tranquility in it the the world talks about a completion a a finish off a cycle that you went through and but today you’re a different person that experience and that knowledge that you gain by going through that that process made you more complete made you the person you are today and now see how there’s two circles here the circle of abundance the circle of Peace the circle of Eternity finding your inner peace to move forward being okay with the process that you went through being okay that you learned the lessons you did and now finding the Eternal the it it the Eternal circle of love and peace and and wanting to be complete I feel a lot of you here are craving completion a complete you you’re now starting look at the bottom of the deck the eight of Swords you felt that you were blocked you were handcuffed you were you couldn’t see forward but that was all in your mind because this is you looking at yourself thinking that you are blocked and bound and stuck when in reality you’re really here looking at that thinking about that now with your inner peace you’ll see that you are not blocked you’re not in any way or shape um or form blocked or gagged or imprisoned your you your mind was imprisoning you to a certain extent into a situation or a relationship that now you see yourself as I don’t need that chaos in my life anymore that took me to a dark moment I want to find my inner peace now a piece that’s going to allow me to love me for who I am be fine with who I am
the king of cups the king of cups look at that you’ve got the Knight of Cups and the king of cups make no mistake you are going to meet someone that’s beautiful in your life they come to you like the Knight of Cups but they’re actually going to turn out to be your king of Cups they turn from Night To The King and that that’s going to bring you a lot of Peace Harmony and self-acceptance that people love you for who you are that’s going to be an enormous amount of self-acceptance on your part where before you doubted yourself doubted that you were worthy of finding love when now you are not
Unworthy of of finding love you’re worthy and you are worth a lot and this person will show you that this person comes into your life to to show you how much you mean to them
The High Priestess you listen to your intuition you listened to your inner wisdom and you decided it was time to leave a situation or a relationship that was not doing you well you had guidance given to you and through that guide and she came to an understanding that the only person that was losing their peace and their Tranquility was You by staying in that circumstance through that guidance that intuition and that beautiful soul searching and answers that you got you have freed yourself now and you’re walking away with certainty
knowing that what you’re doing is the right thing for you
two more counts please thank you the two of cups look at that you’ve gone from questioning yourself looking at your your um your
internal are demons so to speak that the little Demons Inside that say you’re not worthy or that you’re not good enough and you’re never gonna find someone to now understanding your worth your peace and your Harmony and your Tranquility you are going to find that beautiful Union that you are looking for the two of cups is two people uniting together with the same purpose respect and love for each other
it’s going to take you away from that internal Battle of going to that dark place within
look at that look at that how appropriate Sagittarius for many of you here it’s all about a relationship you’ve completed a cycle of self-doubt you are now finding the love of your life that you are looking for you asked you asked your hunger was to find that beautiful person to become part of Who You Are now with that you’re finding your inner peace or you have found your inner peace and now the transition takes place we until we are peaceful with ourselves and until we know our self-worth and know that we are okay just being who we are and loving Who We Are and that we’re God’s creation where the universe is creation then you go from that completion to then finding someone to share that love with but until you love yourself you can’t give love to others you can’t try and find love from others until you love yourself first and that’s finding the inner peace completing that cycle to then share love with people that you’re ready to give your love to
I don’t know how many people this is going to make sense to Sagittarius but it’s very strong and it’s all about love here there is no mistake this is about relationships so for those of you that don’t want a relationship there may be more news coming through and here you are finding your light the nine of Wands the nine of Wands is you going through those dark times and coming from a big battle to find your light Your Inner Light that shines bright because when that light shines bright it attracts that other person to share your life with
okay let’s see what the Gypsy has they might say something totally different which it has been saying or not but she’s very very proper and she’ll tell you no matter what thank you Sagittarius please subcha June 2023 look at that the victory there’s the victory card Sagittarius if you were ever in doubt if you can do this if you can get somewhere if you can do something then there is your victory card make no mistake that whatever you’re going through you went through for a purpose there’s victory at the end of it nine and two is eleven which is the biggest spiritual number and putting that together as two which is decisions the decisions you make and have made are going to take you to victory whilst you thought you were going through a long period of discernment and looking at your darker side you have found the beauty you were looking for riches for a lot of you here you’re going to get a new job a promotion or you’re going to win some money and there’s victory in that so that decisions make changes so that you may be making a decision or um starting a new business or a project that brings you a lot of abundance your way and it will be victorious so go with your intuition and don’t question it
