Aries Horoscope by Marie Rose | June 2023

by | Jun 3, 2023 | Free ARIES Horoscopes | 0 comments

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Aries Horoscope for June 2023

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)

Thank you so much for being here today my name’s Marie Rose from today we’re here to do your stars or your horoscopes for June 2023 I hope everybody is well if this doesn’t resonate with you because it is a general reading please check your ascendant and your moon sign I have personally found that my moon sign is actually more in tune with what my circumstances are than my actual sun sign so it’s words going to check your ascendant and your moon sign okay let’s see what we have for Aries universe what have we got for Aries for June 2023 two messages please energies of Purity Aries Purity finding the pure sensation in everything you do being honest with yourself being honest with those around you and finding the Purity in what the world has to offer finding the the good in people finding the good in the situations that happen around you and being pure in who you are a lot of you will be doing a lot of soul searching and being pure with who you are inside with your soul with your direction in life and coming to a completion number oh sorry that’s thirty three zero is growth you’re growing and you have grown to be a person of understanding through the experiences you’ve gone through you’ve learned a lot and now with that experience and that knowledge you’re using that to purify everything in your life you don’t want complications anymore you don’t want people that are toxic anymore around you you want the purity of love the Purity that life has to offer and you’re now starting to uncover a lot of things that before seem to be so daunting you’re starting to see things in a different light seeing things for what they really are foreign

thank you beauty Purity and beauty finding the beautiful things in life number two is decisions and it’s making decisions based on the beautiful things that you have in your life you’re very gracious too for everything that’s been given to you you appreciate the beauty you have around you and The Beautiful People that share your life with you you want people to be honest clear and just being beautiful to be with and that is June 2023 for you you’re going to look for that in people and anyone that doesn’t give you that is going to have a bit of Aries fire and give them back to them Aries you are a beautiful hearted sign but when someone does Wrong by you they better run a mile because when Aries is upset then they tell you the way it is and how it is without question and without Reserve so if you’re not going to be part of an Aries life and bring the beauty and purity of yourself to them and give them what they give you then be ready for a challenge to be faced

terrible what would you like me to tell Aries please thank you for June 2023 that’s too many June 2023 please what would you like me to tell there is

Page of Cups looking back at what you’ve been through looking back at times of challenge looking back at where you’ve come from a lot of that is going to be REM you’re going to reminisce a lot of what you’ve been through and a lot of what you’ve where you’ve come from and you’re going to have beautiful memories of people that have shared your life and made you who you are today you have no problem walking away from people and things that no longer serve you and no longer love you for real you’re going to see the Purity in people and for those people that pretended to be um or your friend or have your interest at heart then you’re going to see through that and you’re going to walk away from people and situations that no longer serve you you’re going to the light you don’t want toxic people in your life anymore now is about enjoying life for what it can bring you and not situations that forever challenge you look at that that was going to jump out that broken heart I have an Aries here that has gone through relationship difficulties has gone through disappointment from others has gone through anxiety and just wanted to scream at the world why things are happening to me why is this happening why do I attract people and situations into my life that just come to disappoint me or break my heart and now it’s time that you’re going to walk away those memories that broke your heart those memories that caused you break a heartbreak you’re walking away from that now so I feel here that there may be some areas here that walk away from a toxic relationship walk away from a job that they absolutely dislike walk away from situations that they no longer want to be part of and people that no longer are of interest to them or bring interesting things to them with a good heart they don’t want to be part of it anymore

a lot of clearance in June 2023 Aries you’ll be clearing a lot of your parts in your circle

yeah you have gained a lot of knowledge in the past you have gained knowledge you have looked up different things in your life that you want to do now and now is about me what lights my life up where do I want to be do I want to go and study then I’m going to go and do that do I want to change my career then I’m going to go and do that do I want to start a new chapter in my life then I’m going to go and do that I’m going to do what’s right for me from here on in I have a Pisces here that’s very determined to change their life in June 2023 they’ve become aware of what’s important and they’ve realized that life’s too short to be sitting out in the cold and left alone when you gave people your utmost respect and love they left you on out in the cold and the thing here is Aries that you were so disappointed and alone in many cases that you didn’t see that there was a key here that you could have opened your own door there was a way out of this situation but you suffered through some situations or you suffered through relationships that really took you to the bottom of the pit now is the time for you to put up your head pick up that key and open your own front door and if that means that you open it up alone so be it but you are going to stay pure to who you are and pure to what you want in your life no prisoners are going to be taken with you you will go it alone but you will not take people that are not on the same page as you those memories of people that hurt you in situations that caused you a lot of pain are still with you today but you’ve made a decision now that they’re not going to follow you anymore you’ve had to grab your strength from within the king of Wands is all about moving forward and moving forward with strength this is your card Aries the card of fire the card of passion and the card of strength see how he’s standing in front of this line he is not afraid I have come a long way and I’m not going to let anything take me out of my path anymore I am not going to let anybody scare me and other people’s opinions and they are not going to weigh on me as much as what they did I’ve walked away from circumstances and those that walking away made me strong today and gave me fire in my belly to be the best I can possibly be Aries a lot of learning there a lot of passion but more so a lot of strength I went through self-sabotage I went through thinking that it was my fault that a lot of things that happened in my life were my fault I was made to think that I was the worst person in the world I was made to think that I wasn’t worthy of being part of a relationship or part of a circle of people I was ridiculed I was judged and when I needed people the most I was left alone in the cold I went through a lot but that has made me who I am today

