Capricorn Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 2023

by | Jun 3, 2023 | Free CAPRICORN Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Capricorn Horoscope for June 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from and I hope everybody’s well remember this is a general reading so if it doesn’t resonate with you check your moon and your ascendant sign as I’ve been finding that I relate more to my moon sign than my actual sun sign so please make sure that you check all of them if this doesn’t resonate watch the video right till the end as there’s been important messages coming through right at the end so let’s go if you feel you want to share the love please put a heart in the comments and my love goes to you as well lots of love thank you okay message of the Capricorn place for June 2023 Universe thank you that was very prominent extremes wow Capricorn extremes and extremes can be different things that are happening around you different pressures putting around you the extremes could be that you and your partner are having um fantastic passionate times together and then there’s times where you just want to pull your hair out and pull heads at the same time three and four is saying don’t give up at this time there will be extremes we’re coming into the full moon in June on the fifth and 6th depending on where you are in the world but there are going to be extremes through this full moon it’s a passionate Moon so you’ll be very emotional at times and other times you’ll be so excited so you’ll be going through different elements um in in cycles of emotions so just be aware of that that you know whilst you’re on a high you’ll also then go on a real low so in June 2023 just be aware that there are going to be extremes either with yourself or your partner or people around you don’t take anything to Heart let June 2023 go and because that is bringing a lot of emphasis on your emotional side there’ll be a lot of emotional developments in June 2023 for you Capricorn foreign let’s see what else do we have another energy place for Capricorn

uh too many one energy plays one more energy for Capricorn thank you and more energy for Capricorn thank you assessing you’ll be looking at things in a different manner you’ll be reassessing where you are in your life and what’s important to you those can bring the extreme emotions you’ll be going through times where you feel that you’ve got it all under control and other times where you don’t feel like you’ve got anything under control everything will seem chaotic at times but just know that this will pass this will pass so whilst you are assessing everything in your life that will encourage those emotions to come out

so just be aware that they’re around and if once we’re aware that they’re around then we can action it and um look at things differently too

for some of you you may meet someone that’s quite passionate as well and that will bring some excitement but that can also lead to someone just in and out of your life coming in for a passionate night and then leaving which leaves you um in a bit of turmoil as to what went wrong but nothing went wrong you didn’t do anything wrong it’s just that right now you’ll probably be meeting some people that have extreme uh passionate emotions

okay Capricorn please what have you got for us tarot for Capricorn thank you Universe thank you

page of Swords you’ll be doing a lot of thinking and a lot of studying a lot of reassessing and you’ll be lighting up some light bulbs things will come to you that make sense things that didn’t make sense in the past you may find that they start to make sense now for sub Capricorns so some Capricorns will get the answers that they’ve been looking for

for some Capricorns Queen of Pentacles you’ll be very in tune with your financial status you’ll be very precise in all your financial dealings and you’ll be very aware of what’s around you you won’t let people take you for granted and you’re minding your money um very tightly you’re very very very good with money Capricorn and you are a hard worker so you value the money that you earn and for others that don’t value the money that much you’ll have to put your foot down in June 2023 and really set the rules of what it is with financial financial status if you don’t have it you can’t spend it if you don’t work for it you can’t spend it money doesn’t grow on trees and isn’t that funny that we’ve got a tree there and that’s what that’s the motto you’ll be using is money doesn’t grow on trees I need to look at our finances I need to be in control of where I am financially and I need to be very aware of the money that I spend you’ll be very careful about what you do the other thing is emotion just be aware of your emotions Capricorn as that can lead to extremes so for most Capricorns um you are very very wise with your money but with these extreme um emotions you may find that you spend more than what you would normally or you lose a bit of control in your finances in June 2023 so just be aware of that

here we’ve got the eye of Pentacles you work extremely hard for your money for some Capricorns here you’ll see a good return on your efforts the seeds that you planted will come to harvest a promotion that you wanted so much may come to you in June 2023 or you may get a new job that will allow you to have that abundance in your financial status you’ll improve your financial status by creating or by taking on this new job or new promotion

thank you

for some Capricorns here you’ve been through a battle and you still continue to go on your battle but you’re starting to see the light in some circumstances you’re starting to see and understand people for who they are that not necessarily who they thought who you thought they were is what they are and the light shines brightly on this in June 2023 heads the Extremes in the emotions you’ll start to see that some people are there just for good times and not bad and you’ll also start to see that some people are taking you for granted or taking advantage of your kindness

and that makes you reassess the people that you have in your life and what they’re really there for look at that the five of ones there may be arguments in June 2023 about finances or about people’s way of approaching you people’s um way of taking you for granted you’ll see through all of that in June and June 2023 is a month where when it’s good it’s good but when it’s bad it’s going to be really bad so here the fighting that takes place is going to be because you’ve had enough and this could also be that you learn things about someone or learn things about a situation that’s going on and that’s going to cause turmoil and arguments in your household with your partner or with those around you

the ace of cups you’ll find love in most circumstances and you’ve got the best heart in the world Capricorn you’d come in good faith you come as genuine as they are and here this is where you earn your money honestly and you don’t want other people to take advantage of you or treat you like um you’re just uh um a bank some people will try and take advantage of your good nature and your good heart and want to want to only use you for your financial status or your financial ability to provide