here for some Sagittarians there may be a few tears in the next couple of days around the full moon which is the fifth or sixth depending where you are in the world you may get some news um that makes you a little bit sad but don’t give up number seven is don’t give up remember that sometimes when we’re on our journey in order to succeed we may go through some speed humps and those speed humps are all part of the process so whilst that may take you down a little bit um and take you into a little bit of depression I feel that there’s someone here maybe it’s one person but you are going through some depression and a lot of Tears over your financial status there was someone struggling here with their business either they’ve had a business that that they lost or they lost some money um on something they invested in or it’s something like that brought on a lot of tears and depression but now the universe is saying there’s going to be Victory around that maybe not straight away you’ll see that money but it will it will come to you eventually money comes in circles and money is an energy so whilst that has brought you a lot of tears and depression you may find that you get rewarded in some other ways if not through money as well
Big Love for some of you here you are going to meet your big love and I did say that once you get to accept who you are accept loving yourself and being who you are then you will find the love of your life there is Victory here in love and we’ve got that here as well
for some of you it may lead to marriage for others you may be with someone for a little while but there’s definitely change coming here in your relationships
yeah just okay here I’ve got I’m not going to take these two because these two have got come together but here I’ve got danger ahead so be careful this is an alert for some sagittarians here don’t get um don’t get easy with your money because there may be someone that comes to you and says invest money into my company because it gives a lot of returns do not do it be aware it is a red light here it’s saying stop stop and look at all the circumstances and the contracts and fine print if someone’s asking you to invest your money please do not in June 2023 it is very very strong here do not invest a lot of money into something that you’re not totally sure of you’re just going on someone else’s word and even if you do a little bit of research really stay on your back foot my advice or the cards advice here is do not invest or do anything with your money in June 2023 as there is a huge risk of people doing the wrong thing by you and you will lose a lot of money a lot of money and this is the changes decisions and changes so whatever decisions you make do not play with your money in June 2023 there is a high danger there of you losing a lot of money
that was an alert and look at that
oh dear Sagittarius this is so look at this look at this this is the money card I’ll just put those where they fell right so we’ve got the money card and here we’ve got depression and tears straight underneath these two we’ve got the Red Alert do not invest any money with anybody or anything nothing nothing because it is going to lose you money and here we’ve got someone that does a song and dance and this is a trickster someone that comes to trick you into investing your money and if you do that you’re going to have a lot of tears and depression so please and look at this look at the card underneath this is a spiritual card number 11 this is all candles lit up to show you the path Sagittarius do not fall for any any money schemes with anybody doesn’t matter if they’re friends if they’re family it’s happened millions of times where even family take advantage of you and you’ll lose your money you know there’s there’s big stories on on that all the time on TV the universe is sending you the guided path and light for you to be able to see this in June 2023 do not invest in any anything or deal with anybody that promises you the world and will deliver you nothing except for depression and tears because you’ll lose all your money that is a big alert Sagittarius said please please take note of that because it didn’t come only once the depression and tears it came up with the alert and the trickster there is absolute something going on here and the universe is sending you that light so you can be able to see through this Trickster
wow okay let’s see what is the um angels got for us you know that really annoys me when I say that because people take advantage of people all the time peaceful resolution if you pay attention to your money and where you’re investing it you will have a peaceful resolution you will find out through the great final for someone that that person has has taken off with the money or gone bankrupt and you will you’ll be so glad that you didn’t invest into that but there’ll be a peaceful resolution so whilst we like to make money make sure you make money certain with certainty ask your angels if you need guidance to find your internal peace ask the angels to help you once you find that internal peace you’ll find that everything in your life starts to fall into place that internal peace is Paramount ask your angels for help and guidance because they are there ready to help you you just need to ask Sagittarius I hope that this has resonated and I hope that this morning has come in time thank you so much for being here remember to check your Ascender and your moon sign send me a beautiful um heart as I’m sending you a beautiful heart back to you lots of love and light take care bye-bye
(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript above please refer to the video itself)