very empowering areas there are some areas here that have gone through a huge cycle of learning and today they want Purity and love look at that the seven of Swords I had to run from places or people that all they wanted to do was criticized me not accept me for who I was or I had people running away even though they promised me they’d be beside me they came and they abused me and they took off they took my love and my good nature for granted and when they were done Tyran for some for some areas here I feel that you’ve been betrayed by something something huge in your life has betrayed you you feel like you’ve been cheated of having a good relationship or cheated of having something given to you that was meant to be yours and someone stole that I don’t know what that is Aries but now you have found your light and look at that the temperance the temperance comes to say you are now spiritually guided protected and we are going to show you the light we’re going to show you who’s real we’re going to show you what circumstances to go with and what and who the people are that you need to watch out for we’re going to show you the light areas you’ve been through a lot of testing in your past we’ve tested to see how strong you can be but now you have found your light you are stronger and better than ever and with that we’ve guided you all the way


you are no longer in June 2023 going to be the person that they destroyed or that they hurt you have gone through a whirlwind of emotions of testing and it could be one person here could be a group of people here that put you through ridiculed judgment

sabotaging they made you question your worth but no more let’s see what the Gypsy has to say as she’s been very very vocal tonight let’s see

you have Archangel Michael’s sword with you he is gonna clear your path and show you who is who what is what the purity of who is who who is pure to you who and what is pure to you

a lot of naming and Shining here

people that thought that Aries could be taken advantage of no longer you went through difficult times very difficult times and decisions had to be made you are going to make some decisions now Aries that are going may be difficult for you to make but you are going to make them because you are no longer going to live this life of misery

you are going to find a love in your life that Treasures you for who you are so don’t give up three and four is seven which is don’t give up if that’s what you’re looking for a happy marriage and someone that’s going to love you for who you are without wanting to change you then that’s what’s coming your way be careful of people that over promise and under deliver that’s what the Gypsy is saying be careful of promises that aren’t fulfilled and always be in your back foot with your sword this is your sword look at that this is the trickster someone that comes along and tries to trick you again you are going to be more aware now you are not going to put up with this trickster that does a dance and a song for you and tells you the world is beautiful and you’re beautiful and everything’s gonna be okay and then takes off the minute they they get a chance no longer will you fall for that

with your sword you cut all the tricksters out of your life they are no longer welcome in your life anymore

you have beautiful surprises coming through here we had the difficulties that you went through that’s all here but here the red light was all the difficult times you had this areas I’m connecting to have got a lot of surprises ahead with your attitude and with your strength and your power to cut the rubbish out of your life then that is going to bring you nothing but the best

situations that you were not happy being a part of people that take you into thinking that they were some person that they weren’t look at that look at that areas the roads are open wide and not only open wide they’re lit up for you to see the universe is going to show you the right path bring you the right connections the right partner and the right people into your life the right circumstances and situations into your life your path in June 2023 is going to flood with light show you what’s right for you show you what people have been hiding from you or situations that have been working against you there’s going to be a lot of clearance in June 2023 and by the end of June you’ll have clear beautiful paths that allow you to be as pure as you can be with the beauty that life has to offer amen beautiful Aries beautiful and underneath look at that possibilities that come your way changes that bring you a lot of financial success changes that are going to give you the abundance that you deserve and you want I feel that some of you here may have been treated with money and may have been get may have been taken for granted for your generosity and your good heart but that’s where it ends the universe is going to re-compensate you for what you have lost in many ways

June 2023 for you where is here for these areas I’m connecting with is a turning point it is a turning point

for those areas that went through a broken relationship and went through torment and disappointment you’re going to find your light you’re going to find your success and you’re going to do it in the most pure and beautiful way Aries you will not just go out and sort everybody and everything because you are not like that you do it with class and with dignity you are not going to cut people out just like that you are going to do it in a very sophisticated and beautiful and pure way well they will know that they have hurt you and they will know that you no longer want to be part of their life but in a very sophisticated way

you don’t have to fight with people to take people out of your life you just have to do it in a way that you don’t return their calls anymore you don’t want to know about what they have to say so you ignore calls you ignore emails you don’t answer the front door when they come to your house just little things like that that will give them the message very very quickly angel messages please thank you let go let go of no of people and situations that no longer serve you you are going to let go in June 2023 of all the circumstances situations and everything that tormented you you’re going to let go

you’re ready you’re ready to do this cut in your life you’re ready to action everything that’s here on the table for those of you that I’m connecting with you are ready to do a clean sweep and only keep situations of people in your life that are good for your health for your mind and as pure and beautiful as what you are pauses with that and underneath is don’t stop Don’t Stop Believing in who you are don’t stop until you feel that the people around you and the situations around you are exactly what you need and what you want in your life if it’s not a 10 out of 10

cut it out of your life walk away from it people in your life need to be pure and need to be beautiful just like you are to them I hope this is my sense air Aries and I hope that a lot of people can resonate with this because you are going to find a new path in June 2023 make no mistake especially after the chaos that you’ve had before that you’ve had to put up with thank you so much a big love and heart goes out to you leave a little heart in the comments if you like this and if it resonated and if not just leave a little heart I’d love it anyway thank you so much lots of love and peace bye-bye

(This is an auto-generated transcript by YouTube of the video above. It has not been edited and it may contain words that have been incorrectly translated. If you have any misunderstandings from the transcript below, please refer to the video itself)


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