the Knight of Pentacles you may have people leave around you due to the financial status and you may feel that you’ve got to put things away you’ve got to put your money away or you may need to travel to a new location for this new job this new promotion for some of you so whilst you’ve got some here that will be taken advantage of and when you don’t let people take advantage of you then they’ll walk away because they’re only there for a good time not a long time and for other people it’s you’ve got to travel to this new job or this new promotion of yours so that’s going to require you to leave your home for more hours in the day but it will be beneficial and it will be Financial rewarding it just means that you may have to make your way a bit further to get this promotional get this this abundance happening

and look at that the Sun Capricorn you will see the light you will see people for who they are you will see circumstances for who for what it is and the sun shines brightly which means Things become clearer you will through your reassessing of your life and assessing what’s important to you and who what is important to you you will very clearly see the light and you will see what people are and what situations are and you make a very informed decision based on those clear messages that come through so just be aware for dreams or people’s conversations or people’s um thing uh addressing of you and you will very quickly see who stands out like a sore thumb um here we have the strength card and you will need your strength in June for the battles that are coming but there’s also some really good times so half of June you’ll be great and the other half you’ll be you’ll have to be the lion you’ll have to set people straight and that doesn’t come easily that you need that strength and that power that you’re so known for to control the situations and put people in place when they need to be put in place you wear your heart and they take advantage of that and it’s going to be very clear to you who’s real and who’s not in June 2023

let’s say what the Gypsy has that she’s been saying lots of good things and aware she’s making people aware of things so let’s see what the Gypsy has for Capricorn plays for June 2023

on your side Capricorn number three is um growth you’ll have a lot of growth and you’ll have a lot of luck on your side so please stay positive know that June will pass with these people but the good thing is as well that whilst you find out how what people really are like or who’s there for the good times it’s a good indication for you to clean out the slate and only have people that have your best interest at heart so that will be very evident in June negotiations very good negotiations in June 2023 so two and two is four which is consolidating you may be consolidating of finances or consolidating your home um or or assets or something like that or you may be signing a new contract and having the new job here could be a new contract that you sign just look out for uh fine print read that clearly but there shouldn’t be anything in there that that stands out it should be pretty straightforward there’s no alerts as yet as yet sure tell us if there’s an alert

[Music] Capricorn for some of you may be dealing with someone from your past or there’s an ex-partner that comes into your life again and wants to form a new partnership so be aware of that but there may be someone either from your past or a past love that comes back into your life and wants to create that bond with you again and that will bring you some luck so please don’t um I think it’s all bad go with your intuition go with your gut and see what that tells you but overall it doesn’t seem like a bad thing look at that so here you’ve got a man a man and a jib which could be a woman as well but he he or she brings you good luck they’re in a suit so they’re very professional they know exactly what they want and it might be someone from the past that at the time it didn’t work out because it wasn’t the right time for that relationship now it can be a different story you’ve both grown in many ways in knowledge and experience and and circumstances that you’ve gone through and today this relationship will be successful if you give it a chance because you’ve both grown as mature adults and back then when you were a couple you weren’t mature enough to take that to the next level

so for someone here there may be a next that comes into the picture and these dealings here will be victorious so anyone that’s doing dealings with um Financial dealings or purchases or anything like that it will all be victorious just like I said before just look at the fine print just double check so far here it doesn’t seem like there’s anything to watch out for but it’s just making you aware that there will be dealings and it could be good for you and you’ll find a beautiful loyal friend you’ve got a friend that you can count on always and just know that anytime you need to speak to somebody that you will have that loyal friend beside you they might not be in your household but you can always count with them and you can always count to be able to talk to them about anything use that friend to be able to talk things over because sometimes when we talk things over it becomes a lot clearer just us speaking about it if you’re ever unsure about something and here there’s something that’s not good for your health that you need to give up this could be smoking it could be alcohol it could be gambling or it could be anything like that that you just need to watch out for or watch out for someone around you with this because that can lead to health issues and they’re just saying just be careful with things that are very um toxic um or or very unhealthy for somebody either you or someone around you that you care about okay one more card let’s do one more card four angels for Capricorn Place Angels Capricorn for June 2023 what’s the advice for Capricorn thank you peaceful resolution you will find peace in your resolutions especially here with this ex-partner or the business dealings that you’ve got here there will be a peaceful resolution here one more message please thank you and it’s falling on this side Trust trust that you have got this trust that you’re doing the right thing and trust that you you’re coming from a good place you want things to turn out but at the same time you’re not going to put up with people that don’t take you seriously trust that you have got this together and you can make this work whilst you go through Extremes in June 2023 just trust that you’re assessing of everything around you is correct and you come from a good place trust that the universe will show you who to keep in your life and who not to associate with anymore and underneath be assertive that’s exactly the strength card there be assertive in all your dealings be assertive with people you have to deal with and be assertive in your beliefs you are on the right track Capricorn you’re a hard worker you’re fantastic with your financial status and trust and be a certain live in everything that you do especially those people going for a promotion or a new job know that you can do it and you’ve got this under control the universe doesn’t give us things unless we are able to do what we have to do I had that’s helped Capricorn lots of love and light your way check your ascendant if this hasn’t resonated with you and leave a beautiful heart or a like and for me thank you so much in advance lots of love bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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